Page 80 of Sleep for Me

She giggled nervously, then slapped her hand over her mouth.

“Oh, don’t do that. I love it when you laugh.”

“I…I thought sex was supposed to be serious,” she mumbled behind her palm.

“Too serious for some. I told you before, it should be fun, Caera. If you want to laugh, go for it. Enjoy the experience, find the joy in it.” Saul knelt on the mattress and prowled his way up the bed toward her. Over her. Settling between her spread legs, he leaned to one side, running his hand along her ribs. “Let me hear you again before those giggles turn into moans.”

Oh no, he wouldn’t. He couldn’t—

Caera squealed and burst into laughter when his fingertips found her weak spots. They’d already played this game once before, and he remembered every ticklish spot she possessed. It took seconds for her crazy giggling to eradicate the anxiety bubbling under her skin, seconds until she was writhing and squeaking protests.

Breath strangling her, she cried out, “Mercy! Mercy, please!”

Everything rolled into one slick motion.

The tickling stopped.

Saul’s weight pressed her lightly into the mattress.

The head of his cock, guided by his hand, found the entrance to her pussy.

Pressure bloomed with a flex of his hips, then popped as his cock breached her resistance. She couldn’t help the soft grunt of surprise, or her whimpers of discomfort as he sank inside her.

Fuck, he was bigger than two fingers.

“Breathe, little rabbit. Breathe and relax. I’ve got you.”

She realized she was frozen, muscles locked against the intrusion. Trembling beneath him. There was the familiar burn that came with the stretch, but as she assessed herself, she came to the conclusion she wasn’t in pain.

She was just expecting it.

“Take a deep breath,” Saul murmured in her ear, “and release the tension. I won’t move until you’re ready.”

“Look at me? Please?”

In a heartbeat, his eyes were on hers. She lifted her hands to his face, letting herself fall into the gray, and finally took a calming inhale. There wasn’t a trace of worry or doubt in his expression. Just infinite patience that ran as deep as the love she could see, plain as day.

“Are you okay?”

Just like that, she wondered why she’d ever been nervous. She smiled, tugging him down for a kiss that was sweet and grateful. Against his mouth, she whispered, “Perfect. I’m absolutely perfect. I’m just going to shut up now and let you do your thing, okay?”

Saul rubbed his nose against hers. “That’s a good plan.”

She groaned as he thrust carefully, seating the rest of his cock fully inside her with one strong surge of his hips. Okay, that was a little uncomfortable, at least until he slipped his hand beneath her butt and changed the angle of penetration.

He was definitely thicker than she’d imagined. Hotter, harder. Her pussy clenched down on him, squeezing a pleased groan out of him.

“Christ, Caera. This is the sweetest, tightest little pussy…”

She almost protested when he withdrew, all the way to the crown, then moaned in delight as he eased back inside her, slowly enough to ignite several fledgling fires. Sparks of ecstasy fanned into flames with each thrust, those thrusts becoming stronger and faster as she responded with quiet whimpers of pleasure.

Flesh slapped against flesh.

Breaths came in tandem.

Sweat slickened their skin.

Her pants took on a desperate edge as an orgasm rose from the fire, arching her spine as she gripped Saul’s arms and tipped her head back into the pillows. She let it burn through her silently, feeling his mouth kiss the exposed length of her throat.