“Where’s your key?” I ask, standing upright as I slide the cardboard to rest against my chest.
“First, you barge into my home. Then, you demand that I hand over my key.” Her tone is playful again, almost teasing. If it weren’t for the history between us, I may even call it flirting.
“I’m going to have to make at least two trips to get everything down. So, you can either give me the key or leave the front door wide open while you’re showering. The choice is yours,” I reply, arching a brow as I tilt my head.
“Ugh, I’ve watched too many murder shows.” She huffs out a cute breath before walking into the kitchen. She turns her back to me, swiping a set of keys off the counter. I quickly tear my eyes away when I catch a glimpse of her perky ass nearly hanging out of the bottom of her tiny sleep shorts.
She has a great ass, Everett.That doesn't mean you’re attracted to her.
“Here.” Skylar walks towards me, rolling her eyes as she places the keys on top of the boxes cradled in my arms. “It’s the key with the number five on it.”
“Got it. I’ll leave your keys on the counter and lock the door after I grab the last of everything.” A wide smirk stretches across my face, “Or maybe I won’t.”
“I swear to God if some creep breaks in and attacks me while I’m in the shower because you left my door unlocked, I will haunt you until the end of time,” she clips, narrowing her eyes at me.
You already do.
You already do, I think to myself.
“That would be worse than spending eternity in the pits of hell,” I snort. “I’ll be sure to lock up.” I toss her a wink over my shoulder as I head for the door.
“Please make sure the door hits you on the way out,” she shouts at the same time I hear her bare feet stomping away down the hall. The corner of my lips turn up in a smile at her sassiness.
“Meet me downstairs in fifteen minutes, not a second later. I’m in the dark gray, Chevy Silverado,” I shout as the door closes behind me.
* * *
Fourteen minutes later,Skylar’s jogging towards my truck. Thankfully, she’s wearing actual clothes now, a plain white t-shirt that doesn't quite reach the button of her jeans, revealing a thin strip of her smooth skin. Her hair is damp, looking darker than usual as she blows a few stray strands out of her face. A thick jacket is slung over her arm as she hurriedly makes her way to the passenger door.
“Wow, look at you. One minute to spare,” I say through the open window, my lips turned up in a smug grin.
“You’re not going to be a gentleman and open the door for me?” She’s staring at me with her arms folded over her chest, an amused expression etched across her face. Her blue eyes look almost silver in the sunlight.
“Oh, I can be a gentleman when I want to be. I think you already know that, though.” I rest my hand against the steering wheel while tossing her a knowing wink.
Could I get out and open the door for her? Sure. If she were any other person besides Skylar Wood, I probably would. Hell, even Uber drivers get the door for their passengers.
However, I’m not getting paid or even appreciated to tote her around. She made it clear to me that she doesn't owe me so much as a “thank you”. I like to believe that chivalry is not dead, but when it comes to me and Skylar, it’s six feet under.It has to be.
“You must have a terrible memory because I don’t thinkgentlemanwould be the correct term as far as I remember.” She huffs out a labored breath as she slings the door open and slides into the passenger seat.
“Whatdo you remember then? A cunning stallion?” I can’t help the smile that breaks across my face as I try not to laugh.
“Get over yourself,” she mutters, pressing her hand to my shoulder and giving me a light shove.
A zip of electricity shoots through my arm at her touch. An old, yet familiar feeling. A feeling that I crave, even though I should despise it. A feeling that I know could wreck me.
I dart my eyes away, flexing my jaw.
“You got everything?” I clear my throat, any hint of playfulness vanishing as I quickly tear my shoulder away from her touch. I’m staring at her out of the corner of my eye, keeping my head angled toward the windshield.
A moment of awkward silence passes before she clasps her hands together, resting them in her lap. I didn’t mean to embarrass her. I know she didn’t mean anything by it, but it’s too much.Everything is too much when it comes to her.Just having her in my truck is pure torture. It’s like staring through a glass window, gazing at everything you’ve ever wanted. It’s so close, but yet, you know you’ll never have it.
I clear my throat, deciding that I need to set some ground rules before we hit the road.
“Skylar…” I exhale. “This is going to be a long trip. All jokes aside, I’d rather you ride with me than drive through winter weather in your tiny car. I mean that. But I just have two rules that I need you to follow while we’re in this truck together.Actually, I need you to follow them until you're in your hotel room… away from me.” I’m fully staring out the windshield now, unable to meet her fixed gaze.
“Okay…” She elongates the end of the word, her response sounding more like a question.