I’m fully focused on the plane below, mentally screaming at it. But at this point, I’m not sure if it’s even possible to pull that plane out of its deadly drop.
Chapter Eighteen: Ivy
Screaming and clawing at Snakeman does absolutely nothing to lessen his grip on me, but right before he throws me out into the vast nothingness and I fall to my imminent death, the entire plane lurches and he drops me.
“What’s going on with this fucking turbulence?” he growls, clearly annoyed and grabbing my bound wrists, dragging me back up.
“We have a bigger problem than turbulence,” Scarface announces.
“What’re you talking about?”
“Forget about the girl,” Vitello orders, pulling out a gun. “We’ve got company.”
What?Confusion fills me and I glance over and see a face at the nearest window. For a stunned moment, I almost scream.
But then I’m stunned into silence by the new reality of the situation. I’m being rescued!
Even though he has a mask covering the lower half of his face, I recognize Aidan Wolf’s dark blue eyes and he gives me a thumbs-up before disappearing from sight.
How in the hell is he hanging outside of the plane?I pull myself up and hold onto the nearest seat to avoid rolling out the open door as the plane continues to be battered by turbulence. Suddenly, a black canister is tossed through the open door and an explosion of light, sound and smoke fills the cabin.
A flashbang.
Immediately following the distraction, five black-clad figures, their faces partially covered like Aidan’s, swing through the doorway, one after the other. Two fire their weapons, taking out both Scarface and Snakeman. Vitello begins shooting and races toward the back of the plane, away from the chaos, and a third figure chases after him. The fourth figure moves to secure the cockpit. And the fifth, much slimmer figure, heads straight over to me, pulling a knife and cutting through the rope.
“Don’t worry, Ivy,” Fallon says. “We’re going to get you out of here.”
Relief floods through me. “Where’s Eric?” I need to know he’s safe. Desperate to hear the reassuring words.
“Flying the plane directly above us,” she states with a twinkle in her aqua blue eyes.
Oh, thank God.“Wait. Did you just sayaboveus?”
“Your flyboy has it all under control,” she assures me with a wink. “Now, let’s get you out of here.”
“He is my flyboy,” I say proudly, a smile curving my mouth, as the rope falls to the floor. “And I can’t wait to tell him.”
Fallon chuckles and motions for me to follow her up the aisle. Holding onto the seats for support, we move closer to the blown-off door and my hair whips around my face like crazy. I’m scared if I get too close to the door I might get sucked right out.
As if she hears my thoughts, Fallon stops. “Stay here,” she says. “Maddox will hook you up and then we’re getting off this bird.”
I can’t wait to get out of here, but I’m not too keen about stepping out that door into nothing but thin air. At least not until after we land safely. Doesn’t look like that’s happening, though. Glancing toward the back of the plane, I see Jack Cullen grab hold of Vitello, drag him up from between the seats where he’s cowering and easily disarm him. Jack is a huge mountain of a man, and Vitello’s out-of-shape, flabby body doesn’t stand a chance to fight him off. And Vitello doesn’t look so intimidating without his goons to back him up.
While Jack drags Vitello back up to the front of the plane, Maddox appears next to me, his hazel eyes glowing above the black material covering the lower half of his rugged face. Kane Maddox is even bigger than Jack and I adore how the big, gruff man turns into a giant teddy bear when he’s with Sailor. It makes my heart melt every time I see it.
“We’re going to secure this around you,” the former SEAL says, and I lift my arms as he clasps a harness around my middle. Then he disconnects a carabiner from his belt and clips it to the hardware on the front of the harness. A long rope that leads outside is attached. “Dom is going to hoist you up. Ready?”
“Not really,” I admit and he chuckles.
“You got this.”
As we approach the door, a blast of wind nearly knocks me off my feet and I’m clinging to the rope like a lifeline. Hell, it is my lifeline.
Jack finishes talking in an earpiece then shoves Vitello forward. He trips over his own feet and lands on his knees with an oomph.
“You’re going to regret this,” Vitello threatens, glaring at me with so much hate in his eyes that I cringe.
“Shut up,” Jack snaps. He turns to me, places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes. “You’re doing great, Ivy. Capo is ready, Fallon. You’re up.”