He waits for me to catch up. “I rented a villa within walking distance of the scuba school. While you’re getting your certification, I have a few guided tours in Willoughby Bay.”

I think about worst-case scenarios, especially diving too deep and being unable to breathe. Using the flight to do some online courses might not have been the best decision. It made me more nervous. If I’m only covering Kate for another three weeks. I don’t know if I need to be certified in scuba diving, unless he plans to extend a job offer?

“I leave a car here.” Alex approaches a white Jeep and unlocks the doors. Bespoke Adventures is painted in small red letters on the door.

I open the passenger door and stow my backpack behind the seat.

Alex starts the engine and opens all the windows to let the heat out. “You’re not saying much.”

I buckle my seatbelt. “I’ve never been to Antigua. It feels like another world.”

He pulls out of the parking spot, driving on the left. “Compared to New York City? It’s different—more peaceful and laidback.”

“Why is it essential to be certified in scuba diving?”

He slows for a pedestrian crossing the street. “It’s late December. Many of the upcoming tours are in the Caribbean. Participants want to leave with a skill, so they ask to be taken out on particular dives. We ask all new employees to spend two seasons here and become experts at scuba diving, paddle boarding, and sailing. It’s where Kate started.”

“Kate thought maybe I could help assist one of the tour guides.”

“You need to know more than the tour participants. And if you’re considering staying on for a while, you need to become properly certified.”

Within a few minutes, he pulls into a driveway and parks. “This villa will be home for the next week.”

After getting out of the vehicle, I put my backpack on my shoulder and follow Alex. We walk behind a fence, then down a stone staircase to the entrance of the villa. The view of the harbor is magnificent.

He puts a code into a keypad, opens the door, and waits for me. “Sonia should have texted you all of the details.”

I can see through to the main living area, which has floor-to-ceiling ocean views. “This place is gorgeous.”

Alex places his laptop on the table and checks his watch. “I have almost an hour. Do you want something to eat?”

I look down at my jeans and long-sleeved top. “I need less clothing.”

He gestures towards the hallway. “There are three bedrooms here. Choose one and come back when you’re ready. I’ll put out some food.”

I hear him talking with Sonia as I explore the house. After selecting the second bedroom, which overlooks the ocean, I unzip my backpack and take out shorts and a tank top.

The expansive bedroom has a balcony with tons of light flowing in from the setting sun. I walk into the ensuite bathroom and stop and look at a mosaic of tiles, mostly blue and green. The shower is gigantic and has two showerheads and a bench.

Once I have stripped off my clothing, I start the water and put my hair into a tight bun. The villa reminds me of a five-star hotel with exquisite furnishings and thick, white towels stacked high. I find shower gel and step under the water. For a few minutes, I forget about scuba diving and enjoy the warm water.

A short while later, I walk barefoot into the kitchen, wearing a tank top and shorts.

Alex ends his call and places the phone on the counter. He’s assembled a feast with cut fruit, cheeses, baguette, olives, and hard salami.

He holds my gaze and says, “I’ll be back late. I’m meeting a new group and planning out the next few days of diving.”

I nod and pick up a piece of pineapple, putting it in my mouth. “This is delicious.”

Alex fills a plate with food. “You’ll need to complete the online portion of the scuba diving course today. The three-day course starts tomorrow morning with an exam.”

I eat another piece of pineapple. “Do you know the instructor?”

He nods. “He’s good. I’ve worked with him many times.”

“Did you find scuba diving terrifying when you took the course?”

His eyes darken. “No. It opened an entire world to explore. When I dove in the coral reef, I was blown away. It’s pure magic. You’ll see.”