Do we want different things? She is attempting to re-invent herself, and it feels as if I’m on the same path. I’ve been restless for months. My recent relationships have been somewhat meaningless and shallow. And her entanglements sound as though they have been disappointing. But I don’t know how to solve my need for transparency with her need for privacy.
The captain says, “We’ll be ready to head for the paddleboard location in a few minutes.”
When Imogen comes back, her wistfulness is gone. She has put on a T-shirt and cap. “I can’t wait to show you how well I can paddleboard.”
I tug her into my arms. “I can’t wait.”
She moves away to apply sunscreen. The first time I met her, she looked glamorous, didn’t say much, and had too many suitcases, but I was immediately drawn to her. Her laugh, her gracefulness, and the challenge in her eyes.
Since then, I’ve only become more enamored. I don’t want to let her go, but I don’t see us working out long-term. It’s who I am. I’m not someone who wants a wife and children. I want freedom and adventure.
Immy comes over. “Do you want sunscreen for your nose?”
“I’m fine.”
She plasters some on me anyway. Laughing, she says, “You need some. You’re getting red.”
I catch her hand and say, “I believe I said no.”
“You said you’re fine, and you’re not. Let me smooth it in.”
As she stands between my legs, her fingers slowly massage the sunscreen into my face. I wish we were alone on this boat. I don’t think we would make it to the paddleboard location.
She smiles. “Okay?”
Instead of touching her, I say, “I’m fine, Immy.”
When we reach the paddleboard location, we put on our wetsuits. I enjoy watching her struggle into hers. The curve of hips and rounded arse make it a challenge. I tug my wetsuit on, hiding a smile.
Imogen attempts to pull up the wetsuit over her shoulders. “When I’ve gone paddleboarding before, I’ve worn a swimsuit. We won’t spend much time in the water.”
I turn away from her. “This is the ocean. You’ll fall into the water, and the same principles apply. The thick layer will protect your body, and we can stay out longer.”
The captain stops the boat in the designated area, and his deckhand throws the anchor in.
I hand her a pair of booties. “Put these on.”
“I want to be barefoot so I can feel the board.”
“No. As we get into shallower water, it’s better to have foot protection in the ocean.”
She sighs and sits down to put on her booties.
The deckhand helps me with the paddleboards, placing them near the swim deck.
“The first rule of learning how to control your board is don’t get too close to others. This area is secluded, and not much is happening. We’ll work on some techniques, and then if it goes well, we can start on the beach.”
Imogen nods. “I’m ready.”
I move forward and drop my paddleboard into the water. “The best way to start from the swim deck is on your knees, holding the paddle across the board. When you push off, paddle out thirty feet or so.”
I demonstrate the movement and paddle out a safe distance. Looking back, I watch Imogen. She adjusts the board, slowly climbs onto it, kneeling, and then uses her paddle to push away from the boat.
“Well done.”
Floating near her, I talk through various paddle skills and then stand up. “Remember, your back foot should be sideways with your front facing forward. Keep your balance by bending your knees slightly.”