Page 35 of Vow of Silence

His friend was wounded but not fatally. After I picked up his gun, I slowly backed away from him.

I rolled into the living room. “Don't move or I'll shoot you next.”

Mirvjen was sitting on the couch. He jumped up when I shot his friend. He hadn’t pulled out his gun.

“Anya. I invited you here. You've already warned me earlier. There's no need for continued violence.” He stood there with his arms high in the air.

“I'll be the judge of that. Where's your proof?”

“I'm going to reach in my pocket. Don't shoot me.”

His right hand slowly reached into his pocket. I kept my gun trained on his head. If he flinched, he would be dead. He pulled out his cell phone. Frowning, I watched as he clicked on several things before placing the device on the floor and kicking it to me. A fleeting glance at the screen showed two detailed lab reports showing positive test results for syphilis. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his friend jerk upright and I fired two shots into his chest.

I risked my life for him to show me that they had an STD. WTF?

I tossed the phone at him. “What does this prove? Okay, so you have syphilis. Get that shit taken care of but that had better not be the iron clad proof that Qemal hadn’t raped me.”

“Check the date closely. He had syphilis at the same time you were raped. I'm assuming you went to the doctor and got a checkup. If he had raped you then, you would have the disease also. I know because Qemal got it from me. We broke up briefly and I had sex with a hottie who was infected.”

This must be a mistake. The last memory I have was of Qemal holding me down while he got on top of me.

I hadn’t had a STD from the sexual assault, just an unwanted pregnancy. There was no way in hell I would volunteer that information. My last memory was of him holding me down and trying to kiss me. If he hadn't raped me, he still deserved to die for his part in trapping me in that room. This information stirred mixed feelings inside me.

“Qemal has never touched a female. He was not bisexual. Since you refuse to believe the proof I gave you, I’ll show you this. I didn't want to do this, but you’re demanding it. “Don't attempt to kill me. Give me my phone.”

I gritted my teeth and kicked the device back over to him. If he was pissed because his lover was dead, it was his problem. If he didn’t adjust his tone, he would soon be dead like his friend. “You have this rock-solid proof on your phone?”

Without a word, he took a few steps toward me holding up his phone horizontally. A clip of a video started. “Just watch this.”

My mouth opened wide, and my body started to tremble. I saw myself sprawled unconscious on the floor of that room. Qemal was in the background protesting my rape. However, he quickly left when no one stopped. An unidentified man unbuckled his slacks and fell upon me. He fucked me raw and was unbothered that I wasn’t alert.

“I get her next,” said Dabizir.

Who is this man? I’m going to kill them all. Who is filming this?

I was about to scream when Dabizir knelt between my thighs and shoved himself inside me. He hadn’t bothered to wear a condom nor did he clean the previous man’s cum from leaking out. He was inside me. As each minute passed showing my violation, my jaw ached from holding my screams.

I felt numb.

Dabizir finished and stood up. Another man knelt and started rutting into me. This man was of Asian descent. After he roared his orgasm, he turned his head and smiled at the camera. He had a teardrop tattoo next to his right eye. His eyes were emotionless and his smile cruel as he stared into the camera,

Dabizir is the key to finding the identities of these men. I’ll make him tell me their names before I send his soul to hell.

When I knew my voice wouldn’t crack, I nodded. “Stop the video and delete it. Do you know who the Asian man is?”

“No, I don't. Arkan has an alliance with the Triad leader Wing Chun. It could be someone from the Triad or a member of The Dragons. Now that you know Dabizir is both of our enemies, lets join forces and kill him. He raped and murdered my wife and he raped you.”

I glanced at the microwave clock and winced. I had been gone for three hours. I was out of time. I had to get back to the hotel. “Yes, we’ll destroy him together.”

Taking out my phone, I raised an eyebrow. “What’s your phone number?”

“420-519-7038. We need to develop a plan. You killed my best friend. He was useful and loyal. Now, it will take a little longer to get an update on what Arkan’s up to and where he’s sending Dabizir.”

After dialing his number, I nodded when his phone immediately rang. “I must get back to the hotel. We can hash out the details later.” Walking to the front door, I stopped when he laughed.

He sat down on the couch. “You can't go back to the hotel. Not long after you left, the Dragons showed up. If your friends were there at that time, I can guarantee that they are already dead.”

My tribe isn’t that easy to kill. Your guarantee isn’t worth shit.