She is surprisingly competent and hard-working. Instead of freaking out, she’s thrown herself into the chaos and seems intent on providing a memorable experience for everyone.

I run a hand through my hair. “I appreciate your help. I know covering Kate last minute isn’t easy.”

Immy nods and looks at her timeline again. “Trying to organize an elaborate wedding is nerve-wracking. Kate is fearless and seems able to work miracles. She’s always been that way.”

I resist telling her she has the same attributes. With her back to me, my gaze lingers on the thin, pink t-shirt stretched across her narrow torso, and the faded denim clinging to her perfectly shaped round arse. There has been an insane chemistry tugging at us from the moment I saw her leave the Uber.

I clear my throat. “After the wedding, I’m having you assist me in Antigua instead of heading to Belize. You’ll need time to learn the ropes before being thrown into something difficult.”

She turns and looks at me. “You probably wouldn't have hired me if I had sent in my resume. Kate’s text must have blindsided you. But I do want to do an amazing job.”

Her pupils dilate and her breath sounds rushed. As she stares into my eyes, my heartbeat accelerates, and warmth spreads down my chest.

Keeping my voice steady, I tell her, “Your teaching background qualifies you to instruct and educate, but you need more experience. Climbing, surfing, sailing, fishing. We’ll work on that in Antigua.”

She bites her lower lip. “I’m looking forward to the challenge.”

I smile. “It’ll be challenging.” I visualize Immy swimming in front of me, wearing a skimpy bikini that bares her sexy arse, and instantly, my body responds to the erotic images in my mind.

The woman handling the catering pushes open the door to the kitchen and leans into the room. “Pardon me. We’re having trouble with the seating layout.”

“I’ll help if I can.” Imogen picks up a notebook and offers me a smile before leaving the kitchen.

I place my cup in the sink and take a deep breath to calm my reaction. Imogen has easily slipped behind the wall I’ve erected to keep people out. I want to draw her close and lose myself in mindless pleasure. It’s not a smart move. I should be focused on surviving the wedding and getting back to work. But instead, I’m captivated by a sexy school teacher and willing to make all sorts of allowances. Hopefully, inviting her into the company won’t blow up in my face.


A Frenzied Weekend (Imogen)

Ilook at my watch again. The rehearsal is behind schedule. I’ve already had two texts from the caterer. The candles are lit along the path to the barn. And the appetizers, including an enormous table with oysters, smoked salmon, and prawns, has been set out waiting for the guests to arrive.

Regina disagrees with the officiant for a third time and wants the vows changed. I catch Alex’s gaze and hold up my hands.

Alex stands up and approaches Regina and Graham. “We need to put this aside for now. Dinner is waiting.”

His mother inhales sharply, saying, “The vows are trite and mundane. They don’t reflect us.”

“You can write your own. After the dinner.”

Alex turns to the assembled guests. “The rehearsal dinner is being served in the barn. Imogen will take you to the back entrance, where a candlelit path will guide you to the space.”

I move to the doorway and gesture for the guests to follow me. I try not to let any of the tension I feel show, placing a smile on my face.

I don’t understand. Regina now wants everything changed. I don’t know how that will be possible. The caterer has bought the food, the florist has everything onsite, and forty-five people need every meal prepared. Not to mention last-minute food allergies and demands for better internet service.

After stepping out of the back entrance, I hold the door and gesture towards the candle-lighted path. A few steps away in the garden, a fiddler begins to play and draws the guests outside. It does look inviting and romantic.

I text the caterer that the guests are coming. After everyone makes their way toward the event barn, I hear Alex’s voice behind me.

“Mum, you can go online tonight and find other vows.”

Regina gasps. “I can’t. I’ll have had too much wine at dinner to concentrate. The vows need to be changed now, before the dinner.”

Holding the door for them, I try not to make eye contact.

Alex sounds nonchalant. “Don’t drink, if it’s important to you to choose other vows.”

Graham, silent until now, says, “Don’t worry. In the scheme of things, it’s not that important.”