I grasp the edge of her wetsuit and tug her closer. “Yes, I’d hire you. But I don’t know if this lifestyle would suit you. It’s about adventure, not deep connection.”

Immy widens her stance. “It’s possible to have meaningful connection and adventure.”

I nod even though I disagree. “Let’s change and find a restaurant.”

We walk back to the chartered boat with our gear. I’ve spent more time with Imogen than with any woman in the last few years. I can feel our connection growing. She has opened up to me and given me her trust. It’s unusual. When I take people on tours, I can immediately tell if they have trust issues. I make it work, but those who can’t trust anyone rarely let their guard down or enjoy the experience.

She smiles. “Tomorrow, I’m in charge of the travel plans.”

I wait for her to step onto the dock. “It should be interesting.” I have no idea what she has planned. Sonia has refused to share any information. It’s probably one of my elite trips exploring the jungle in Costa Rico or visiting Antarctica.

After changing below deck into our T-shirts and shorts, the deckhand serves us wine and cheese in the galley. I take a glass of red wine on the main deck and sit near Immy.

“Is this how our adventures end, with a glass of wine at sunset?” She touches her glass to mine.

I smile. “It depends on the client.”

She takes a small sip of wine. “Thank you for today. I’m exhausted, but I loved every moment.”

Her wet hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and her face is scrubbed free of makeup. She is beyond beautiful, but I resist kissing her. The deckhand walks about, and the captain is a dozen feet away.

I look out at the glittering sea. It has been an enjoyable day. I’m guessing that it will be an even more enjoyable evening. But at some point, we’ll have to decide if we’re parting ways or continuing to spend time together. I’m finding myself wanting to draw her into my life. I doubt she’d be happy with the lifestyle. I’m away more than home. Most relationships can’t survive that type of schedule.

She smiles. “What are you thinking about?”

I touch her lower back. “The dome last night. It might be difficult to surpass that, but I’m betting we can.”

She laughs and leans forward, and kisses me lightly on the mouth. “I’m up for anything. And tomorrow, I take you on an adventure.”

I pull her into my arms and hold her close. I doubt she’ll think of anything to do that is mind-blowing. I’ve been in this business for a decade. But maybe she’ll surprise me.


Revisiting the Past (Imogen)

When our small, chartered plane sweeps in from the Atlantic Ocean over the west coast of Ireland, I see tiny villages and neatly organized fields dotting the landscape along with the forest, the Twelve Pins. It’s in that forest that Alex had his first camping adventures.

“Why are we here?” His steely and apprehensive voice settles over me. I want to experience this with him, but maybe I’ve miscalculated. I meet his guarded stare. “Your mother gave me the address of where you grew up. I plan to visit the forest you camped in when you were six.”

I can feel the tension radiating from him as he says, “That’s a terrible idea, Immy. I don’t have many fond memories of that time.”

Touching his arm, I tell him quietly, “You were a child, Alex. Coming back here as an adult will dispel some of its power over you.”

He removes my hand. “It doesn’t have any power over me. I’ve moved on. There are much better ways to spend our time together.”

I meet his gaze. “I wanted to see where you grew up.”

He gazes out the window. “It’s not a good idea. There is a darkness here you won’t enjoy.”

I look out over the lush green mountains. “The forest is beautiful.”

He lets out a sigh. “It’s too cold to camp.”

I sit up taller. “Sonia organized cold weather camping gear. Checking the weather for late January here—it’s actually not bad. It’s about fifty degrees during the day and just under freezing at night.”

His gaze slides over me, and I notice his jaw is clenched. “You want to camp in freezing weather?”

The plane touches down on a private airstrip resembling a backfield with a dirt road. I place a hand over my heart and hope for the best. “That was bumpier than I expected. For a moment, I thought the plane would come apart.”