“Alex texted me a week ago, saying not to worry and get better. You’ve literally saved my job.”
“I don’t know if that is true. You’re a big part of Bespoke Adventures, and they would have waited for your return even if you didn’t send me.”
“Have you seen much of Alex? He can be so obstinate and unforgiving.”
I have to tell her. We don’t keep secrets from each other. And Bespoke Adventures is her livelihood. I straighten my spine and take a deep breath.
“I’m so glad he didn’t fire you on the spot. He can be unpredictable.”
I straighten my back, reminding myself that I need to tell her. “School made me take the semester off. They didn’t want too much transition in the classroom.”
“I’m sorry, Immy. I thought you’d be able to—”
“There’s more, Kate.” I take in another gulp of air. “I slept with Alex.”
She gasps and says, “What?”
I cross my arms. “You heard me. I’m not particularly proud of it. But it happened. Many times, in fact.”
She groans. “What about waiting around for Josh to come to his senses?”
I look down at my hands. “The odd thing is I haven’t thought about him since I boarded the plane to London.” I refuse to let myself feel sad. Josh told me months ago that he wanted a break.
“I don’t understand. Alex is not the type of person to get involved with an employee. I’ve seen countless women throw themselves at him, and he always politely declines.”
I nod. “I’m not an employee, exactly.”
“It doesn’t make sense. You are nothing like him. He is so driven and anti-social.”
I shrug, not wanting to say much more.
“Be careful, Immy. He is not one to settle down. He is definitely the love ’em and leave ’em type.”
“It’s not serious. But I wanted you to know it happened. And I hope this doesn’t make it awkward for you.”
“Awkward for me? No. Maybe for him. I sent my best friend to save the day, and he—”
I hold up my hands. “Okay. Let’s not go there. It happened. He’s been amazing. Tomorrow, I start the certification part of the scuba diving course.”
She gasps. “They want you to get certified?”
“Yes, they want me to help in Antigua for the next few weeks.”
“I’m surprised they are not having you handle event coordination.”
“I don’t know if there are more events right now.”
“What about your fear of jellyfish and sharks?”
“I don’t know. I hope the dive instructor keeps a lookout.”
“I know the dive instructor. He’s great. You’ll do well. You’re a strong swimmer and have always been a star pupil. Lean into those strengths.”
I smile. “Well, I’m either getting certified in the next three days or heading back to New York.”
“Fingers crossed, Immy. You’ve got this. Can you send me updates?”
“Yes, and you do the same. I’ve been worried about you.”