“You’re a smart guy. Figure it out. And text me what tasks you need me to do.”

“Thank you, Sonia. You always provide the kick in the pants I need.”

“That is my job.Ciao.”

The line goes dead, and I shake my head.

I need ideas. I can’t just book the same English castle and invite her to organize our wedding. I need to prove to her that she can be independent and married.

I text Sonia. “When is her birthday?”

Seriously, you don’t know her birthday? March 7. What else don’t you know about her?

Her birthday is in five days. I consider calling Kate but decide against it. Whatever happens, I need it to be between us.

What is her home address?

I thought you’d never ask. 516 Lorimer Street, Brooklyn, NY.

Cover my next thirty days and book a one-way ticket from Lima to New York. That should keep Sonia busy enough to give me time to plan a surprise.

I grip the steering wheel. I know Immy loves adventure but also connection. I shouldn’t have had her camp alone for two nights in Chile. We could have spent that time together. I consider various properties I own in Botswana, the Galápagos Islands, Belize, and Italy. Maybe we visit all of them? But first, I have to convince her to give us a chance. Ultimately, she’ll want a home base close to her sisters. Would that be in London or New York?

I didn’t discuss any of this with her. I assumed she’d fit into my life and make it work. I put the truck in gear and head to the airport. I have time to figure it out en route.


Moving Forward (Imogen)

Iwalk into the lobby of the Knickerbocker in Manhattan and spot Ivy immediately. She is wearing a white cashmere dress that clings to her baby belly and four-inch heels, with her long brown hair curled to perfection.

I made an effort today, but I still feel so raw after ending things with Alex.

“Imogen, you look fabulous in that outfit. You’re still tan from your trip to Antiqua.”

I smile. I’m wearing a wool skirt, a maroon silk blouse, and tall leather boots. “You look amazing. I love the baby bump.” I reach out and touch her small, rounded belly. “I can’t wait to meet this little one.”

“Let’s go to the fourth floor and eat at Charlie Palmer.”

“Why are we here?”

She walks over to the elevator. “Foster and I met clients here for a late breakfast, but they hardly ate anything. I talked the entire time, so now I’m famished. And I thought it might be good for you to leave Brooklyn.”

I follow her onto the elevator. “I’m fine. I’m trying to figure out what to do. I’m on leave from school until September, but I don’t want to go back.”

As we leave the elevator, a hostess greets us and takes us to a table for two near large glass windows. After we sit, she places a menu in front of each of us.

I glance at it. “I’ve not been hungry lately.”

Ivy smiles while looking at the menu. “I’ve been starving lately and will probably order everything on this menu.” She glances at me. “Maybe you should do graduate school. It’ll give you time to consider your next move.”

“I’m considering it. If I stay in education, it would be helpful.”

“Are you thinking about event management?”

“Maybe. The wedding I handled came off brilliantly. But I really want to find a way to travel and experience new things.”

“Maybe you enjoyed being with Alex. Or maybe you need to figure out how to travel.”