She smiles, and her perfect white teeth make me think of an American. She probably spent her adolescent years wearing braces and her twenties using whitening products. But it has worked for her. She is stunning.

She says, “That’s such a coincidence. I live on Lorimer Street in Brooklyn.” Her light, airy tone and disarming dimples draw my interest.

I raise my eyebrows. “I’ll show you the house.” I purposely ignore her insane luggage.

Struggling up the steps, she says behind me, “I’m relieved you’re not Alex Stern. I heard he is a real tyrant. Kate warned me not to overpack, but I wanted to be prepared for anything. I did worry if he came, he’d lose his mind.”

I want to lose my mind but instead, I hold the door for her. “It’s company policy to pack light, pack smart, and be ready for anything.”

She shrugs. “I know. Kate is a good friend and let me know, but I can be a little indecisive and wanted to have the right clothing.”

I attempt to keep my voice neutral. “You describe yourself as indecisive?”

She puts her luggage down in the foyer. “It’s not a good trait, but it’s who I am. I’m working on it, though.”

I shouldn’t ask, but I can’t help myself. “How so?”

She squints at me, saying, “What do you mean?”

I flick my hand. “How are you taming your indecisiveness?”

She crosses her arms. “Learning to be comfortable with myself, I guess.”

I rub the back of my neck. “By tacking on, ‘I guess,’ you made your point hesitant or indecisive.”

She shrugs again. “I guess.”

I hold up both of my hands. “Stop. I suggest getting rid of ‘I think, I guess’ and any other prevarication in your speech. Start with that.”

“I like you, Lorimer. You’re straightforward. And I’m happy to have someone to help me sort out this event.”

I want to correct her, but instead, I decide to show her the house so I can leave. “Follow me. We’ll start with the ballroom.”

She lingers behind, touching various antiques and furniture. “Are you the property manager?”

“No, I told you, I’m with Bespoke Adventures.”

She stares up at an ancient oil painting of the lord and lady of the manor. “Actually, you said Bespoke Events. I know Bespoke Adventures is the core business with locations around the world.”

“We rented this historic London manor house for the wedding.” My words come out sharper than I intended.

She stares into my eyes. “Where is all the staff?”

I turn away from her. “I’d consult Kate on that. She planned the event. It’s in three days, and there isn’t anyone here.”

She follows me. “There is no way I’ll stay in this place alone.”

I keep walking. “It has twenty-two bedrooms. Did Kate give you the floor plan?”

She nods but doesn’t say anything.

“The guest list?”

She nods again. “I’m sure she did, but I haven’t looked at it. I’ve been more focused on arriving and assessing the situation.”

I open the large ornate wooden pocket doors that reveal the ballroom. “What is your assessment telling you?”

My gaze stays glued to her graceful bent head as she steps into the elegant space. She’s unzipped her jacket and loosened her scarf, revealing her slim, feminine body. “That this is a beautiful place for a wedding.”