Page 15 of Vow of Silence

After forcing one of our guards to give me the car keys, I headed to the address. I hadn’t checked to see if the damn car had gas, and now I was stranded. Punching the steering wheel, I wiped the sweat from my forehead. My body started shaking.

I bent and got my diabetes emergency kit from the glove compartment. Just as I opened it, the hair on the back of my neck prickled as my driver’s side window burst. Dropping the case, I reached for the gun, as strong hands grabbed my hair and slammed my head against the dashboard.




Instead of getting in my car I decided to walk down the street to the drugstore. Whoever was following me wasn't smart or experienced. I was deaf, not stupid. The door chimed as I crossed the store threshold. Walking down the middle aisle, I hid behind the large snack rack. A few seconds later, the front door chimed as someone else entered the store. My lips curved as I heard the heavy footsteps heading toward the bathroom, so I looked out. The man had to be an amateur, and he would be subjected to my violent sadistic tendencies. The darkness inside me fought to come to the surface. I walked down the hallway to the bathroom.

I slipped the brass knuckles on. I loved getting bloody. It was something soothing about someone's blood splattering on me. I quietly closed the door, and he looked up shocked. He had been searching the stalls for me.

What a dumbass.

He hadn’t expected to die tonight. However, that's exactly what was going to happen. The bastard had the nerve to smile. He reached inside his pocket but before his hand could whip out anything, my knife was embedded in his hand, pinning it to his thigh.

Rushing to him, I punched him repeatedly.

Wham. Wham. Wham.

I reigned blows on him repeatedly. By the time he fell to the ground, I was on top of him punishing his body with my brass knuckled fist. Crack. The last blow to his nose shattered the bone. His blood flew everywhere. I closed my eyes and turned my face as blood splattered. Other people’s blood could coat my skin but not enter it. I squeezed his throat until his face turned red and his eyes rolled back.

His lips were moving as he desperately fought to get a few words out. Interestingly, he was unaware that I was deaf. I slammed his head against the tiled floor until he was unconscious. I searched for him and discovered a prepaid phone.

My eyes narrowed at the number. It was a number I had seen a few times. It belonged to Maggie Cooper, Broderick's mother. His rich bitch of a mother not only wanted me to lose my freedom, but she also wanted me to lose my life. She had hired this hit man to take me out.

Rich people always think they can do whatever they want without consequences.

I got to my feet.

Quickly I texted her. Done.

It was less than two minutes later, before the phone vibrated in my hand.

Maggie. Proof is required before the final installment can be made.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

It wasn't abnormal for someone to try to kill me, I was an O'Brien. It was ridiculous that Maggie thought killing me would be easy. If anyone should be pissed about how this situation unfolded, it should be me. Her son had tormented me relentlessly. I endured years of mental and physical abuse, anguish, and multiple attempts on my life. I finally snapped. I hadn't meant to kill Broderick because I only hit him once. If I wanted him dead, I would’ve tortured him, like he did me.

Cian.Ghost 5455 624443 2727 .

After texting Viktor, a killing code for Maggie, I slipped the phone in my pocket. There was no doubt in my mind, he would take care of her. Most people had no clue that the bastard was the best hitman alive. Walking to the back wall, I opened the medium size window and slipped out.

Viktor. You know what this means. I’ll see you soon.


There was nothing in life for free. Viktor’s assistance with this problem meant I had to go to New York as soon as possible. I almost regretted asking him to take care of it. It wasn’t long before I made my way to the car. By the time I arrived at the house, my mood was sour.

I opened the door and froze as four women crowded around Elijah. They were having a party in the living room. It wasn’t shocking since he was a pretty boy and women lost their heads over him.

Elijah stood up. “Ladies, go say hello to Cian. He’s not much of a talker.”

He pointed to the two women that stayed by his side. “This is Serena and Lolita.”

The two women approached me but paused when I shook my head and waved them off. I was a meticulous man with a certain taste. I was a sexual dominant with a high sex drive. I never screwed random women. There had been many mafia men who met their demise over chasing skirts and slinging dicks. Their shocked expressions were quickly replaced with anger. It wasn’t long before their lips moved. These females weren’t used to being rejected. Too bad.