“What is that?” she asks.
“My Before-Takeoff Checklist.” I hit a couple of buttons.
“I always pictured a pilot using a key to start the plane up,” Ivy jokes.
I give her a sidelong glance and chuckle. “No key, sweetness.” Then I conduct the engine runup and system checks.Auxiliary fuel pump—off. Flight controls—free and correct. Instruments and radios—checked and set. Landing gear position lights—checked. Altimeter—set.
“I’ve never really understood how a plane works.”
“Basic mechanics,” I explain. “Aircraft systems are powered up using ground power or internal battery power. That starts up your instruments, lights, systems and communications.”
Directional gyro—set. Fuel gauges—checked. Trim—set. Propeller—exercise. Magnetos—checked. Engine idle—checked. Flaps—checked.
“Then you start the APU, the Auxiliary Power Unit.”
“What’s that?” she asks, leaning forward, watching as I flip switches and continue to run down my list.
She actually looks interested, so I take the time to explain it all. Most people couldn’t care less. They just have faith that I know what I’m doing and can guide what is essentially hundreds of thousands of pounds of steel through the sky at an outrageous speed. “A small turbine engine that generates high-pressure compressor bleed air.”
“That makes no sense to me. All I just heard was blah, blah, blah, blah.”
“Are you calling me Charlie Brown’s teacher?”
She laughs. “Maybe.”
I chuckle.Damn, she’s adorable.I’m enjoying our chat and the time we’re spending together. Even if it is only because she needs my help. “Basically, it creates air to spin the blades. Then fuel is sent to the engine and ignited. Easy peasy.”
“Hardly. That’s complicated. How did you learn all this?”
“In the Army.” I set my checklist down on my lap and turn to face her, needing to see those pretty eyes. They make my pulse speed up.
“Right. You mentioned you were a Night Hawk.”
“Night Stalker,” I correct her.
“Right, sorry. And your job was to fly special forces guys around on missions.”
I nod. “That’s right.” I’m surprised she remembers that brief conversation from so long ago.
“Why are you called Night Stalkers?”
“Because of our ability to strike undetected during night-time ops. We’re the best pilots in the world, sweetness.”
“Modest, too.”
“Not really.” I flash my trademark cocky grin. It’s been known to make quite a few panties drop, but Ivy just rolls her gorgeous eyes.
With the interior precheck done, I need to head outside and finish prepping for departure. I want to ask her more about what she captured on her camera, but time is money and I really should finish my pre-flight check before Colt and Eden get back.
“Hey, Finn!” Eden Esposito-Law calls. “Sorry we’re late. But the job ran over—”
“And traffic was a bitch,” Colton Law finishes, popping his dark head into the cockpit. His moss green eyes widen in surprise when they land on my co-pilot. “Oh, hey, Ivy.”
Well, shit.Guess finishing pre-flight check will be delayed by greetings and explanations.
Eden must hear because she pokes her nosy head right around his shoulder. “Ivy! What the hell are you doing here?”
Leave it to Eden to be blunt as always.