“That’s…awkward,” Tatum says.
“Just a little, but that’s not all. She’s been staying at his house.”
“What the hell!?” Charlie screeches.
“That’s the first thing I thought, but with a few more expletives. Needless to say, I’ve been suffering from emotional whiplash. I need some time to think everything through.” Even though during my time alone, I didn’t do much thinking. I ate junk food and binge watchedFriends. Also, Ross and Rachel were on a break. Oh shit. Does Ledger think we’re on a break? I told him I needed time alone. That totally constitutes as a break. I scramble off the couch and dash into the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” Tatum asks as she and Charlie jump up and follow me.
I swipe my keys off the counter. “What if Ledger thinks we’re on a break? Nothing good comes from a break.”
“You’re going to see him? Looking like that?” Tatum asks.
I glance down at my outfit that’s more fitting as pajamas than going out in public, but I don’t care. I can’t spare another second. “Yes.” I yank open the door and dash to my SUV. If I know Ledger, he’s at his shop. With the gas pedal to the floor, I race across town. Possibly breaking a few speed limits and maybe rolling through a stop sign or two, but I need to get to Ledger.
I hop the curb in my SUV as I speed into the parking lot. My tires screech as I step on the brake, my bumper inches away from hitting the side of the building. I slam the shifter in park and beeline it to the door. Charging through the doorway, I quickly glance around. The lights are on, but no one is in sight. “Ledger!” I peek under a car. “Ledger!” I peer around the hood of a truck. Nothing. Then a noise catches my attention. But it’s not coming from the shop area. I freeze to get a better listen. It’s hard to hear over the hammering of my heart. Hushed moans sound from the hallway. I tiptoe toward the noise.
“Oh! Yes! Harder!” Followed by grunts come from behind a closed door. Ledger’s office door.
My entire body goes numb. I can’t believe he’s doing this. At the first opportunity, he sleeps with his ex-girlfriend. If I didn’t tell him I needed space, would this have happened? No! This isn’t my fault. I’m not the one fucking someone else. My fists clench.
My face heats red hot as I bolt down the hallway and across the garage. I shove open the door and before I can make it outside, I run face first into a solid chest. Sandalwood and grease swirls around me.
My hands ball into tight fists and deliver the first blow. “You piece of shit! How dare you!” I continue hammering my fists into his chest. “I can’t believe I trusted you!”
“Hey. Hey! What are you talking about?” Ledger tries to control my wrists, but I continue swinging my hands.
“You’re sleeping with your ex!”
“No. I’m not.”
“Yes! You are! I heard you! In your office!” I continue to flail my arms.
Giving up on trying to control my wrists, he wraps me in a bear hug. “Olivia. What are you talking about? I’m not sleeping with Stevie.”
My chest heaves, as much as it can while being squeezed by Ledger. Then it hits me. He’s right here. He’s not in his office. “I thought I heard you having sex in your office.”
“Right now?”
I nod. He releases his grip and stomps across the garage. I chase after him. Once he’s at the door, he raises his fist and pounds on the wood. “Get the fuck out here right now!”
Murmurs and rustling sounds from the other side. Ledger continues beating on the door until it finally opens. Jay exits first, straightening his shirt. A smug smile on his face as Ledger glares at him. Next, Stevie stumbles out, her hair tousled, fastening the button of her skirt. Before she can get past Ledger, he grips her wrist, stopping her.
“I want you out,” he seethes.
“Fine. I’ll just go back to your place.”
“No! I want you out! Out of my garage. Out of my house. Out of my life.”
“Where am I supposed to go?”
“I don’t give a shit. Since you’re fucking Jay now, you can stay with him because I’m done.”
“My dad won’t be too happy that you threw his daughter out on the street,” she counters.
“I’ll deal with Archie. In fact, I’ll call him right now.” He pats his pockets, looking for his phone, but comes up empty.