Page 91 of Cry For Me

"Unlikely, but whatever makes you feel better. Anarchy," Atticus said quietly, drawing her attention over to him. "Can you remember what locker you put your clothes in, little bit? I'll bribe one of the subs to go in and get them for you."


He nodded in acknowledgement and strode away, doing something on his phone as he went. Despite his size, he slipped in and out of the people milling around as though they didn't exist.

"Maybe we should stay," Archie whispered. "I feel like I'm messing up your evening."

Jasper tugged the blanket around her more tightly. Fatigue dragged at her voice, made it slow and hesitant. Perhaps she hadn't realized it yet, but what she'd done for him tonight was extraordinary. The level of trust they'd achieved, the strengthening of their bond, amazed him. But it came with a physical price—fear had a way of eroding energy levels; orgasms filled the blood with endorphins and then faded away. Sex itself could wear out the body and mind, tear down emotional defenses.

"It's our evening, and nothing is messed up. There's nothing wrong with going home early, Archie. Loki isn't going to keel over heartbroken if he doesn't get to see my ugly mug for a few less hours than he's used to." At the Dom's snort, Jasper grinned. "This way, I get to drive you home with something romantic on the radio. Take you home, let you soak in the bath, then dry every inch of this body and tuck it up in mybed, with my arms around the woman I love. Honestly? That's the fucking definition of perfect for me."


"No buts. With the shit we're dealing with right now, I'm willing to take any normalcy I can get."

"Y'know, between you and Braun getting sappy in your old age, I'm worried about the fate of the rest of us in our merry troop. Connie will be the next to succumb, mark my words." Loki tossed in his opinion as he shoved out of his seat. "I'll leave you two to your canoodling. I'm gonna go find an unattached, lonely sub who wants one-night-only company. None of this gooey crap."

Jasper flipped him the bird. "Don't be so sure Connie's next up, boy. I hear Miri's Wanker Whacker has your name on it."

"Asshole." Laughing, Loki returned the bird before his eyes locked on something—someone—across the room. His gaze lit up, and a predatory gleam flashed in the brown. "I see a woman in need of a strong, manly shoulder. Excuse me while I go offer my services."

When he was out of earshot, Anarchy said, "He's a bit of a cad, isn't he?"

"Loki is a law unto himself. He swings between being seventeen again and acting like he's twenty-eight going on sixty. He's young and ballsy, immature more often than not, but he's grown up a lot since he first came here. Learned a lot from all of us, put his own spin on what he likes, and attracts subs like he's a big pot of warm honey." Jasper kissed her forehead. "And he's at the age where he won't turn a hungry bee down."

To his delight, Anarchy laughed. "So, is the correct term playeror manwhore, Sir? No disrespect intended, of course."

Manwhore probably came closest, he mused. Loki loved pussy—that was what it came down to. To his credit, the boy didn't discriminate in his choice of play partner—pretty or unattractive, fat or thin, experienced or not, Loki treated all his women with the same respect. Spreading the love. "Truthfully? I don't think either suits him. He has more sex than a porn star, but he's not callous with it. He doesn't fuck and leave; his reputation for maintaining friendly relationships with subs after scenes is quite impressive."

Archie's slim blonde eyebrows scrunched. "Don't all Doms do that?"

"Most Doms prefer to stay with a single submissive for a while, if a relationship is what they're looking for. Doms like Loki can sometimes burn their bridges by playing with different subs every time, and blowing off the woman they were with the time before. Loki doesn't even strike the match to his bridges alight; he just adds them to his network."

"Oh." A hand sneaked out from beneath the blanket, lifted to knuckle her eye. "Will he settle down?"

That was a question Jasper didn't know the answer to. Loki had never mentioned wanting to find a submissive to keep hold of for more than a few nights, but then, neither had Jasper. "You'd have to ask him, kitten. One thing is for sure," he added with a stern frown. "He won't be settling down with you."

She smiled like a little girl who'd just been told she was beautiful. "Because I'm yours?"

"Because you're mine," he confirmed with extra emphasis on the mine.

Archie wiggled, moaning as her tender ass rubbed against his thigh. She twisted in his grasp so she could loop her arms around his neck, pressing her face into his throat as the blanket slipped to the floor. "I love you, Jasper."

He loved the way she said it without coercion. Just I love you, Jasper, as though she told him that ten times a day. Not that he'd mind—it made something sweet tighten around his heart every damn time, and he was beginning to anticipate the ache. He closed his eyes. "Not more than I love you, kitten."

A shadow fell over them; Jasper opened one eye to stare balefully at Atticus. His friend's natural eye color wasn't the only thing green; Atticus was jealous. Who could blame him? If it had been the other way around and Anarchy was curled up on the big guy's knee, Jasper would've been ready to go to war. He knew Att had feelings for her, possibly as deep as his own, but the sassy spitfire was made for a sadist.

But instead of getting angry, Atticus lifted an eyebrow in question, glancing at the slim length of Archie's back presented to him.

Jasper winked. Archie had expressed an interest in threesomes, hadn't she?

Shifting the bundle of clothes from both arms to one, Atticus reached out and, starting at the base of her spine, ran a single fingertip up her back. She jerked and moaned, lifting her head to blink at Jasper as Atticus chuckled darkly. That was all he did, but it was enough to spark some life back into those tired eyes.

Oh yes, they would be having an intense and in-depth discussion on how keen she really was on trying two men.

"Your clothes, little bit." Atticus set them beside Jasper, then he moved away to perch on the edge of the seating. "Got you your spare pair of pants from your locker, J. Can't have you wandering around with your dick hanging out. I've spoken to the team, and Michael will be your tail tonight. He'll wait for you at the end of the drive, pick you up as you leave, and make sure you get home without issue. The rest of the guys are already on their way to your place. We made some security adjustments today, so you should be covered, inside and out."

"I...what the hell just happened?" Anarchy asked.