“I did a lot of thinking,” he said. “Not all of it was easy. But where you are concerned, everything is always easy, Emma. You have never been the problem. It’s all me. I need you to know that.Youwere never the thing stopping me.”
It felt good to hear those words, even if I’d already known them. “Thank you.”
He guided us to the couch and pulled us down. I twisted so I sat over his lap and smiled. “I do have a bed, you know.”
I felt exactly how aware he was beneath me, and his hands on my hips sliding lower were tense, straining to not fully hold on to me. “We need to talk first.”
Kissing him, I finally gave myself permission to do what I’d wanted to all this time. I touched him, stroking over his shoulders and running my hands through his hair. Feeling the muscles under his clothes in more detail. “Daniel, if you came all the way over here and didn’t plan on taking me to bed—”
His hands fell to my ass, and he dragged my body against his, pressing us together exactly where I needed, and we both groaned. “No. I want more than anything right now to take you to bed, Emma. But I need to tell you something first.”
“Have you committed murder in the last couple of hours?”
Daniel laughed. “No.”
“Then I don’t care.”
“Please,” he said quietly. “I just need you to know.”
The look on his face was serious, but it didn’t feel like he was about to get up and walk away. “Okay.”
Slowly, he slid a hand up my back until it rested behind my neck. He pulled me closer and kissed my cheek. My jaw. Down to my neck. “Everything I told you about what happened… I haven’t been with anyone since. So, I am…very out of practice.”
A flush raced up my cheeks, and my breath went short. “We’ll fumble together, then. I’ve never done this at all.”
His head came up, and shock covered his features, along with a small bit of awe. “And you’re sure? You want to do this with me?”
Nodding, I kissed him again. “I’ve never put much stock in virginity. I just never found the right person. You are the right person.”
I saw the hunger I craved seconds before his lips met mine. This time with pure, clear intention. He turned us on the couch, spilling me onto my back so he was above me. I wanted to linger in this moment as much as I wanted to move forward faster. We had too many clothes on, and yet I wanted to memorize every second as we removed them.
“I tried not to think of you like this,” he groaned against my lips. “Tried not to want you. And it didn’t work. Especially since Seattle.”
“I want you thinking about me. Because I can’t stop thinking about you.” I pulled at his shirt, and he helped me get it up and over his head before he tossed it aside.
His body…
I took my time and stared. Muscles from this kind of rural life, and a dusting of hair across his chest that matched the sandy blond on his head. All this skin, and right now, it was mine. I ran my fingers down his chest and stomach, watching as those same muscles tightened under my touch.
“I guess you’ve already seen me,” I said quietly.
“It’s not the same,” Daniel said. “I wasn’t thinking about you likethiswhile you were bleeding. And at the same time, that glimpse has been tormenting me for weeks.”
Moving enough so I could lift the edge of my camisole, I tugged it up and over my head. It joined Daniel’s shirt on the floor. Not sure what he was going to do, I’d only put on items to sleep. And they didn’t include a bra. Hell, I was already in bed when I’d heard his truck pull up and realized he’d decided.
Daniel stared down at me, eyes roving over my skin. That brought another blush to the forefront. I’d been kissed before, but I’d never been naked with anyone, and we weren’t even all the way there.
He moved suddenly, standing up and leaning back down to haul me into his arms. I squeaked in surprise before relaxing into his hold. “Where are we going?”
“The two of us need time to explore, and I can think of a better place to do that than the couch.”
The bedroom was dim, only lit by a single lamp, and immediately, everything became more intense. He set me down on the bed and knelt in front of me, nearly tall enough to be even with me while on his knees. Smiling, he stroked his hands down my arms. “You are so beautiful, and I want to explore every part of you.”
I shivered, goose bumps rolling over my skin. “I’d like that.”
In my head, I’d thought we’d move quickly, tearing each other’s clothes off and going at it like animals. But this was better. This wasDaniel. He was careful and kind and deliberate, and I knew just from experiencing the one kiss that he could go hard and fast. But not before either of us was ready for it. I wanted to savor him.