Page 11 of Vow of Silence

“Come inside. Sorry to keep you waiting. I needed to bring additional inventory from the back,” said Valentina.

“Don’t go too far, my sister should be on her way soon. Boris won’t be happy if you have her standing outside alone.”

Her face paled. “I’ll grab my cell phone. It’s connected to security cameras. I’ll also have one of the girl’s check the stock in the back.”

I nodded and sauntered past her to the nearest clothes rack. My outfit didn’t matter. In the end, I would pick the most risqué dress this store had to offer. Ever since the incident, I dressed revealingly. It was my not so silent “fuck you” to my father. Any man that dared to touch me would die. The world should thank me for getting rid of rapists. We know that the judicial system fails women every day of the year.

In the past shopping was something that I loved to do, but not now. However, because I couldn’t care less, didn’t mean I wouldn’t take my time to pick Mila a dress. Everything beautiful and conservative was in her size. I handed them to Omir, the guard standing close to me. Father had insisted on us having a dozen men with us, so I might as well put them to work.

“Hold these.” I handed him ten more dresses.

“I’m your security not your assistant,” he spat.

“You’re whatever I want you to be.” Turning, I moved to the next rack. By the time I searched for the seventh rack, he had disappeared. I saw Anton walking toward me. His frown sent women running in the opposite direction.

“Your things are in dressing room five. Omir doesn’t have patience like the rest of us. Nevertheless, your smart mouth is going to cause you to lose some teeth.”

For once, I was silent. His observation wasn’t new and I wasn’t afraid. I never left the house without multiple weapons. Also, I was now a martial art expert. It might not help me when a gun is in my mouth but it would even the odds in a hand-to-hand fight for survival. If I hadn’t been so confident in father’s men, and our family name, I would’ve seen the danger I walked into.

I don’t depend on anyone for my safety anymore. If I live or die it will depend on my efforts.

Without a backward glance, I walked to the dressing room. I was carrying about fifty dresses in my hand and I had piles waiting in the dressing room. Pulling out my secret phone, I checked the messages.

Samira. You think you have it all planned out princess but you don’t. I hope you realize that there’s no turning back from what you’ve done.

Anya.Just make sure you aren’t late. Save the dire warnings and fear tactics for someone else. I’ll see you soon.

I was taking a risk threatening her but it was worth it. If she refused to meet tonight, I would cut her throat and frame her for the fallout. Arkan and Dabizir were going to die. She could give me what I wanted or join them. Anyone that stood in my way would be eliminated. After putting the phone back inside a secret compartment in my purse, I took out my cell, and dialed Daddy.

He answered on the second ring. “What’s wrong Anya?”

Nothing. Just wondering what I ever did to you for you to betray me like this.

“I was wondering if you were still with Mila. I found a dress I think she would like. There isn’t much of a selection in here.”

“I’m driving. Let me call you back,” he said.

An hour passed before Mila flung open my dressing room door, stomped to the stool, and sat down. Instead of looking at the dresses she sat brooding with her arms folded across her chest.

I wouldn’t put it passed Daddy to have stood Mila up again.

I tapped her leg and handed her a beautiful pastel pink silk A-line style dress. “Mila, stop looking like you’re about to bite a pit bull. The masquerade party will be fun. Daniel promised me that he would be on time; so, don’t worry.”

She sighed. “I’m just hungry. Daddy never showed up for lunch. I was waiting for him because I didn’t want to eat before he arrived. Instead of showing up, he sent Boris to bring me here.”

I looked up. “When I called him, he was driving. I assumed that he had already eaten lunch with you.”

Her lips thinned. “I’m not feeling well. Boris is still here, so I’m going to have him take me home.”

The last thing you should do is be around Boris. Can’t she see that he has staked a claim on you?

If Boris took her home, he would take all the men and I could slip away. However, I didn’t trust the sadistic bastard around Mila alone. She was his wife already. Dad wouldn’t do anything if Boris decided to sleep with her now. When would she learn that she wasn’t five years old anymore? It was times like this, I wondered if my sister was slow. Her face was always in a book but she needed to pay attention to her surroundings.

“You know as well as I do, Daddy isn’t going to let you stay home by yourself. We’ve got to attend the Masquerade Ball. You can go home and lie down. If you’re feeling bad, I’ll pick your dress. Anton is right outside, have him take you home. If you wait a few minutes, I’ll go home with you.”

Turning, I picked up the multicolored sequenced dress. It was the prettiest gown here, and it would complement her eyes. I secretly hoped that she would meet a powerful man tonight from one of the Italian families and fall hard for him. The Italians were tired of father’s shit, and it would only be a matter of time before one of their assassination attempts was successful.

I handed her the dress. “Mila, I pick this one for you. It will look gorgeous on you. You’ll be the best dressed girl there.”