Page 87 of Sleep for Me

“Sir,” she whispered.

He smiled, dragging her lip down slowly, then leaning in to nip it. “Good girl.”

God, she loved it when he called her that. Two little words that packed a punch and made her knees weak. She swayed into him, seeking more of his mouth, and was rewarded with a long slow kiss that elevated her out of her sneakers.

While her head was still spinning in lazy circles, Saul broke the kiss and steered her over the threshold into a small entryway.

The man who’d passed them only moments earlier was scanning a card for another man who was seated behind a desk, doing something on a computer. They shared a brief laugh, then the first guy dipped his head in acknowledgment and tucked the card in his pocket before pushing through a set of swing doors.

“Hey, Saul.” The guy manning the desk grinned. “Thought you’d been eaten by a goddamn bear up in those hills. Thane said you’d taken a vacation, but I don’t know of any vacations where someone’s lucky enough to bring home a pretty woman.”

Saul tucked her under his arm. “Well, now you do. Wade, this is Caera. She’s new to Avalon, but she knows Con and Jasper.” He gave her a slight squeeze. “Little rabbit, this is Wade, one of Avalon’s Doms.”

Caera offered him a shy finger wave.

“I need the name of the place you were staying. I’d go there for a year if it meant meeting a woman who doesn’t want to top me every ten minutes.”

Laughing, Saul reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, then a black card. “Who’s been hitting on you now? Last I heard, you were cozied up with…Annie, Allie, Amy?”

“Aimee with a double e,” Wade confirmed glumly. “Yeah, well, it turns out the potential love of my life was using me for a vacation of her own. By all accounts, she came here as a day tripper, taking a relaxing timeout from her husband-slash-Master, and decided I looked like a good candidate for some recreational, non-marital fucking.”

“Oh man, I’m sorry.”

“It’s all good, I guess. At least I found out before I did something monumentally stupid like collaring the cheating bitch. I told Liam I’d volunteer to handle the desk for him for a couple of weeks, until I feel like playing again. With Braun, Atticus, and you being absent, he’s been a little short-staffed.”

The card beeped as it zipped over the scanner, then Wade shoved some papers over the desk toward Saul. “You know what to do with these. Sign and date.”

“Here, bunny,” Saul murmured. “Read these carefully, and if you’re happy agreeing to the rules, scribble your name in the right places.”

Hesitantly, she reached out and picked up the papers. The rules were simple enough, she supposed, and amounted to be nice, be polite, and don’t do anything to piss off the people with whips. The NDA was standard, at a guess, and prohibited her from speaking about who and what she saw once she went through the swinging doors.

That was fine, she had no one to talk to other than those who already knew about the club.

She signed the papers with an unsteady hand, then slid them back to Wade.

“Thanks. You’re all set.” Tapping away at the keyboard, Wade winked at her. “Have a good evening. Most of your group is already inside.”

“It’s a social night tonight,” Saul told him. “Just drinks with friends.”

“Well, that seems like a shame, but to each his own.”

Saul’s hand touched the lower part of her back, steering her toward the doors that would take her into the unknown. “I’ll catch up with you later, Wade. I—”

It was the last thing she heard as she stepped ahead of him, pushing through those doors, fully prepared to have her senses rattled at whatever debauchery there was to be found, but to her surprise, everyone and everything seemed…


Sure, the dress code was skimpy—miniscule skirts, underwear only for some, and a few who were only fractionally less attired than she was—but there was no orgy, no random strangers copulating out in the open.

On the contrary, the atmosphere was casual, with people clustered in pairs, for the most part. Talking, sipping drinks, laughing. It seemed there were more people than there were vehicles in the parking lot, which made her wonder if carpooling to a sex club was a thing.

A bar ran along the right hand side of the room, tended to by a man similarly built to Saul, only this one was as blond as she was, with hair almost brushing his shoulders and a beard to match.

To her left was a stage, currently silent and empty, but the seating pit in front of it was not.

Caera got a double thumbs-up from Connie when her friend spotted her in the doorway, then Saul led her across to the bar.

“See? Nothing to worry about, little rabbit.” He let her slip her hand back into his. “Now, this pretty Viking over here is Master Liam. He’s the general manager of the club, and he’s been running it for Braun while he and Bodie had their baby. If you have any questions, you can ask him.”