Page 90 of Cry For Me

"The usual." Jasper sipped his beer, keeping one eye on Anarchy. She was showing signs of rousing, and he'd been honest by telling Atticus he didn't know what mood she'd be in. Personally, he hoped she'd be mellow now that the punishment was done, but his kitten had claws. "Loki was just listing his lesbian conquests as a highlight of his day."

Atticus drank deeply. "I've warned you about getting caught up with those two, