“Did you reconnect with your mother when you went to live with your grandparents?”

“They sent me to boarding school. But I did see Regina on holidays and during the summer.”

I take another swallow of coffee. “I grew up much differently. I have two sisters and opinionated parents. We are close, but it was difficult at times. My father could be self-absorbed, only caring about his ideas and career. He wanted to move to another university, but my mother wanted to stay put, so we had a stable upbringing.”

Alex pushes his empty plate a few inches away. “Is that why you are the opposite of self-involved?”

I meet his gaze. His green eyes stare into my inner thoughts, encouraging me to reveal more about myself.

“I’m not the opposite of self-involved. What would that be, martyrdom?”

He laughs. “Yes, people pleasing. Always accommodating others without thinking of yourself.”

“I’m not that selfless.”

“Kate convinced you to take a leave of absence to cover her.”

I get off my stool and stack the plates up. “She is my best friend. I’d do anything for her.”

Alex turns and watches as I clear away the dishes. “Really? You’d swim with sharks? Climb Everest? Go white water rafting?”

I stop moving and look at him over my shoulder. “Kate hasn’t mentioned Everest.”

He stands and says, “I’m the only one on the team who has climbed Everest. It’s not something that you can bring an amateur to. It takes months, if not years, of training.”

I place the dishes in the sink. “I’ve heard it’s dangerous.”

He crosses his arms. “It can be. It’s about having reliable skills and knowledge.”

Alex has outdoors written all over him. There’s an alertness about him, along with tightly sculpted lean muscles and sun damage on his tanned face. Not to mention the expensive hiking boots and discreet outdoor clothing.

I tilt my head. “Do you dislike being indoors?”

He smiles. “I enjoy a good restaurant meal and a luxurious bed. But I don’t love small talk or dressing in formal attire. Both of which will be expected this weekend.”

I walk over to the table and glance down at the lists. “It’s December in London. I don’t think your mother will be keen on getting married outside or wearing casual clothes.”

“Regina prefers formality and thrives on superficial banter.”

I look at him. “When will I meet them?”

His eyes narrow. “They are arriving tomorrow with their guests. My mother will have a stylist with her, so you won’t have to get involved in hair or makeup. You can focus on the event and the food.”

I point to a piece of paper. “I have the guest list. Will you help with room assignments?”

He shook his head. “No. I don’t know the intricacies of the various friendships and such. I’d wing it if I were you. Let’s hope whoever is attending will behave themselves.”

I moisten my lips.It’s a bad idea to wing it. “What do you want to help with?”

“Nothing. I wanted to ensure you found everything, the vendors arrived, and you knew how to turn the heat on. Beyond that, I’m needed elsewhere.”

I look at the papers scattered across the table. “I confirmed with the caterers and housekeeping service. I should be fine.”

“Put my number in your phone in case something comes up.” His voice is deep and crisp, leaving me no doubt of his intentions. He wants to escape the coming mayhem.

When I reach into my handbag, I grab my phone and put in his contact information as he dictates his number.

“Thank you. Don’t worry. This place will be transformed into something magical before your mother arrives.”