Page 91 of Vow of Silence

Ben cleared his throat. “My eyes are closed and I’m sure Keelan’s is as well.”

“Son, my eyes are open but I can’t close them. You have my word, that I will not allow him to penetrate her again. My man is standing by, and he has a lock on Arkan’s head. If it comes to it, I’ll order him executed.”

He slid his knife down her jeans, exposing her legs and pink underwear. “I remember how tight your little snatch was and I’ wondering if it will grip me the same way it did when I tore through your virginity. I remember how you bled on me. I remember how you laid there lifeless and I enjoyed it.”

Tears slid down my cheek as I saw her open her eyes. She didn’t even look like herself. His words alone seemed to have dimmed all the light in her eyes.

Arkan grabbed her cheeks and squeezed them hard. “See the difference between you and me? I understand my place. When people fuck me. I kill them. When people fuck you. You cry and have mental breakdowns.”

“Is that what you did to Mier Kadish when you had him extradited to the US?”

His lips lifted in a cruel smile. “Yeah, fuck him and his brother. Mier is going to serve three life sentences and he's going to die in prison alone while I have everything that should’ve been his.”

He slapped her. “Itzhak is the most powerful man in the world but he trusted the wrong person; me.”

“I never trusted you,” said Itzhak. He shot Arkan in the chest with his shotgun.

Arkan was bleeding bad, but he wasn’t dead.

Anya ripped the rest of her torn pants off and got to her feet. “Did you hear it all? Can I kill him now?”

Itzhak shrugged. “I’m over his worthless ass but you need to ask him.”

Mier stalked from the shadows. He was wearing different overalls. He walked up to Arkan and stomped on his windpipe. He kept doing it until the man wasn’t recognizable anymore and Mier worn more of Arkan’s blood on his face, hands, and clothes.

“Dad how the fuck is he out?”

My father's lips curved. “Viktor.”

When Mier was winded, he stopped and waved to Anya. “He’s all yours now.”

Anya nodded, removed her blade, and dropped to her knees. She cut the bastard’s dick off and shoved it in his mouth. In the end she may not have killed Arkan but she still got her revenge.

Does it really matter?

Anya’s smile and the glow on her face suggested it didn’t.

I frowned. “What about Jayden Asher?”

“I was hoping that you didn’t ask me about him. I know that Anya wanted to keep him alive, but Itzhak placed a bomb in his house and car. The housekeeper set off the house bomb. A car thief tried to steal his car while Jayden was watching his house go up in flames. The thief set off the car bomb, so Jayden was identified by his dental records.”

Dad patted me on the back. “Go to her son. She needs you.”

Ben and Keelan had scattered. They knew I would deal with their asses later.