Page 40 of Vow of Silence

“Arkan found time to slip in and test her. We had a lot going on and one of our business partners wanted in on the fun. We let him have a little fun too.

They would still be alive, if you hadn’t been so hard up to get your dick wet.”

“Careful Cun. You don’t have to like it, but if you talk disrespectful to me, I’ll cut your tongue out before I slit your throat.”

“Dabizir, no one in this business is untouchable. I would advise you to make better decisions in the future. Who was the other man that raped her?”

“Nguyen Quoc Loi. He's a member of The Dragons. He reports directly to Arkan, but he also tells us everything. He knows that Pham Cao Phong’s days of numbered. The Dragons are ending. The Vinogradov’s ran them out of New York, but we’ll run them out of here. They've done exceptionally good for themselves, but we’ll do better when we take over their territory.”

The bastard is a member of The Dragons. Good, because he will be the first to die.

Cun nodded. “We should get a piece of that territory since our alliance states that any additional territory will be split.

“It will never happen. Arkan will not share that territory. Vesim has proven himself a capable business partner, but if he gets greedy things will change quickly.”

Good the Albanians are going to get tired of the Serbians using this clause.

Cun leaned forward and leaned on the desk. “Every time Arkan gets ahead, you won't share. When will you start to honor the alliance and share with your business partners?”

Dabizir laughed. “You can't come with your handout asking for favors. It's a dog-eat-dog world.”

Cun stood and swiped the shot glass to the floor. “I have another meeting. I’ll walk you out.”

He escorted Dabizir out.

A few minutes later, Cun walked into the office with four of his security team.

“What are you going to do about Arkan? Those Serbian bastards will never treat us as equals. It’s only a matter of time before they turn on us.”

Cun nodded. “I'm going to talk to Vesim. There's a lot of things that I've been thinking we should do. He hasn't been receptive because he wanted this alliance to work. After what I found out today, I'm sure that will change. I'm headed there now. I don't trust that bastard. All of you come with me. The men downstairs need to stay in case he tries to come back.” He grabbed his coat, and reached into the desk and took out a Glock.

They left but I waited awhile.

After ten minutes I climbed down. When I searched the desk, with no success, I phoned Mikhail. “No time to talk, trace the number and save it, monitor it, and hack it later. Come to me as soon as possible, stealthily. I have a shadow.”

“I’ll see you soon. I need a few minutes to finish tracking your location. Got it.”


There wasn’t anything hidden on the bookshelves.

I slipped into the hallway and padded down the hallway to the first door. It wasn’t surprising that this was the master bedroom. This idiot was scary and wanted to be as close to the front door as possible. If he wanted safety, he was in the wrong profession. My lips curved as I began to search the space. Underneath the mattress, I found six guns, several stacks of money, nude photos, and a color-coded map. I folded the map and slipped it into my back pocket.

Walking over to the picture, I lifted it from the wall. I found a safe. After careful thought, I punched in Vesim’s birthday and the safe door opened. There were four tapes. I put one in the front pocket and the other three in my back pocket. There were two folders. I took them out and quickly scanned the contents. There was evidence of Arkan’s drug routes with the Triads and their assassinations that formed their alliance. The latest was a dozen high profile murders: presidents, mayors, senators, and cartel leaders. Placing the papers in my pockets, I closed the safe and put the picture back on the wall.

I placed the bugs and called Tran. “Cun is leaving. Wait ten minutes then make your way here. His men are not with him so watch your back.”

“Ok. I’ll turn on the signal jammer. Where are you now?” asked Tran.

“I’m in the office.”

Hanging up the phone, I slipped out into the hall and walked into the next room. It looked like a guest room. It was modestly furnished with accent pieces. The floorboards nearby started vibrating. Someone was coming. I rushed into the bathroom and hid behind the door.

It wasn’t long before a guard walked into the bathroom. I shot him through the door. He hit the floor. I aimed at his head and fired two more shots. I dragged him over and tossed him in the tub. I walked out into the bedroom.

The door opened. I saw him. He pulled a gun.

Bang. Bang.