Page 56 of Sleep for Me

Of course, there was fifteen years between them and a hell of a lot of contrast in their childhoods. He doubted very much that she’d been allowed to play like a normal kid or eaten a bowl of cereal while watching cartoons on a Saturday morning. No bike rides, no coloring books, and definitely no pets.

“Where are we going?”

Saul glanced over when she asked the sleepy question. She was exhausted, but he hadn’t let her sleep on the drive back. He couldn’t risk the nightmares hitting her while he was driving, even if it meant she got cranky.

He was beginning to understand the appeal of the Daddy-little dynamic.

“We’re paying Connie a visit.” He reached over and set his hand on hers, frowning when he discovered it was chilled. “Are you cold, little rabbit?”

“No. I just don’t know what’s going on.”

“I know, and I’m sorry I rushed us back, but there might be someone who can help you decipher your lost memories. I can’t tell you any more than that, because if I’m wrong, it means getting your hopes up and then crushing them.” He squeezed her fingers gently, then released them so he could downshift to take the turn to Connie’s house.

“I’m not in the mood to socialize, Saul.”

Her voice was dull again. Like a child too tired to take a nap, she stuck her lower lip out, enticing him to pull over, yank her to him, and bite the fucking thing before he kissed the attitude right out of her.

“Well, maybe Con will let you crash in the spare room for an hour.”

“I want to go back to the cabin.”

Me too. She was nervous, he realized. They had returned to civilization, she was about to be introduced to new people, and her history was creeping into her present. There was plenty for her to be worried about. “One day soon, we will. I promise, I will drive us up there for a whole goddamn month, even if I have to bribe Atticus with something expensive.”

Heavy eyes slid in his direction.

“Really expensive,” he added emphatically, swinging the jeep over to park outside his friend’s house. “We’ll go back and be forest hermits, okay?”

The front light of the house was already on, cutting through the growing darkness. Saul recognized Connie’s car, and Thane and Jasper’s trucks parked in the drive.

Everyone was here.

“Don’t be scared, Caera. No matter what happens, you’re coming home with me.” Unbuckling his seat belt, he climbed out of the jeep and rounded the hood to get her. She remained stiffly in place, belt still on, staring at the neighborhood. “Come on, bunny. I can’t be the only one who needs to pee.”

Her lips tried to curve, failing horribly. “This is a nice place?”

Leaning his forearm above the open door, Saul looked around at the other houses on the street. Neatly manicured lawns, mailboxes at the end of each drive. The trash cans were out, ready for collection, and some brave soul had a horde of gnomes crowding their flowerbed. “I guess. There are a lot of families around here. I think it’s friendly—everyone knows everyone else, kids play together, the usual.” He heard a dog barking from further down the street. “It’s what people do.”

“Not all of them.” Resigned, Caera released her belt and let him help her from the jeep. She wobbled, and he swore under his breath when it dawned on him they hadn’t stopped for a break. He’d been hellbent on getting them here. “Do I have to talk?”

“Not unless you’re comfortable.” Arm around her waist, he guided her to the sidewalk, then up the drive to Connie’s home. “No one’s expecting you to be the world’s most sociable woman, little rabbit.”

“Okay.” She leaned into him as they approached the door, almost trying to sneak behind his back when he lifted his hand to knock.

Thane opened the door, his eyebrow lifted in surprise. “Can I help you?”

“Don’t be a jackass. Let us in, Thane.”

“I’m sorry, you look familiar but…” He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “Do you have the password?”

“Fuck you.” Saul grinned.

“Ah, it is you. I wasn’t sure, the last time I saw you, you were a miserable bastard without a very pretty young lady on your arm. Come on in, but be warned, you’ve got Constance in a tailspin.” With a wink, Thane stepped back and gestured them inside. “I’m sorry we couldn’t have this discussion at my place, but there are still a few residual triggers for Connie.”

“Yeah, I can understand that. Thane, this is Caera.” With his hand on the small of her back, he nudged her toward the open doorway. “Caera, this is Thane. Do not take his sense of humor to heart—he thinks he’s funny, but it’s all in his head.”

She squeaked and blushed.

Thane ignored her shyness, offering her a warm smile. “A pleasure to meet you, Caera. Connie’s told me a lot about you. Well, as much as she’s legally allowed to. You’re one of her favorite people. Please, step inside. We have food if you’re hungry, and plenty to drink.”