Page 52 of Vow of Silence

Jayden rolled his eyes. “Women don’t turn on the men they love. A woman’s love is deeper than blood, it goes down to the cellular level. When a woman is for you, she is for you, even when you prove repeatedly to be a piece of shit.”

Rubbing my temples, I tried to slow my racing heart. “True. What’s the next plan Jayden?”

“This is the plan, Anya. It sucks but I promise you that I’ll get you out of there. This is risky, but it’s all we’ve got. Your job is the hardest because you’ll have to get us information and something that will allow Felix to believe you’ve been innocent the entire time. I won’t lie to you. If you fail to get the information, you’ll be delivered back to your father. He’ll know that you were in prison,” said Jayden.

At least when you threaten someone Jayden, you do it straight up.

“How long do I have to get the information?” I leaned back in the seat. My instinct was warning me that this situation was about to get worse. A place that didn’t exist and where no one knew I was. It sounded like hell.

“You have one hour. We’ll book you in. You’ll get the information from her at lunch. We’ll get you out of there right after. If you stay in there when night falls, you’ll be killed.”

I stared at her like she had two heads. My name alone was a guaranteed death sentence. Yet, she casually suggested that I go inside. Tamsyn Munoz had zero respect for my life, but that was all right. I would return the favor when I slit her throat.

Wonderful. They are demanding the impossible in one hour. I’ll be surrounded by guards and enemies. The window of opportunity looks more like an execution.

Exhaling, I stared at them. “So, you want me to get her to talk before she cuts my throat. I guess it doesn't matter whether I die at her hands or my father's. Are you going to feed me breakfast before you send me to my death?”

We aren’t sending you to your death. You just need to get her to talk and return to your cell after lunch. You’ll be locked in. No one can get to you until nightfall when the guards change. I suspect all of them are compromised,” said Jayden.

This was a colossal mess.

However, if I could get Samira to admit that she betrayed Arkan, it would clear me with my father. Like Cian said, I was on borrowed time with him. His trust in me was in doubt and he would eventually kill me. I needed time to avoid my fate. This plan might work if they don’t leave me in there to die. After I helped them, I had no assurances they wouldn’t leave me in there to die. Unfortunately, I had to gamble on them believing that they could use me at some other time.

Let's face it, this was the government. Their faces were just as cruel as my father’s. The difference was, they hid it well.

The driver looked through the open window. “My name is Maria Wang and the lady sitting next to me is Kim Mai. I’m sure you don’t trust us but you’re an asset and we’ll get you out of there.”

“Your purpose is to help the United States government make the world a better place.

Unfortunately, it means sending Felix Aslanov and Arkan into our custody. You have the means and the connections by birth to do this for us,” said Kim.

It’s too bad you won’t live long enough to see this better world you speak of.

Ethan nodded. “If you had never betrayed them, we never would have looked at using you or Mila. We decided long ago that Mila was oblivious of who a mafia princess was. “She’s Daddy's little girl.”

I had all their names stored in my mind and I never forgot a face. I would ensure that when this was all over, each of them would die, a very painful death. They would regret the day they chose to use me.

“My father was good at pretending to love us. We're nothing but pawns on his chessboard. When he forces us to marry, only the monster would change but our fate would remain the same.”

Closing my eyes, I ignored the sweat that poured down my face. I hadn’t eaten enough noodles and I could feel my diabetes getting low. I needed to test my glucose and take my daily dose of insulin.

A strong hand closed over mine. “Maria, stop at the convenience store. We need a place that carries diabetic meters and test strips. I’ll make a few calls to get some insulin,” said Jayden.

The van stopped. Kim didn’t say a word as she jumped out of the car and rushed inside the store. It was a small store front that was unassuming. I was grateful for test strips and meters but these items would be useless if I weren’t given the insulin injections I needed.

“I know you don’t trust me. I promise you, on Heather’s grave, that no matter what, I will get you out of there. Just get the information that you can use to appease your father,” said Jayden.

Titling my head, I studied him. “Who’s Heather? Is she your wife?”

Jayden looked down at the floor. “Heather was my five-year-old daughter. I was working on a case where your father experimented with fentanyl laced pills that he gave to kids between the ages of twelve and seventeen. I was warned to back off the case, but I didn’t. The next day my daughter Heather had an accident at school. She was found dead in a freak accident. She had been suffocated in the school coat closet.”

I wiped a tear off my cheek. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

He shrugged. “Me too. I won’t make you pay for what your father did because you didn’t wrap the scarf around her neck and strangle her. Your father sanctioned the hit. I want the culprit that paid for her senseless murder.