“It’s…alright.” She slumps in her seat. “It was a lot more fun when I worked next to Charlie. Parisa’s still there, but she’s so busy I rarely get to see her besides a passing wave.” She pokes at a piece of chicken with her chopsticks. “I’ll be honest, it wasn’t something I aspired to, but my dad forced me to do something. At the time, it worked out.”

“What do you want to do?” I glance at her while I chew.

“You know…I’m not really sure. I’ve never really thought about it.”

I raise a questioning eyebrow.

“I know. I know.” She throws her arms in the air. “What thirty-one-year-old doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life?” She pauses. “This is going to come off as spoiled rich girl, so hold your judgement.”

I hold my hands up in defense.

“I never had to really think about it. My parents always made sure I had enough money in my bank account. They paid for my house and my car. They wanted me to get a job, so I found the first place that hired me. It appeased them enough, so I just carried on as normal.”

“Okay. Well, that still doesn’t answer my question. What do you want to do?”

She sits up straighter in her chair. “One thing I’ve always enjoyed is helping my mom plan and host all her charity functions. I don’t exactly enjoy working side by side with my mom because she can be a bit much, but I enjoy working with the caterers and the decorators.”

“So, party planning?”

There’s a brief twinkle in her eyes. “Yeah. I guess so. Event coordinator has a nice ring to it. I enjoy creating and organizing these magical nights that no one will forget.”

I set my fork down. “Why don’t you do that, then?”

“An event coordinator?” She glances up at the ceiling. Her lips purse as she tosses the idea back and forth in her head. “Maybe. But I don’t know where to start.”

“You’re resourceful. I bet you could figure it out. You already know all the people and have the connections. You just need to put yourself out there.”

Her gaze drops to her plate as she pushes chicken and broccoli around.

“How about this? I’ll be your first client.”

Her head flies up, eyes meeting mine. “You want to throw a party?”

“Sure. It’ll be an easy one, too. Only two people on the guest list. Location: your bedroom. And all you have to worry about is dessert.”

A tinge of pink covers her cheeks as she smiles. “Oh yeah. And what’s that?”

“You. In fact, I want that right now.” My fork drops to my plate with a clatter. In one swoop, I’m lifting her from her stool and carrying her into the living room.

“Hey, I wasn’t done with that.” She giggles.

“You are now.”

I toss her on to the couch and climb between her spread legs. My fingers dance at the waistband of her cotton shorts. “I’m craving something sweet. Think I’ll find it here?” I kiss the fabric covering her pussy.

She nibbles on her bottom lip. “I don’t know, but you should find out.”

* * *

The next morning, I stir awake with Olivia’s limbs wrapped around me. A mound of blonde hair drapes across the pillow and over my arm that she’s currently using as a pillow. Fuck. Having her body pressed up against mine in heaven. I don’t remember sleeping next to a woman feeling like this. After I carried Olivia to the couch, we ended the night with me giving her two orgasms, and then she got on her knees to give me one of my own. Then both of us passed out.

She stirs awake, stretching her body, causing her to press her chest into mine. Her eyes flutter open and bright blue eyes greet me.

“Morning.” My voice is deep from sleep.

“Good morning. I’m happy you stayed.”

“There’s nowhere else I would rather be.” And that’s not a lie. The more time I spend with her, the more she consumes me. I never expected her to completely wreck me the way she has. Every waking minute, I want to be by her side, holding her. Kissing her. Smelling her sweet jasmine scent. I want all of it.