Turning away, she walks into her hotel without saying anything else.
I retrace my steps back to the hotel, considering her reaction from every angle. I understand her anger and her embarrassment. I shouldn’t have put her in that position.
I made a vow to myself a long time ago to meet challenges head-on and not to avoid my obligations. But for some reason, tonight with Imogen, I wanted to escape my reputation and enjoy an evening out getting to know her. Her empathetic nature and open heart make me want to explore our differences. It’s rare to find someone that isn’t jaded or guarded. But I fucked everything up tonight. It reminds me of an earlier, younger version of myself. Someone who took too many risks and was desperate to escape.
A Silver Lining (Imogen)
Idrive along the quiet country lane at a slow speed. At least the rental place had an automatic. I don’t trust myself to drive on the opposite side of the road, yet I’m doing it. I have plenty of groceries in the backseat, including some wine. After today, I’ll need it.
Whenever I let my mind wander, Lorimer fills every corner and crevice.I have to remember to call him Alex. I don’t understand why he lied to me. I would have had dinner with him. I wouldn’t have thrown myself at him or gone to his room, but we could have had an evening together. Kate is right; he is a self-involved egomaniac.
But somehow, when we spent time together, he didn’t seem like that. He seemed interesting and friendly. It’s so confusing. And now, I have to pretend nothing happened and put together his mother’s wedding.
My phone rings, and I use a button on the steering wheel to answer the call.
“Hey, Iris.”
“Are you surviving?” She sounds happy.
I laugh. “Yes, I’m down in Brighton. The area is fabulous. And I’m driving on the wrong side of the street.”
“I hope you’re on the opposite side, not the wrong side.”
I glance in the rearview mirror and notice two cars behind me. I increase my speed slightly. “Yes, the opposite side. It scares the hell out of me, but I’m doing it.”
“Why not Uber?”
“The wedding is at a remote castle, and I need a car to run errands.” I resist telling her about Alex’s tirade about being self-sufficient.
“I miss you, Immy. I don’t want to go home without you. Yet I’m in an Uber heading to La Guardia.”
I keep my eyes on the road. “I miss you too. Do you think I can survive a few nights in a forest?” It couldn’t be that difficult.
“Um. Are you going camping? It’s rather cold out.” Iris sounds perplexed.
After slowing for a curve, I watch for my turn. “I’m supposed to go to Belize after this to help with a surfing tour. The company owner complained that I have too much luggage and is questioning why I’ve never been camping.”
“When are you due back at school?”
“I requested a thirty-day leave of absence to cover Kate.”
“And they hired you to run tours?” She sounds perplexed.
I take a deep breath. “Not exactly. The office person said that they are juggling the schedules to find a way to make it work. Obviously, I don’t have any real experience with adventure tours.”
“Immy, I miss having you close by, but you’ve been bored and looking for something to capture your interest. Embrace it. Don’t worry about having enough experience. Dive in and ask questions. You’ll figure it out.”
I see the private road. “Here it is.”
“What?” Iris sounds confused.
“Sorry. I’ve been looking for the castle.” I onto the gravel driveway and speed along the narrow road. “I’m getting the hang of this. I didn’t make any wrong turns or accidentally run anyone off the road.”
“Wow. Be careful. Maybe don’t drive at night.”
I laugh. “I’ll be careful. Thank you for all of your kind words and support. This wedding will not be easy to pull off. I hope the bride and groom are reasonable people.”