“True. He does have a choice. Okay. I can manage this.”

“I know you can. You have a big heart and are amazing at getting children to try new things. This isn’t that different. Just remember to be patient and let him take the lead.”

I nod. “Thank you, sis.”

“When are you coming home for a visit?”

“I don’t know yet. Kate is coming back in late March, so maybe then. I’ve asked to stay on, but my relationship with Alex complicates all of it.”

“Don’t let it get too complicated. Essentially it is a girl meets a boy and falls head over heels in love.”

I smile. “True. He happens to own this massive company and is uber-wealthy. My teacher salary barely keeps my head above water.”

“I don’t think money should complicate it. You’d be happy if he lived in a tent and cooked you eggs over a fire.”

I laugh. “True. And that is probably happening tomorrow morning. I should go and find him.”

“I love you, sis.”

“I love you too. Have a good day. Have you gotten to two hundred births yet?”

“Not yet, but I’m over a hundred.”

“That’s wonderful. Okay, bye for now.”

“Bye, Immy.”

I stand up and take a few deep breaths. Iris is right. I need to remember Alex is resilient and to follow his lead.

When I find him at the grocery store, his cart is loaded with candy, chips, beer, hot dogs, cereal, milk, a Styrofoam ice chest, and bags of ice.

I wait by his side while the grocery store clerk scans and bags the purchases.

As we leave the small store, I take one of the bags from him. “You bought a Styrofoam ice chest?”

He shrugs. “They don’t sell regular ones.”

“You hike in with nothing, fish, or scurry for food.”

He smiles. “You mean forage. And no, as a boy, I took all the creature comforts from home. I didn’t know how to cook, fish, or identify edible plants.”

I follow him to the street and discover the car has been delivered. After Alex signs a few electronic documents, the rental person heads off, and we load the vehicle.

He tilts his head and watches me. I can’t get enough of his powerful, masculine frame and moss-colored eyes. Even with his moody attitude, I want to draw him close and melt into his arms.

He asks, “Do you want to drive?”

I tilt my chin up. “I’m not too keen on driving on the left-hand side of the road, but I can do it if it makes you happy.”

“I’ll drive.” He opens the passenger door for me and waits for me to get in before closing the door.

I watch him walk in front of the car. He does have impeccable manners.

Alex starts the Mini and pulls onto the street. It’s a small village with a few pubs, a grocery store, a library, and a café.

“Are you okay?” I ask him.

“I’m fine. I wouldn’t choose to be here, but I’m not afraid of my past.”