“Yes, I do know that,” she sighed. “Everyone knows that.” But the way she said it wasn’t unkind. More exasperated than anything else. “Give us some breathing room, and I promise you can play sardines once I’m finished.”
They filed out, and once again, Daniel’s hand stopped me before I could leave. “She stays.”
Dr. Gold looked at me and smiled. “Ah, my wayward infection patient. Next time, you need to come to the hospital.”
“I had my reasons.”
“I know. But you were still lucky. Regardless, I’m glad to see you alive. You too, Daniel.”
“What’s the prognosis?” He sounded a little sarcastic, and I squeezed his hand.
“It’s a graze, but we can barely call it that. It’s deep and likely going to scar. But on the whole, you got lucky with the placement. It’s going to be a pain in the ass for a while. No lifting with that arm until you’re fully healed. And if anything you do tweaks it, don’t repeat that action for at least two weeks. I mean it, Daniel. If you see any signs of an infection—” she glanced at me “—or sense something else is wrong, of course come in.”
“But other than that, I can go home?”
The doctor rolled her eyes. “I’ve learned my lesson with you guys. You’d rather be home than here ninety percent of the time, and I trust you not to ignore your symptoms. Give me a few minutes. I’ll write you a prescription for pain medicine, and we’ll get you out of here.”
“Thanks, Dr. Gold.”
She smirked. “Thank me by not getting shot again.”
We were briefly alone, and Daniel looked at me. “You’re still in your dress.”
“I didn’t leave.”
“You could have. I’m fine.”
I glared at him. “If it had been me, you wouldn’t have moved. You probably wouldn’t have slept. You saved me again. Even if it wasn’t on purpose this time.”
“Did they—”
“All clear?” Grant knocked on the doorframe.
Daniel sighed. “No heavy lifting, but other than that, all clear.”
The rest of it I didn’t want to talk about while we were in the hospital. While he was here, I still felt vulnerable. Like he could still slip away from me even though he was mostly fine.
It took a while to get everything settled, but all through it, Daniel kept me by his side. He didn’t let me go even for a second, and the rest of them saw. No one said anything or even gave a look like it was strange.
I wasn’t sure why I was waiting for that to happen, but I was. Yet it dawned on me I didn’t feel out of place here. I felt…included.
“All right,” Daniel finally said, when he was dressed with his arm in a sling. The shirt was still bloody, and I hated the sight of it. “Everyone get the hell out of here. I’m fine. Feel free to check on me tomorrow. Today, Emma and I are going home.”
Jude clapped him on the good shoulder. “Call us if you need us.”
“I will.”
They left, and I held out my hands. “Keys?”
He laughed and pulled me to his side. “I’m not so injured I can’t drive my own truck.” Harlan had driven Daniel’s truck over from Ruby Round at some point in the night. I had a drowsy memory of him dropping the keys in the bag with Daniel’s things.
I looked at him. “You don’t have to pretend with me, you know. It’s okay to be in pain, even if it isn’t serious. You’ve seen me in more than enough pain.”
“I know.” The words were soft. Metal clanked together, and he took the keys out of his pocket. “Thank you.”
“This means I get to see your house. Hope you hid the porn.” I smirked at him, and he broke out into a grin.