Page 95 of Sleep for Me

“That will be you and me soon,” he murmured, relishing her shudder. “Remember, you can come when Connie comes on her Master’s cock. Not a moment before.”

The reminder might be too late, he thought as she squirmed frantically, her pussy sucking manically on his fingers. He was starting to recognize the unique patterns signaling her impending orgasm, and she was charging headlong into this one without touching the brakes.

“Not yet,” he warned her. “Control yourself, little rabbit.”

Flesh smacked flesh as Thane slammed himself against Connie’s rear, seating himself fully. His submissive’s scream died off into a powerful wail, unmistakably orgasmic in tone, then Thane proceeded to display his dominance thoroughly, proving why he was the perfect partner for Constance.

Caera, meanwhile, was showing Saul exactly why she was perfect for him.

“Sa—Sir, please.” Quivering, the ripples contracting her pussy growing stronger by the second, she begged him for release. Maybe she didn’t know how to stop the climax, maybe her body was beyond her control, but she had done as he’d asked.

“All right, Caera. Good girl.” Tightening his grip on her wrists, he pulled her back against him. “Show everyone how nicely you come.”

It was gratifying to watch her fall apart. Supported by his, her body bowed in a beautiful arch. He growled low in his throat as her cunt fisted around his fingers, her hips setting a maddening pace in an effort to draw out every last drop of pleasure. Her arms jerked, trying to free themselves, but it was the plaintive cry of overwhelming bliss that almost made him come in his pants.

A few seconds passed before she relaxed, sagging into him with little whimpers that tugged at his heart. If it hadn’t already belonged to her, he’d have given it in that moment.

Releasing her wrists, Saul gently moved her arms to ease any stiffness, and then kissed her neck. “You never cease to amaze me, little rabbit.” He glanced over at their friends, noting Thane was still going strong. “Time for cuddles, I think.”

Her head lolled back on his shoulder, her eyes half-shut.

The sweet serenity of the moment was shattered in a heartbeat.

All it took was the short, sharp crack of a single-tail whip.

Chapter Twelve

“Hold her down, Saul.”

“What do you think I’m trying to do?”

“How hard can it be to pin an eighty-pound woman?”

“Fuck you, Loki.”

“Stop it, all of you. Everyone just back off, and give the girl some space.”

Pain spiked through her shoulders, her back. Twining ribbons of agony merging into one long scream that deafened her. She wanted to claw at her own skin, escape the source of her distress, but she was helpless.

There were hands on her, forcing her down, keeping her still as she cried, begging for them to let her up, to stop the whip from raining blows down on her. But she knew from experience that no one would listen. They wouldn’t make it stop, they would just keep going, hitting her over and over again until her screams ebbed to delirious whines, her tears dried to dust, and blood dripped into growing puddles beneath her.

“What the hell happened?”

“Flashback. The single-tail triggered her.” A hand stroked over her back, inciting another round of struggles and raw sounds emanating from her throat. “Ssssh, Caera. Calm down, little rabbit, you’re safe.”

She wasn’t. How could she be when the lash of the whip wouldn’t stop?

“Loki, make yourself useful and see if any of the privacy rooms are free. Thane, we need water and a blanket.” A calm, warm voice inserted itself into the chaos. “Caera, sweetie, are you back with us?”

Her fingernails bit into wooden floorboards, the new growth breaking as she used them as leverage to drag her body forward. Teeth chattering in shock, she screamed again as she was rolled onto her ruined back, arms gathering her against a hard, hot body.

“I think that’s a goddamn no, Con.”

“She’s riding it out, so let her. Talk to her, Saul. We’ll get you somewhere private and quiet. We discussed this, expected it. Caera’s trauma runs deep, and something was bound to trip her memories.” The voice remained oh-so calm, never rising in volume or pitch. “The timing was unfortunate, but you have to deal with it now. Keep her close to you, let her use your warmth and scent to remind her where she is.”

Caera’s eyes opened, and some part of her brain recognized the club and the people around her, but the rest of her was trapped in a place she hadn’t thought of in years. Hadn’t been able to remember.

It wasn’t the laboratory where the woman jabbed needles into her again and again, taking blood and pumping stuff into her veins that didn’t belong. It wasn’t the singular, solitary cell with the tiny bed and prison-like toilet in the corner she’d spent all her time in, unless she’d been required.