She picks up a tube of sunscreen and begins applying it to her shoulders. “When was the last time you had a proper vacation?”

“I own an adventure company. I’m always on vacation.”

She steps closer to me. “In London, you said you were tired of listening to people’s stories and regrets. Maybe we should take this opportunity to do something that would give you joy.”

I stare at her. I’m not sure she wants to know what would bring me joy.

She smiles, and I feel trapped. “I’ll make you a deal.”

I stand slightly taller. “I don’t make deals, Immy.”

She touches my chest, and I lose all hope of resisting whatever she wants. Her voice becomes seductive. “You might like this one.”

I capture her hand and hold it still. “I have no doubt I’ll enjoy anything you suggest. But we’re playing with fire, Imogen. We want different things.”

She stands on her toes and kisses my jaw. “We want the same thing.”

I let go of her hand and slide my hands down her body and over her hips, pushing the towel to the floor. Her skin feels smooth and warm.

“We can spend five days doing something that scares me and then five days doing something that scares you.”

I stare into her beautiful blue eyes. “Why would I agree to that?”

She smiles. “You’re brave and a risk-taker. Why wouldn’t you?”

“How do you know what scares me?” I lean down and kiss her neck.

She laughs. “I know something about you.”

“Immy, tell me.” I lift her so her legs wrap around my waist.

“Do you agree?” She kisses my mouth.

“It has to be within reason,” I growl into her neck as I carry her into the cabin.

She laughs. “There are no limits, Alex.”

“There needs to be limits, Immy.” I toss her on the bed and loom over her. “Immy?”

She laughs. “No limits. You can challenge me, and I’ll challenge you.”

“Why?” I look deeply into her eyes.

She runs her thumb along my lower lip. “You’re good at taking physical risks, but I don’t imagine you take many emotional or social risks. You could benefit from becoming more balanced.”

I press both her hands into the mattress. “Be careful what you wish for, sweetheart.”

She squirms. “I want to touch you.”

“I want to taste you.” I pull down her bikini top and take one of her nipples into my mouth. Using my tongue, I stroke her tight bud and lightly bite her.


I move to her other breast and repeat the movement while using my fingers to find her slick folds.

Within minutes, she removes her swim bottoms, inviting me to go lower.

I stand briefly, pull off my board shorts, and grab a condom from the drawer.