Page 13 of Vow of Silence

I slid out and closed the door.

There was another way inside the warehouse which was through the two-bedroom apartment located next door. I walked through the apartment building until I reached apartment fourteen. Using the key, I went inside and took out my gun. Everything inside was normal, empty, and dirty. Whoever rented this place was a junkie who never had food in the house. Once I was inside the master bedroom, I went inside the closet and began feeling the hidden lever in the wall.

My fingertips pressed against a hard spot in the wall and it slid up. With my gun out, I quietly made my way through the tunnel. Just like the floor planned said, I approached another wall. After touching the secret spot, it opened and I went inside the warehouse. My cameras showed that they were all congregated in the main space expecting me to come through the front. She had a six-man team waiting for me and everyone was armed with AK-47s and wearing black masks.

It was time for plan b.

I pulled a device out of my back pocket and armed it. There were over a dozen bombs in this warehouse, now rigged to blow. They could kill me but they would join me soon. I reached the entrance near the front and sauntered into the space.

“It’s nice to meet you, Samira. Do you have what I came for?” My voice took on a hard edge as I ignored the men pointing guns at my head.

Her eyes narrowed. “You’re either arrogant enough to believe that I won’t kill you or you’re crazy. Either way, you’re confident with these hollow point bullets pointed at you.”

There was something therapeutic about staring death in the face in the absence of fear.

My lips curved as I held out my hand arms stretched.

“You could shoot me but you would die too.”

Ignoring their puzzled looks, I took off my backpack and opened it. “I held up the papers and the tape.”

Her eyes focused on the documents in my hand. “I’ve showed you my hand now show me yours. We can fight to the death or we can do business. The choice is yours Samira.”

“Rafael, bring me those documents and give her these,” said Samira.

As soon as I gave Rafael the documents, I was handed the evidence. Before anything could happen, I sent a copy to Ethan Carter, over at BIH, and Ishmael Rojas, the Columbian Cartel leader.

She didn’t know it but the damage was already done. Everything was now in motion to have Arkan killed along with her.

Samira glared at me. “I don’t know why you are fixated on Arkan but you won’t make it. You came here alone and that was your fatal mistake. No one threatens my life and lives.”

She snapped her finger and one of the armed men disappeared. The man reappeared pointing a gun aimed at the back of Vadim’s skull. My heart sank seeing him at their mercy and knowing that it was my fault.

I shrugged. “I guess now is the time to mention that I sent this information to Ishmael, as well as my friends at the BIH. You’re already dead.”

“What!” Her eyes went wide. She looked at her men. Most of their faces lost color as they stared at each other.

I shot the lights out plunging us into the darkness. I started firing at them, before ducking. Within minutes, they were shooting everywhere. Bullets were bouncing off metal objects and there was chaos as everyone began moving.

Keeping my head low, I crept through the warehouse grateful that I was wearing all black. Ducking beside the metal rack, I spotted a short silhouette. It was Samira. She held someone tight against her, and I narrowed my eyes. I knew that body. It was Vadim.

I fired two shots at her. One missed but the other hit its mark. Vadim punched her and ran in my direction. He grabbed my hand, and we ran out into the hallway. We turned the corner before the men entered it. I stopped and placed my hand to his lips, as we crept to the hidden entrance.

Once we were in the apartment, I checked the cameras and saw that most of the men were still searching for us in the warehouse. I didn’t see two of the men which meant one could be outside while the other one was headed our way.

“Two of them are missing. We have no choice but to try to make it to the car.”

He nodded. “Let’s get out of here.”

After looking out of the front door, I motioned for him to follow me. We ran through the hallway. After glancing out of the door of the apartment complex, we sprinted out and ran toward the car. One of her men appeared from behind a parked car. I ducked down and fired at him. The car shielding us began to move as bullets hit it everywhere. A police siren could be heard blaring nearby.

Damn. If the police save me father will kill me himself.

Vadim elbowed me. “Give me the gun and take the keys. I’ll hold them off while you get in the car.”

“No. We escape together or die together. You can’t hold them off. The rest of the men will be here soon then we’re screwed.”

I popped out and fired more shots before running toward the car. As soon as I reached it, I ducked as they fired several head shots. Vadmin popped up and ran toward me.