“Turn around.”
When she did, his cock twitched. He didn’t know if it was her obedience that turned him on or the smooth expanse of her back.
He reached for the zipper at the small of her back but paused when his hand was an inch from her bare skin. He could feel the heat of her, and he wanted it. He wanted her warmth in his cold life of business and family obligations, her freedom in his life of self-imposed restrictions. He took a step closer.
Don’t touch. Don’t touch her. She is not the woman for you.
She shivered and looked over her shoulder. Their eyes met for the length of a flash of lightning. Then he grasped the zipper and drew it up.
Sara shivered again and turned to face Tariq. She could not believe his gall, walking right in while she was changing. The air in the little changing room had immediately thickened as he took up more than his fair share of space. And she could not believe her body’s betrayal, obeying his curt order before she had a chance to protest.
She wanted to give him a piece of her mind. He had no right to order her about when she wasn’t at work. She opened her mouth to tell him to leave, but something in his eyes stopped her.
Why hadn’t Amira come back? Could the shop associate stop him fromactuallykidnapping her? She doubted it. More likely, she would happily provide him with all the supplies they’d need for a trek across the desert, including this ridiculously gorgeous gown, just in case of a spontaneous black-tie event at a random oasis.
He stepped closer. She stepped back, but a little slower than she would have expected. Heat spiraled through her body, a tingle dancing to life between her legs.
She took another step, and so did he. Then her back hit the wall.
Kiss me.
He must have read her mind, because he leaned in and claimed her mouth with his.
He was forceful, but not rough. Demanding and giving at the same time. She whimpered and answered him, all her pent-up frustration and irritation and attraction and desire surging out of her and into their pairing. He cupped her head in one hand, tugging her hair just enough to make her hyperaware ofhimand the effect he was having on her and nothing else.
He broke away as suddenly as he’d started, taking a step back and leaving her breathless.
Amira appeared a moment later, and in the same moment, Tariq had returned to the cold, formal man he had always been.
“Wrap up everything we’ve selected, including the gown, except for whatever she chooses to wear out of the shop, and have it delivered to her home. I’ll leave my payment information at the counter. I’m afraid I must leave for an important meeting.”
Sara wanted to throw something—preferably something pointy—at his retreating back.
Twenty minutes later, Sara had changed into one of her new outfits. She found Keira and Kaleena waiting for her outside the restaurant. Her new garment was similar to the twins’ flowing ones, but in a soft-peach color rather than their jewel tones.
“What happened?” they asked simultaneously as she hurried up to them.
“Oh my God, you look amazing!” Keira gushed, holding Sara at arm’s length and examining her new clothing. “Where were you?”
Sara didn’t really know how to explain what had happened. On the surface, it seemed like a shopping trip, but Sara wasn’t quite sure that was all it had been. Tariq had gone shopping in the same way a little girl might pick out doll clothes.
“Um, I met Tariq and did a little shopping.” Sara said. “It was a little crazy. Let’s go inside and get some food. I’m starving. I’ll tell you everything while we eat.”Almost everything. There was no way she would tell anyone, ever, about that kiss. “I’m sorry for leaving you two hanging like that. Did you do anything interesting while you waited?”
The twins were too impatient for Sara’s story to say much more than, “Oh, we just hung out.”
Luckily, their table was still available, and they were seated quickly. Sara tried to read her menu, but she had a hard time focusing on it. She realized, eventually, that it wasn’t her eyes that were the problem, but her hands. They were trembling. It might have been from hunger, but she didn’t think so. In the end, when the waitress approached them to take their orders, Sara just asked her to bring whatever she recommended.
“Sara.” Keira nudged her and tilted her head to the side as the waitress took Kaleena’s order.
“Look to your left.” Keira’s eyes widened. Sara followed her gaze, but she didn’t see what Keira was trying to show her. The restaurant wasn’t full, and the only occupied table nearby was blocked by the server. Luckily, the other patrons were sitting close enough for Sara to hear the waitress greet them.
“Your menu, madam, Sheikh Botros. What drinks would you like me to get started for you?” The waitress’s voice betrayed her nerves, though it didn’t waver as much as Sara’s hands had been wavering a moment ago. She couldn’t hear any reply, but the waitress bobbed her head and moved away from the table.
Sara made eye contact with Tariq. It was too late for her to look away and act as if she hadn’t seen him. He was sitting with an extremely elegant older woman in a traditional Middle Eastern abaya. It was black with gold embroidery, and she had her silver hair pulled back in an impeccable chignon. The woman tilted her head and looked to see what had distracted Tariq. She smiled a little and said something to him.
He sighed and gestured to Sara with two quick flicks of his fingers for her to come over.