“It’s new and we’re seeing where it goes.” It’s hard to fight the smile that fills my face when I think of him.
“What the hell kind of name is Ledger?” my father asks behind his newspaper from the table behind us.
Ignoring him, I keep my attention on my mom. “He’s kind. Compassionate. He makes me laugh and smile. Plus, he owns his own successful business.”
“What kind of business?” my father asks.
I glance toward him and square my shoulders. “He runs his own mechanic shop.”
“Certainly doesn’t take an ivy league education to do that,” he murmurs under his breath.
I spin around on my stool. “You know what? It doesn’t. But he’s successful. And he did it all on his own and no one can take that away from him.”
He methodically folds the newspaper and sets it down on the table next to him. His gaze bores into mine. “I did not bust my ass to provide a life for you, only to have you slumming it with some mechanic. You are better than that. Look at your sister. She’s dating one of the top lawyers in the state. He’s the kind of man you should be with. Not some mechanic.”
The venom in his tone sends ice through my veins. It’s never mattered to me what Ledger does or doesn’t do for a living. I’m drawn to the connection we have, not what’s in his bank account.
“Your mother has arranged a date with the Jonas Callahan. I expect to see you there with him,” he says.
“But he’s not my boyfriend. Ledger is my boyfriend, and he’s the one I want as my guest.” I stand my ground.
He stands and moves to the island in front of me, palms pressing on the granite countertop. “This is a big event for your mother. It’s best you don’t go embarrassing her or me. The campaign will be picking up soon. Everyone will be on their best behavior.”
I roll my eyes. How dare I live the life I want, instead of the facade of the perfect senator’s daughter he expects? “That’s right. This is, after all, about you. Maybe it’s best I go by myself. Even better, maybe I don’t go at all. God forbid, I don’t fit into the perfect mold you’ve constructed for me.” Hurt and rage bubbles up inside me. It’s like a dormant volcano. Years and years of buildup and now it finally explodes. All I see is red. I shove away from the counter, the stool clattering to the ground. Not bothering to pick it up, I march down the hallway with heavy footsteps, slamming the front door shut with a loud bang.
Before I can reach my car, an arm on my shoulder twists me around. I yank out of my father’s grasp and step backward.
“I’ve had enough of your attitude. Have some respect.” he seethes. When I say nothing, he continues, “Now, you’ll do as I say. And that includes stop seeing the mechanic.”
“And what are you going to do if I don’t?” I spit out.
He gets in my face, his words a venomous whisper. “I’d hate for him to lose that shop he’s worked so hard to build.”
My heart stops. He wouldn’t, would he? My gaze flits back and forth, searching his for any telltale sign he’s bluffing, but his expression is like a stone statue. Exactly like his heart. I’d expect a lot of things from him, but to take away someone’s livelihood?
“Now your mother has arranged a date for you. So, you’ll be there on Jonas’ arm. And break up with the boyfriend. We can’t have the gossip mill whispering about how you’re a whore. Got it?”
I ball my fists together, my nails digging into my palms so hard I’m surprised I haven’t drawn blood. I can’t believe he has the audacity to speak to me like this. We glare at each other. Hatred burning in both our irises. I itch to fight him, to call his bluff, but then I’d be gambling with Ledger’s livelihood, and I can’t do that. Because I know his threats are not empty ones.
He pulls away. “Finally, for once you listen to me. After everything I’ve given you.” Then he marches toward the front door. After it slams shut behind him, I turn on my heel and storm away.
Once I’m in my car, I’m out of the driveway as fast as the car can move. This is the first time my parents have spoken to me like that. Granted, this may be the first time I’ve ever defied them. I’ve lived my entire life under their thumb. I know the things they are capable of. Mostly my father. I don’t know if I’m ready to find out the repercussions.
When the adrenaline wears off, tears flood my eyes. With the road a blur, I pull off on the shoulder and let everything out. My life is a complete mess, and I don’t know what to do anymore. The one thing that makes me happy drives a wedge into everything else. My parents will never approve of someone like Ledger. They look down their noses at people like him. I wish they could see how happy he makes me, but clearly happiness means nothing to them.
After the tears subside, I flip down the mirror and check my makeup. Mascara streaks down my cheeks. So much for being waterproof. Digging in my center console, I find a packet of tissues and clean it up. Then I riffle through my bag to find my compact and reapply a fresh coat of makeup. At least now it’s only the red puffy eyes that give away that I’ve been crying. When I’m situated again, I realize I’m only a few blocks from Trey’s house and right now I could really use a friend.
Five minutes later, I’m pulling into his driveway and parking next to his Escalade. I jump out and take the sidewalk up to the front door. Before I can raise my hand to knock, the wood door flings open. Trey looks casual, wearing dark jeans, a Porter’s T-shirt, and his signature sexy smile.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?”
My eyebrows pinch together. “Um. What’s on your head?”
He reaches up the plastic cap making a crinkling sounds as he taps it. “Shit. I forgot about that. It’s my twice a month honey and olive oil treatment.”
“So that’s why your hair is so soft. Why didn’t I think of that.”
“I’ll give you my recipe. So, what bring you here?”