Page 20 of Vow of Silence

“Cian, who gives a fuck. She is that asshole’s daughter. She doesn’t deserve your mercy. How many people has he slaughtered.” He grabbed his plate and put it in the dishwasher.

“Did she slaughter them? I’m not handing her over to those bastards. I killed all of them last night. If I wanted to give her to them, I would’ve done it already and saved my explosives.”

“Damn. I knew it was you who killed those men. Why are you protecting her? What happened last night that I don’t know about? Did you fuck her? If this is about you getting your dick wet…” Elijah walked over and sliced a piece of pie.

Growling, I stood. “This isn’t about sex. She has useful information that we could use to take over Felix’s business after we kill him.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Save the bullshit. I’m your best friend. I know how you get when people mess with your things. That defiant expression on your face confirms that she now belongs to you. What’s the plan?”

Sitting down, I poured another shot of whiskey. “I need to know the information that she has on them. She must have evidence that warrants a kill order. That means the evidence should be in our possession. I will give it to dad. Yes, Anya belongs to me. I have plans for her.”

Elijah shook his head. ‘I almost feel sorry for her. What do you need me to do?”

I held up her cellphone. “I have put tracking software on it. All the information on this phone is now being sent to my other phone. Let’s see what she does when I give this back to her. She doesn’t trust me but there’s someone in her life that she trusts. She’ll lead us directly to them. After she makes the phone call, you will burst into her room, take the knife from her, and tell her that I’m dead. Cut her loose and hide. Follow her and see where she goes. I’ll follow the both of you on my motorcycle.”

He rubbed his chin. “This plan is risky. She could lead us into a trap. What if we lose her or if there is a surprise ambush?”

“Elijah, you don’t have to risk your ass. When she stops, you can double back here and call my dad. Tell him that I met a girl and that I am making my way home.”

“Cian, if she calls her father, we’re screwed.”

Smiling, I shook my head. “She won’t. Whatever she’s did to the Albanians and Serbians was behind his back. The last person she’ll call or run to is him. Trust me, Felix would kill her himself to save his billions.”

Now that the plan was in motion and everything was ready, I sauntered upstairs. Elijah and I were signing. There was no risk of hearing our conversation. The floorboards creaked underneath my weight as I leisurely walked down the hall to the bedroom. I opened the door and kicked it closed.

Anya was currently in bed pretending to be asleep. I might have fallen for it if I hadn't discovered that she snored the night before. After putting the plate of food and diet Coke on the dresser, I sat down on the edge of the bed.

“Are you awake? I’ve brought you some dinner. You must eat and test your blood unless you want to be helpless again.”

She didn't respond but the slight change in her breathing hadn’t gone unnoticed. I was certain she wasn’t sure why I had allowed her to keep the sharp knife. She didn’t know how to handle me.

Good. Let’s see what she does now.

I pulled out her phone. “You saved my life last night. That doesn't mean that I trust you. However, with all the men out to kill you, I’ve decided to allow you to keep the weapon. It would be foolish to try to use it against me but you’re welcome to try. If you prove trustworthy my plans for you can change.”

She hadn’t moved again but her heart rate sped up and her breathing became faster. Knowing her, she was trying to decide whether she should stab me. I was ready to defend against any attack she might launch.

“Your actions, however, deserve a reward. I’m giving you back your phone. It’s on the dresser next to the diabetic meter and test strips. There are still men nearby searching for you. If you run, they will kill you. I’m a bit exhausted from saving your ass and I’m not sure whether your life is worth the risk. Your trust will be evaluated by who you call and what you tell them.”

After pulling the cover up over her bare shoulder, I placed the phone on the dresser and walked out of the room. I padded downstairs and entered the kitchen catching Elijah stealing another slice of pie. Once Anya had her slice, there were only two slices left. My lips curved as I took out my phone and opened the application. Envisioning hearing her sultry, husky voice as her spoken words typed across the screen, I flipped the phone screen and showed him the number she dialed.

He nodded then began to research whose number that was.

“Vadim, did you get my last text message? I can’t talk for long. That bitch told my father what I did and it’s not safe. You need to stay with friends until I call and tell you that things have been resolved.”

“What. Where are you? I’ll come pick you up now.”

“No, I’m safe. I must handle this before my dad captures me. I can’t do what I need to do until I know that you’re safe. They will kill you. I can’t bear that. I love you. I’m sorry for what I said, I didn’t mean it.”

“I know. You will be my wife. Just let me get you. We can take care of Samira together.”

Hell no. She’s mine.

Glaring at him, I mouthed, who is he? There was no way some wet behind the ear, young buck, was going to take her from me. Anya was mine whether she knew it or not.

Elijah waved his hand. I walked over and stared at the screen.

Vadim Morozov. Soon I will know everything about you.