Page 31 of Sleep for Me

Hope rose in her heart. “I want you to—”

“Anything in my power which doesn’t include sex,” he amended smoothly.

“Bastard.” Hope died swiftly, replaced by unwelcome fury. Caera felt her lip curl into a snarl even as she hissed at him.

“Now, now, little rabbit, put the claws away. Plenty of time for those later. So what would you like to do?” Saul asked pleasantly. “Or would you prefer me to decide?”

Defeated, Caera sighed. “I hate you.”

“No, you don’t. I just frustrate you because I’m not throwing you down on a bed and exploiting you the way you’d like.” He kissed her again, passionately. “I’ll let you in on a little secret, Caera—my cock isn’t too happy with me either.”

She couldn’t help it. This time her smile did more than crack, it split wide open. However much he annoyed her, she couldn’t deny she trusted him. Maybe more, now that he kept refusing to let her rush into what she craved. She was the one pushing for sex, after all. Most guys—from what she’d read or gleaned from conversation with Connie—would have had her clothes off and rutted her like a wild deer.

“Do I at least get to touch him…ah, it?”

Saul’s hands trailed down her arms, skimming her sides to cup her hips. Gently, he rubbed the hard bulge in his pants against her, insinuating a great many sinful things. “It could be arranged. But we may have to make a trade for it.”

“What trade?”

He smirked. “You can have some time with it in exchange for you eating a decent breakfast. And by decent,” he qualified quickly, “I do not mean dry toast and a fraction of a banana.”

Caera huffed. “Fine.”

“Excellent. Let’s go get started. I have a plan for today.” So saying, he pulled her by the hand inside the cabin.


Saul’s plan consisted of breakfast to start—one bowl of cereal, some fruit, and orange juice—followed by a couple of hours’ work while Caera had another, uninterrupted shower and some alone time. She spent said time stretched out on the bed in her towel, thinking and dreaming, trying not to fall asleep in the sunlight bathing the sheets.

The afternoon turned out to be the highlight of her day. When she walked into the living room in a pair of sweatpants and a spaghetti-strap top that bagged on her, Caera found the curtains closed, and a selection of drinks and snacks on the coffee table.

There were a couple of blankets set out on the couch, and Saul’s ass was presented in her direction, straining the material of his pants, as he occupied himself with the giant television screen, bending down to retrieve something from behind the unit.

“Everything okay?”

“Hmm?” Distracted eyes peered over his shoulder, then focused on her properly. His smile was warm and appreciative as he assessed her from head to toe. “Everything’s fine. Make yourself comfy. I’ll just be a minute.”

“Oh…okay.” Caera moved back to the couch, sitting down on the edge of the seat and linking her hands nervously in her lap. She sniffed, catching the scent of cooking meat. “What…what’s going on, Saul?”

He straightened, his smile evolved into a wicked grin, accompanied by a subtle eyebrow wiggle. “Relax, bunny. We’re having a movie afternoon, complete with hot dogs, popcorn, chocolate, and soda.”

“Movie afternoon?” It was one of her favorite things to do, although she’d never shared the experience with anyone. Connie had once asked her out to do something similar—drinks, dinner, and cinema—but Caera had fabricated an excuse to avoid going.

“That’s right,” Saul confirmed as he turned to plug something into the TV. “Bunny’s choice. We’re going to sit down together and watch as many movies as we can—no stress, no cares in the world. Just a few hours outside reality.”

Well, Caera thought, she could get behind that idea.

Chapter Five

It was…pleasant, once she started to enjoy herself—that in itself came as a surprise to Caera. The first twenty minutes or so had been a little stressful as she worried over where to sit in relation to Saul’s proximity, how to sit, whether breathing through her mouth was as noisy as it sounded.

In the end, she tried breathing through her nose and only ended up paranoid that she’d picked up a shrill nasal whistle. Of course, she hadn’t. Well, she was fairly sure she hadn’t. Had she?

Saul gave her the first pick of movies, and even that small task perplexed her. Was he an action man, a comedy or horror guy? She didn’t have a clue what he liked, so she’d picked a film she knew he’d seen from the graphics on the screen.

By the time the electric fences cut out in Jurassic Park, Caera had inched across the couch until Saul’s arm pulled her close to his side and tucked her in. She shivered in reaction–to the movie or to his nearness, she couldn’t tell.