Page 14 of Sleep for Me

“And I can trust you because?” she asked bitterly.

Saul took a moment to gather his thoughts, or whip up some bullshit answer he thought she might swallow without question. “Let’s just say when I make a promise, I go to the line to keep it.”

She’d believe it when she saw it, Caera thought suspiciously. Promises in her world meant nothing. They were just something to break, stretch, or forget when their usefulness was over. “You haven’t made me a promise.”

His thumb stroked back and forth over her cheekbone slowly. “That’s a fair point. All right, little rabbit. This is my promise to you—while we’re here, the ball is in your court. No sex unless we both agree, and there will not be any money exchanged. I won’t hurt you, and I’ll do my best to help you with whatever you need.”

Before she could stop herself, she turned her cheek fully into his palm. That was a pretty decent promise, if he could keep it. She really hoped he would.

Chapter Three

An hour later, Caera huddled in her chair with a plate of spaghetti and meatballs under her nose. The smell was divine, winding into her senses and sending twists of hunger through her empty belly. Her mouth watered as she stared at the heaped plate.

Saul sat across from her, eating quietly. Every so often he nudged the platter of garlic bread toward her with an encouraging smile. She couldn’t deny he was being very kind to her—he’d made them both dinner while she escaped from the couch, bolting into the bedroom to dress.

She felt guilty she couldn’t eat what he’d provided. She’d seen the contents of the refrigerator and cupboards—the caretaker had obviously been busy stocking up on supplies for visitors—and there was everything from the makings of a Sunday roast to ice cream and chocolate.


Glancing up from staring mournfully at her food, she met those fabulous eyes of his as they regarded her curiously. Immediately, she dropped her gaze back down to her untouched meal.

“Spaghetti not to your liking?”

There was no censure in his voice. It was just a simple question, but it struck her like a fist in the gut. Her parents had questioned everything she’d ever done, never with concern, only harsh criticism. Even worse, they had never accepted Caera’s answers or understood what she was on the inside.

“I’m not very hungry,” she lied. That lie came back to bite her when her stomach, desperate for a taste of the bounty in front of her, rumbled loudly enough to bring a flush to her cheeks.

“You need to eat, Caera,” Saul said gently. “If you don’t like spaghetti, I’ll cook whatever you want.”

Now she really did feel guilty. She pushed at a meatball with her fork. “It’s not that. It smells lovely, it really does. I just…I have trouble eating.”

“I never would have guessed.” Standing, he walked around the table and sat in the chair next to her, tugging her to face him. In one smooth move, he dragged her plate in front of him, snagging the fork from her fingers. He wrapped a strand of spaghetti around the tines, and with a grim expression on his face, brought it to her lips. “Open up.”

Her bottom lip trembled but she shook her head. She thought the embarrassment of being fed like a baby might be the end of her.

“Little rabbit, until you get to know me better, we’re going to be at odds with each other about certain things. This, I will win. I’m not going to sit and watch you starve yourself to death. If need be, I will tie you to the chair and force-feed you.” His grin was a little wicked at the edges and, to Caera’ surprise, it took some of the sting out of his words. “Believe me, once you know me, you won’t be surprised I find that exciting.”

She swallowed hard. Surrender or humiliation, those were the choices she had. It was likely that submitting to him would bring its own kind of shame along for the ride. “What kind of pervert are you?”

Saul laughed, a deep rumble of sound hardwired straight between her legs. She shifted gingerly in her seat when he pinned her with those beautiful eyes and said, “The best kind, sweetheart. Only the best kind.”


She was simply delightful, Saul thought with satisfaction. The Dominant in him wanted to rub all over her, mark her with his scent like some wild beast, before he carried her into the bedroom and ravaged her like the tasty little morsel she was.

The more rational part of his mind held the reins of control tighter. From the way her eyes widened into huge green mirrors, she hadn’t expected that particular answer from him. The squirming of her hips on the chair gave away her arousal, although he doubted she realized he could read her as easily as any book.

What he could do to her would surpass any of her fantasies. So far, he had a vague idea of how she viewed sex, unless he was completely off the mark. But she didn’t seem the type of virgin who watched internet porn after the lights went out. He wasn’t sure she even knew how to use her own fingers to pleasure herself.

That would change. He loved teaching, educating, and as long as she gave him the green light to do so, he would show her how easy it could be to love herself in all the right ways.

Saul nudged her mouth with the fork. “There are rules in my world, little rabbit. Rule one: complete and utter honesty at all times. No hedging, no waffling. If I ask you a question, I expect an answer in the form of the truth. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she said quietly.

Saul took advantage of her open mouth and shoved the food inside before she could refuse again. He would have preferred Yes, Sir as an answer, but she would learn the basics soon enough—Caera was smart, even if she didn’t believe it.