Page 62 of Cry For Me

Cupping her ass in his hands, he lifted her effortlessly and plundered her mouth, reducing her to a squirming, breathless mess in seconds. His cock ordered him to carry her off and find an empty room, but Connie interrupted them with a loud, exaggerated Ahem.

Annoyed, he huffed and rested his forehead against Anarchy's. "We'll continue this at home, without the reproachful glare of the Domme burning into my skull." He let her slide down the front of his body, chuckling at her wanton moan. "Did you find Braun?"

Anarchy sucked on her lower lip and avoided making eye contact. "Mmm-hmm."

"Okay, kitten what did you do?"

She flushed bright red and her teeth clamped down on her lip as she sucked on it. I'm guilty!may as well have been written on her forehead in neon letters. A subtle quiver rippled through the body still pressed against him. "Nothing..."

This was unexpected. In all the time he'd known her, Anarchy had never stepped a toe over the line of disobedience. At least, he thought, he now knew she couldn't lie worth a damn. Tipping her head back with his fingers under her chin, he tugged her lip free with his thumb. "It's not like you to get in trouble, kitten. What did you do?"

Brown eyes drowned in apologies. "Okay, just so you know, I absolutely do get in trouble. I'm not the perfect submissive I've made myself out to be." She looked at Atticus, lifted her shoulder. "I can be strong-willed and bratty; sometimes my mouth runs away with me. I like to play practical jokes and make people laugh. I have opinions, and I'll stand my ground if someone questions them."

Definitely unexpected. Jasper nodded slowly, studying her face. Still his kitten, just a little more mischievous than he'd bargained for. "So your behavior at Avalon..."

She smiled ruefully. "I wanted to be perfect for you. I thought...I hoped if I was perfect, you'd use me in scenes rather than Tiffany, or one of the others. It turned out being perfect wasn't enough, and I'm kinda glad. Doing everything right all the time is exhausting."

The barb hit deep, but he absorbed it. The fuck-ups he'd made were pieces of their history now, there was no way to undo them. He could only work his ass off to make amends and build a future worthy of her. Atticus's job offer was actually appealing, simply for the fact it meant he could provide so much more than what his landscaping business brought in.

He glanced down at his hands—big, rough, skilled at so many things—and recognized they were made for higher purposes than cutting lawns and digging out rock gardens. If he could rid the world of Dominic's presence and help Atticus's team remove others like him, it would make that future so much brighter.

"You're perfect for me just the way you are, Archie." It was the first time he'd ever used the shortened version of her name that he could remember. He'd always made sure to use it in its entirety to maintain distance with her, but they were well beyond that point. He saw the delight in her eyes flare, simply because he let his guard down enough to show she meant something important to him. "Don't change."

She threw her arms around him for a second hug, and he pulled her in close. Breathed in the scent of vanilla while he relished the feel of her. "Thank you, Sir," she whispered. "Does this mean you won't be mad when I tell you I did a good thing in the wrong way?"

And now it was time to slide from sweetness to sternness as seamlessly as possible. "That depends. What does the wrong way entail?"

Anarchy mumbled a string of unintelligible words into the front of his shirt.

"Yeah, I can't understand a word of that, Anarchy. Start again and try enunciating your words."

A nurse walked by and gave them a funny look, but Jasper ignored her. They were standing to the side, out of everyone's way, and as far as he could tell, they weren't disturbing anyone. Atticus and Connie had wandered off, giving them a semblance of privacy.

"I maybe snuck into Bodie's room after Connie told me not to interfere," Anarchy finally admitted, then proceeded to lay out everything she'd done between entering the ward and meeting him here. Her cheeks were stained pink, but there was a tilt to her head that told him she wasn't ashamed of her actions, a spark in her eyes daring him to disagree with what she'd done.

Honestly? He couldn't. Jasper was insanely proud of her for offering support to a friend in need, even if she had gone about in the wrong way. He'd heard the pain in Braun's voice last night and didn't know how he would have stood up under the same circumstances. His patience and self-control were immense, but Braun possessed both in abundance. Far more than Jasper could claim.

"Were you rude to the staff? The nurses, the doctor?" he asked pointedly.

"What? No! I have attitude, but I don't like rudeness. I might have pretended to be French for a few minutes, but I was polite the whole time, I swear." She was adorably earnest in her protests.

"That I can believe. So, the infractions we're looking at are...running away from your friends." He counted on his fingers. One. "Sneaking into Bodie's room without permission." Two. "Refusing to obey medical professionals." Three. "Blackmailing a doctor." Four. "Disregarding Connie's wishes."

He held his hand up with all the digits spread. "Anything else you want to add, kitten?"

The mouth he loved formed a pout. "I would like to add that I think this is highly unfair. Things snowballed, I admit, but Bodie got the support she needs, and now Braun is happy because he gets to be with her. He doesn't have to beat himself up for not turning into uber-Dom and smashing his way into the room. Guilt-free satisfaction," she finished with a decisive nod.

Fuck, it was so hard not to let his lips twitch with a smile. "Regardless of your philanthropic efforts and the results, you stepped over the line, Anarchy. I told you to behave."

"Braun will vouch for me."

"Braun is not your Dominant, is he? That would be me." Jasper leaned in close and lowered his voice to little more than a whisper. "Vouching or not, he's not going to save your ass from five strokes of the sjambok, followed by a thorough ass fuck. When you struggle to sit down comfortably tomorrow, you'll remember that I tell you to behave for a reason, and that medical staff have jobs to do without being annoyed by concerned friends of patients. Their house, their rules."

"My ass, my rules!" she hissed back. "No penises allowed!"

Jasper laughed, deep and rich. The sound flowed through the hallways. "Kitten, if this is you in your entirety, we are going to have a lot of fun. Your ass belongs to me, period. Now, if you say anything that isn't an apology, we're gonna start adding strokes to your tally."

His kitten had the audacity to growl at him.