Page 29 of Cry For Me

“Yeah, baby, you are. You're forgiven.” He stroked her hair away from her face as she felt fingers brush between her buttocks. She tried to jerk away but her legs were still upright and, she realized belatedly, lacking feeling. He murmured to her while the plug was deftly removed, and her ankle cuffs released.

Connie bundled her into a blanket as Atticus rubbed her legs. For a few seconds, she enjoyed the weird sensation of blood rushing back into her feet, then grimaced as the muscles cramped and that odd pleasurable feeling grew teeth. She slumped against Connie. “But I didn't finish. No one will forgive me now.”

"Sweetheart, you were forgiven before you walked through the damn door." Connie held her close. "This was so you felt as though you'd earned it. I know how your mind works, Archie; you won't accept anything if you don't think you deserve it. I think you've impressed us all with how well you took the caning." There was the briefest hint of censure in the Mistress's voice.

Anarchy grumbled as Atticus swept her up into his arms. As he carried her off the stage, the spotlights flicked off and the lighting in the club was brought to life. It remained dim, almost mood lighting. "That butt plug needs to be locked away from poor, unsuspecting submissives," she murmured into his neck.

He walked into the pit and sat, settling her uncomfortably on his thighs. Dark green eyes studied her face as she tried to find a position that didn't send her lower half into a black hole of ouch. He kissed the top of her head and tucked her in close against him. "You're wet, little bit; I think you enjoyed the plug more than you're willing to let on. There's a matching paddle too," he informed her with a grin. "Made especially for spankings. Don't think they've mastered an electrified cane yet, not that I've heard."

Thank God for small miracles, she thought, trying to imagine what it would be like to get hit with the nightmarish sting of the cane while it zapped her at the same time. The thought had her squeezing her thighs together—maybe she was more of a masochist than they'd all believed. "I suppose I should thank you for testing my limits this way. And apologize to everyone here." She lifted her head and looked around the pit at the Masters. "I worried you all needlessly, and I really am sorry. The last time I was here, when Jasper...when everything fell apart, it came down on me hard and I didn't want to do anything. My world was ripped out from beneath my feet, and I shattered."

"Jasper believed he was doing the right thing." Liam spoke up, his gray eyes intent on hers.

"Don't make excuses for him, Master Liam. He can explain when he comes home why he did what he did. Right thing or not, he hurt me. In turn, I hurt you. Not out of spite, but out of grief. That's just not acceptable. I deserved the caning from Master Atticus, not just for being tardy by a few minutes. The Mistress is right—I needed this to happen to make atonement in my own head."

The group just didn't seem the same without the tall, white-haired Dom sitting elegantly in his usual spot beside Braun. Jasper's absence was noticeable, and Anarchy was pleased to see that none of the Masters were sitting in his place. They respected his space even when he wasn't there, and that spoke volumes about him, didn't it?

Bodie tapped Braun's knee to get his attention. When he leaned down, she whispered in his ear and he nodded. "That's a good idea, little one. Can you manage or would you like Master Liam to help?"

Another round of whispering. Still dazed, Anarchy watched the interaction closely. She'd been privy to their burgeoning relationship almost from the start, had seen how Bodie fought the dynamic before she finally gave in to the big sexy Dom who loved her. In the months since things went to hell for them, Bodie had bounced back, despite the fact her dream of dancing was dead and gone.

As Braun's submissive tried to rise from her kneeling position beside him, he helped her to her feet and made sure she was steady before he let her walk away. Hobble away, Archie corrected. No surgery had been able to correct the damage done by her parents when they tried to kill their eldest daughter; without Jasper's quick action, Bodie might have lost certainly one, if not both, of her feet.

Now she was left with a limp, and her leg wasn't strong enough to bear the rigors of dancing.

But it hadn't changedBodie the way Anarchy presumed it would. Not the assault that had almost killed her, not the months of physical therapy and pain. Even losing the one thing she'd loved doing hadn't altered the core of her; she'd just picked herself up, dusted herself off, and marched onward.

That, in Anarchy's mind, was the mark of a strong woman. It helped, of course, to have a man, a Dom, like Braun standing beside her whenever she needed him. He adored Bodie and it showed.

Anarchy curled closer to Atticus and rubbed her hand between her breasts. She really shouldn't keep wishing Jasper would open himself to the potential of what they could be; what was meant to happen between them, would. And if he was an ass and couldn't see what was in front of his face...she sighed and nuzzled sleepily against Atticus's shoulder.

"Here, little bit, drink this before you have a nap."

