I look into her gorgeous blue eyes. “Why would I want to scare you?”
She lifts her chin and says, “You probably want to get rid of me.”
I tug her hand into mine and caress her fingers. “Kate did send you out of the blue. I could have fired you on the spot and dropped you off at the airport. I didn’t. There is something about you that intrigues me. The more I get to know you, the more I want to know. I suspect you’ll be amazing at adventure tours. Your background in education is helpful. And you want to learn new things. At this point, it’s about learning new skills and taking chances. It’s not that hard.”
She takes a deep breath and then lets it out. Removing her hand from mine, she picks up her coffee and sips. “You’re skirting the truth.”
I smile. “Am I?”
She sits up taller. “Yes, there is chemistry between us. That is probably why you didn’t fire me.”
My gaze falls over her. I’m attracted to her. She is stunningly beautiful and smart. Maybe she wears too much makeup and dyes her hair an unnatural shade of blonde, but I do want to strip her naked and feel her beneath me.
“I’m not going to deny it. It is true.”
“So, you’re willing to put up with me because you find me attractive?”
“No, I’ve met countless beautiful women. I don’t have any issue finding romantic partners. I find you intriguing and want to spend time with you.”
She tugs her sweater down from the hem. “It’s awkward, though, right? I wouldn’t want anyone to know that I find you attractive. We’re supposed to have a purely professional connection.”
“We’re adults, Immy. We get to choose the relationship we want. I didn’t hire you. You are merely covering for Kate for a short stint. After that, we’ll go back to our regular lives.”
Imogen crosses her arms. “It might cause hard feelings with Kate. She might not be happy to find out that we had a fling.”
“Kate is a grown-up. I can’t imagine she’d give it a second thought.”
“It might be better for us both if we leave it as a work flirtation. Nothing more.”
I nod. “Fair enough.”
I have no interest in chasing someone. Either they are interested, or they’re not. I won’t put myself in the position of wanting something that is not attainable. It’s a path to deep, emotional pain. I lived it firsthand as a child. I wanted my parents to love me, but they could not love anyone but themselves. Eventually, I solved that with my mother, but my father went to his grave not wanting anyone to care about him. It was unfortunate for me that I did care.
The steward comes in and serves prime rib with roasted parsnips.
* * *
As the helicopter touches down,I point to the skis for Imogen. I open the door, step onto the helipad, and help her climb out with her equipment. Within moments, the helicopter takes off, leaving us alone.
As the pilot flies further away, a quietness settles over the snow-covered peaks. I pull my helmet on, switch on my headlamp, and wait for Imogen to do the same.
I put my skis on and adjust my backpack. “Set your skis out and hold onto your poles while you snap in.”
Tugging her gloves on, she says, “I don’t think I can do this, Alex. What if we get separated?”
“I’ve not lost anyone yet.”
“I’m not the best skier.”
“Take it slow. It’s cold out, and the sun has set, so expect the snow to be frozen solid under a few inches of new snow. Brace yourself, have a slightly wider stance, and slide with patience. Remember to keep your knees flexible for hidden bumps or crevices. It’ll take thirty minutes or more to ski down to the chalet. Enjoy the ride.”
I push off and let myself slide over the small cliff. I hear Imogen scream, but there is nothing I can do. She needs to take a leap and follow me.
I slow my pace, continuing to slide back and forth, waiting for her to join me. When I catch sight of her, I relax a fraction. The hardest part is over. She managed to let herself fall into darkness. I’ve had to go back for people, but she got off the helipad. That is something.
Watching for obstacles in the dark, I slow my pace to keep an eye on her. There are a couple of areas that could be treacherous.
When I reach a protected spot, I stop and motion for her to do the same.