
I almost cry when I look at myself in the mirror. It would be tears of joy if it weren’t for the fact I’ve betrayed my friend again.

This time, I can’t even blame Leo. He didn’t force me to do anything, and hedefinitelydidn’t force me to enjoy sucking his cock so much. Not so much the act itself, but the obsessive fire it provoked in him, the fierceness. The way he looked at me after, when he called me beautiful. It went beyond lust. That’s why I’d be crying with joy.

However, with Rosa calling my name from the bedroom, I can’t see myself as anything but a naked, come-covered woman, used by her best friend’s dad and nothing else. Shameful. I hate this. Turning on the shower, I quickly step under it and clean myself.


“Sorry, in the shower!”

“Can I wait?”

Where the hell is Leo? I’m assuming Rosa would show some reaction if she’d seen her dad half-naked.


I clean my body, tie my hair up, and wrap a towel around myself. Rosa is sitting on the desk chair, spinning idly. The room has a large desk on one side, the door to the en suite, drawers, and a few cabinets on one wall, with the door to the hallway. There’s a walk-in closet and more storage units on the third wall.

The walk-in closet door was closed when Leo came down here. I’m sure of it. Irememberit being closed because when I shut it, I thought,I can’t believe I’m shutting the door to a walk-in closet. Now, it’s half-open, like somebody just ran in there without the time to close it.

Rosa stops spinning on the chair. “We’re being silly, aren’t we?”

I sit on the bed since Rosa hasn’t mentioned how disheveled everything is. At least I can cover up some of what we did.


“Not talking. In the same houseall day.”

“I thought you were working on your essay.”

“Yeah, I have been. Well, trying to, but mostly, I’ve been thinking about how bad it is, keeping you here—”

“You’renot keeping me here.”

Her dad is. The man whose come I can still taste in my mouth, salty and nowhere near as unpleasant as I’d imagine it would be. I can still feel the phantom aftershocks of the orgasm, his tongue stroking.

“Contributing to it. I owe you answers.”

“You don’t owe me anything.”

She tilts her head. “Are youhappyto be staying here now?”

That’s a confusing question. I’m not happy about what it’s making me do, the path it’s leading me down with her dad, but I alsoamhappy about that. He said he needed me.

“I’m here if you need to talk,” I say, dodging the question.

“Duh, that’sexactlywhy I’m here. I want to tell you about Matt.”


She fiddles with her bracelet, an elegant golden piece. “A few months ago, I met a man in a bar near the college campus. Older than me, a lot older, actually.”

I lick my lips and glance at the walk-in closet door. Leo is hearing all this unless I was wrong, and it wasn’t really open. Maybe it’s anotherbreakdownthing. Dreams, dreams, dreams…

“How much?” I ask, thinking of the twenty-one years between me and her dad, my lover. Heck, this is amess.