“I have no doubts, Mr. Pilot Extraordinaire.”

I laugh and pull her arms around me tighter.

It only takes a few minutes to get to Seashells, and I park my bike and help her off, breathing in her baby powder scent. It’s driving me crazy, making me a little delirious, but I force myself to behave. After removing our helmets, we walk into the place and Darcy, one of the waitresses, greets me with a big smile. She’s in the middle of taking a customer’s order but pauses to wave.

“Hey, Finn! Your usual table is empty if you wanna seat yourself. I’ll be right over.” She tosses me a wink.

Damn. I sort of forgot about her and I glance over at Ivy. I expect to see some sort of reaction, maybe an ‘I knew it’ smirk, but she has a blank look on her face which is somehow even worse. Letting out a low breath, I shove my hands into my jacket pockets and nod toward the outdoor patio, all the while wondering if we should take this breakfast to go.

Nothing’s ever happened between me and Darcy. She’s a huge flirt, but I know she’s dating some big motorcycle dude. No, thank you. I want no part of that.

Once we’re seated at my usual table in the corner that overlooks the ocean, Ivy leans an elbow on the railing and tilts her head up to the warm sun. Her long hair shimmers like a golden waterfall and my fingers itch to run through its softness.

“I forgot how much I love the weather here,” she says. “Always blue skies and warm days full of sunshine.”

“You really can’t beat it,” I agree, unable to drag my attention off her. “You’ve also got palm trees, mountains and the ocean.”

“I’ll trade you for taxis, neon lights and the Hudson River.”

“No thanks.” I prop my elbows on the table and lean forward. “You ever think about leaving New York?”

“I used to love living there. But lately…” Her voice trails off.

“Lately?” I press. When she turns to face me, a ray of sunshine hits her multi-colored eyes and they sparkle. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look so beautiful. My pulse begins to thrum and I have never wanted a woman more in my life. I could get lost in those eyes. Forever and ever.

“I’ve been wondering if I’d be happier living somewhere else.” She shrugs a shoulder, reaches for her napkin and places it on her lap.

Before I can ask her where, Darcy appears. “Hey, hot shot, I’m assuming you want your usual waffles. And black coffee,” she says as she fills my mug. “Any coffee for you?” she asks Ivy.

“Sure, thanks.”

Darcy fills Ivy’s mug, and I pretend not to notice all of her attention is on me.

“Good day for a ride in your plane,” Darcy comments. “You ever gonna take me up in it?”

“I’m still working on her.” I glance over at Ivy who looks down at her menu. “Besides, I don’t think your boyfriend would appreciate that.”

“Oh, boo,” she says with a big smile. “He needs to learn to share.”

That last comment makes Ivy bristle and I’m really wishing we’d gone somewhere else for breakfast.I am an idiot.

“Waffles for you, too, honey?”

“No, thank you. I’ll have the fruit and yogurt parfait.”

“That’s it?” I ask Ivy as Darcy plucks the menus up and tosses me another wink.Dammit.I wish she’d stop doing that. “I thought you were hungry?”

“Guess I lost my appetite.”

The moment Darcy walks away, I lean over the table, drop my voice and say, “She isn’t a notch, okay? Never was and never will be.”

“If you say so.”

“She has a huge-ass biker boyfriend.”

“Who, lucky for you, might be willing to share,” Ivy comments dryly.

“I don’t share,” I grit out.