“We can put everything behind us now. No more controlling parents. No more surprise ex-girlfriends?” She raises an eyebrow.
“We should be safe.” I grip her cheeks with my palms, brushing my thumbs over her soft skin. Bending down, I press my lips to hers, loving the contrast of her softness against my hard edges.
“Ugh!” Jay groans from behind us. “Get a room!”
I break our kiss, but keep my hands pressed to her cheeks. “What do you say? Go to my office?”
“Sounds like an excellent idea.” She beams up at me.
“Oh, look at that. It’s lunchtime.” Jay pushes off the tool bench and clasps my shoulder. “Text me when you’re done.” With that, he strolls out of the garage.
“I love you, duchess.”
“And I love you, bad boy.”
I spin around, taking in my first large charity event. A parent from a kid’s birthday party I organized asked me to plan an event their employer was hosting. I jumped at the chance. I’ve helped with so many charity events over the years, it thrilled me to finally organize one solo. All the late-night phone calls, last minute décor and catering changes were stressful, especially doing everything myself. But as I glance around at the blue and silver décor that drapes around the ballroom, I couldn’t be happier with the way everything turned out. After the execution of several smaller successful events, I quit my job at The Blue Stone Group and started my own business. Ledger’s been by my side, behind the scenes anyway, helping me and encouraging me every step of the way. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be earning a living doing something I love.
Ledger strolls toward me with a champagne flute in one hand and a low ball in the other. I wasn’t able to convince him to buy a suit, but he compromised on black slacks and a white button down. I wanted to ask for a tie, but didn’t want to push my luck. He’s hotter like this, anyway. The collar hangs loose around his neck, showing off his tattoo. But my favorite part, his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, his drool worthy forearms on full display. If anyone says forearms aren’t sexy, they’ve never seen Ledger’s. To top off his ensemble, his matte black combat boots. If we weren’t in a room full of people, I would jump him right now. Instead, I’ll show a little restraint, until we get home.
Every time I catch sight of his new tattoo, butterflies flutter in my belly. On the inside of his left wrist is an open padlock withDuchessfilling the inside in a gothic script. After I told him why I got the key on my right wrist, he wanted the padlock on his left, for when we hold hands.
“Duchess, this place looks amazing.” He hands the flute to me.
“Thanks. I’m happy with how everything turned out.” I take a sip of the bubbly liquid.
“It looks almost as amazing as you.” He wraps a hand around my waist, tugging me to him and pressing his lips to my forehead. You’d never expect the big, grumpy, bad boy would have a sweet and tender spot, but he’s shown me everything. Times like this, in public, I love his sweet side, but when we’re behind closed doors, I want the bad. This good girl will always crave my bad boy.
Trey strolls up to us with Mona and Kenny following close behind. “Look at us. One big happy family.” Ledger glares at him, and I shake my head, but my smile is on full display. “What? Too soon?”
Mona slaps his arm. “Behave.” Then she turns her attention toward me. “This place looks beautiful. But not quite as beautiful as you.” She wraps her arms around me, hugging me tight.
“Thanks Mona. You’re too kind.”
When we break apart, she turns to Ledger. “Doesn’t she look beautiful.”
“Stunning.” Ledger wraps his arm around my shoulder, tugging me to his chest.
While Trey and Ledger haven’t become best friends, they’ve come to tolerate each other. They can at least be in the same room together without yelling expletives. I’ll call that progress. But Ledger still likes to show off that I picked him over Trey by always touching me whenever Trey’s near, like now. We’ve slowly eased back into family dinners. So far, no dinner rolls, or wine have been thrown.
Tatum walks into the ballroom, a pained expression on her face. I excuse myself from Ledger and Trey and pray they behave themselves.
I glide past groups of people until I’m in front of Tatum. Her eyes are puffy and red. “What’s wrong? And don’t tell me nothing.”
She takes my hand in hers, pulling me to an empty table in the corner. She takes a seat and I do the same. Her gaze falls to the table. “Adam broke up with me. He said he needed to focus on his career.”
“Career shameer. He’s an idiot.” I rest my hand on hers.
“But that’s not the worst of it.”
“What else did he do? Because I’ll kill him. Or I’ll have Ledger kill him. But I’ll help bury the body.”
She gives me a twinge of a smile. “He fired me. Well, his law firm said my position isn’t needed at this time, but I know it was Adam’s doing.” Her shoulders drop and she wrings her hands together in her lap. A moment passes before she lifts her head. “I busted my ass to be the perfect girlfriend and the perfect administrative assistant and what do I get? Dumped and fired.”