She stirred, feeling her head tilt back and the press of a fingertip beneath her chin. Her eyes wouldn't open more than a fraction, just enough to see the Master smiling affectionately at her. Had she fallen asleep? No, she couldn't have done. But when she tried to speak, her mouth was dry, the way it was when she slept with it open. "Huh?"

He shifted her on his lap, enraging the fire in her ass. When she whimpered, he comforted her with those big hands, then braced her head against his upper arm like a child and brought an opened bottle of water to her lips. He was wicked with a cane in hand, but a legend with aftercare. "You've been asleep for the last twenty minutes, Archie. Loki wiped you out with that last shock." He grinned at Loki's adamant protest.

Archie took a sip of water, then another. Even though Atticus held the bottle for her, she reached up to wrap her fingers around the plastic. Drinking deeply, she kept her eyes on his face. There was pleasure etched around his eyes, his mouth. The kind of pleasure that came from having your soul tended to, of fulfilling an intricate need.

She didn't identify as a little; it just wasn't who she was. But being a Daddy? Atticus might be a big, big man with the ability to terrify people at five hundred yards, but his heart was pure Daddy Dom. It was his calling, the core of him as a Dom and a man, and it was humbling to witness him in his element. While there were rumors throughout the club that being a Daddy was his kink, he didn't answer the rumors, and rarely played with any of the available littles.

She peered up at him, studying his eyes, the shape of his mouth and the fullness of his beard. There was an infinite number of differences between him and Jasper, and not just physically—although the two of them could never be mistaken for brothers, that was for damn sure.

His beard was as soft as it looked when she lifted a hand and ran her fingers lightly over the neatly trimmed hair. "Me and you wouldn't work out, would we, Sir? Even if Jasper wasn't in the equation, you need something more than what I know how to give you."

He smiled sadly. "Figured that out, have you? Smart girl," he murmured, turning his cheek into her palm when she rested it against his cheek. "At the moment, my job is to take care of you and give you what youneed until Jasper figures his life out. After tonight, I'm more convinced than ever that you two are destined to be together. And as for me, well..." He set the bottle aside and wrapped his arms around her. "One day, I'll find my little girl and cherish the ground she walks on. Until then, moments like these are enough to sate my urges, so don't worry about me, little bit."

It was hard not to. The more time she spent with him, the more she liked him. Wanted the best for him. She felt herself frown at the thought of him falling under some strange little's spell, and decided that whoever tangled up his heart strings would need to undergo a thorough grilling to make sure she was worthy of Atticus's love.

He might not be the Master for her, but she couldn't help but enjoy the safety he brought, the feeling that—for a little while—someone cared about her. "So what happens next?"

"Well, when you're feeling less like someone who got flattened by a truck, Braun and Bodie will take you home with them. They're going to look after you and get you back on your feet until you feel able to go back to your apartment and your normal routine, but there's no rush. We all want you to feel better, Anarchy." He nuzzled at her hair. "Connie mentioned you were worried about not being honest with us. Said you're apparently a lot more...outgoing than we originally believed. I think you should take this time without Jasper to relax inside the club, let out some of those more mischievous traits you're hiding away, and give being a sassy submissive a try."

Hmm, she wasn't keen on that idea. Dominants didn't seem to appreciate her sassy side. All the ones she'd had the dubious pleasure of playing with, as few as they might be, hadn't been interested in scening with a woman with personality. She got the feeling they'd just wanted a warm body to beat on, and holes to fuck without protest. "What about you and me? Is it worth the heartache to keep doing...this," she gestured vaguely with her hands beneath the blanket, encompassing the two of them and their unsettled dynamic, "the way we are?"

"I keep my promises, little bit. I'll be here every night I can be. If you want to play, we can. If you don't want to come to the club, Braun isn't going to force you to." He stroked his chin; she heard his palm brush over his beard. A soft rasp of sound that made her pussy clench. "Sometimes there might be nights where I'm not here—I'm on call all the time, so it's not out of the realm I might be called away to handle something. On those occasions, the only person you're permitted to play with is Master Liam. He has Jasper's approval, and if you're itching to try a different kink or feel another set of hands on you, he's experienced enough to guide you."

Oh God, she didn't think she could stand the guilt of yet another man's hands on her. It was hard enough to justify submitting to Atticus, and in a way, Liam had already played with her—he'd been the one to lube her up and insert that damn devil plug, after all. No, she wouldn't risk it. She already felt like a slut for doing what she had with Atticus in front of everyone.