My girl. It has a nice ring to it. No matter how hard I try, I know Olivia is not the type of person you just forget. She burrows herself into your soul and sets up camp. At least, that’s what she’s done to me.

“She needs someone to go after her. To fight for her. She needs you.”

His words sink in, but there must be an ulterior motive. We never do favors for each other. Not growing up and definitely not now. “Why are you doing this? We’ve never helped each other.”

“I love her like…” He pauses and glances up to the ceiling, deep in thought, before continuing. “I would say like a sister, but we kissed and that would be weird. She’s one of my best friends. She deserves all the happiness, and as odd as it is, you make her happy.”

The corner of my mouth tips up. “So, you’re saying I win?”

He snorts. “I’m letting you win. Now, take this before I change my mind.” With his arm stretched out, he holds the garment bag to me. “Also, you’re on your own for shoes. While we’re about the same build, the shoe size is a different story.”

I grab the bag and walk to my bedroom. Once inside, I kick the door shut behind me. Carefully, I pull the fabric from the bag. I inspect the black suit. I run my fingers down the lapel. That’s when I spot the label above the inner pocket. Giorgio Armani. While I’ll admit I don’t know much about fashion, I do know that this suit cost more than my entire wardrobe. I strip out of my clothes and step into the slacks. I fasten the waistband and throw on the white dress shirt. Starting at the bottom, I button each iridescent pearl button, leaving the top one undone.

I pull open the door to my closet and pull out a pair of black boots. Since I own nothing with a fancy label, these are clean and will have to do. Shutting the door to my closet, I take a seat on the bed and shove a foot into each boot. I tie up the laces and straighten the hem of the pants, covering the top of the boots. When I stand, I find a small mirror that’s tucked into the corner. I run my fingers through the long strands of hair at the top, smoothing it out as much as possible before pulling it back and securing it with a hair tie. The hair and the boots are the only thing that gives it away that I don’t belong. And maybe the tattoos on the top of my hands. Also, the one crawling up my neck. Maybe it will be too dark for anyone to notice.

Once I’m finished, I head out to the living room, my boots thumping across the wood floor to the same rhythm as my heartbeat.

“Who knew you could clean up?” Trey glance up from his phone.

“Fuck off.” There’s a brief pause. “Also, thanks for this. The suit and the ticket. Also, for telling me about Olivia.”

“No problem.”

“I really appreciate it.” I hold out my hand for him to shake.

He glances down before gripping my hand with his. Then he does something that catches me off guard. He pulls me to him and wraps his other arm around me, slapping my shoulder.

“Just treat her right.”

We pull away from each other. “Believe me, once I get to her, I’m never letting her go.”

He glances down at his watch. “Shit. You better get going. The boat’s going to be leaving the dock soon.”

Quickly, I grab the suit jacket and throw it over my shoulder. Trey exits and I lock the house up behind him. Before he gets in his SUV, he stops. “Also, I’ll send you the dry cleaning bill when I get my suit back.”

I shake my head. He gets in his vehicle and reverses out of my driveway. Once I’m in my garage, I manually raise the garage door. I toss Olivia’s helmet into one of the saddlebags and shove mine on my head, buckling the strap under my chin. I push my bike out, fire it up, and then close the garage door. With traffic and parking, I figure it will be easier to maneuver around on the motorcycle. I throw a leg over the seat and rev the engine a few times before lifting the kickstand and taking off down the road.

Desperation races through my veins as I take the bike on a wild ride through the city, weaving between cars and trucks honking their horns. I can’t miss the boat. Finally, when I reach the marina, I spot the massive yacht still at the dock. Calling it a boat is an understatement. I twist the throttle grip and speed into the parking lot. I know my time is running out. I race up and down the rows of cars, praying for an empty spot. When I round the corner of the last row, I spot a sliver of an opening, just enough for a motorcycle between the curb and another car. Without hesitation, I take it. I kill the engine and toss my helmet on the passenger seat, not caring if someone steals it. My focus is to not miss the boat. My feet pound on the blacktop as I run across the parking lot. I notice the dock crew tearing down the velvet ropes and I run faster.

“Wait! Wait!” I flail an arm as my boots continue to slap against the ground. When I reach a podium, I double over, hands on my knees to catch my breath.

“Are you here for the event?”

My chest heaves as I reach into the inside pocket and pull out the invitation Trey gave me and wordlessly, I hand it over.

The attendant checks the ticket and then peers over the podium to me, still doubled over. “You made it just in time. But I wouldn’t wait too much longer.”

I rise to my full height. My breathing is still a little shallow. “Thanks.”

They direct me to a ramp. An attendant follows close behind me as I climb up. Once I’m on the boat deck, the gate locks with a clank. As I glance around, groups of people mill about, mingling with champagne glasses and low balls in their hands. Most of the women eye me with curiosity while the men glare with skepticism. Moisture collects on my palms, and I do my best to wipe them discreetly on my slacks. But at this point, there’s a good chance I’ll rub a hole through the fabric before my palms are dry.

The boat jerks forward, and I reach for the railing. I suck in a sharp breath through my mouth and slowly blow it out of my nose. Quickly, I scan all the unfamiliar faces on the deck and my blonde duchess is nowhere to be seen. I peer down as the boat cuts through the inky water.

That was a bad idea.

I pinch my eyes shut as a wave of nausea washes over me. I need to get off the deck. She’s not out here, so she must be inside. I unclench the railing and trail behind a middle-aged couple across the deck as they enter a set of double doors that open to a grand staircase that leads down into the ballroom. I scan the room, pausing briefly at each table to see if I can spot her. But table after table I come up empty. The loud chatter of conversation from the fully packed ballroom does nothing to mask the thumping in my chest. It’s going to take me all night to find her. But then I see her. My heart stops and everything else disappears.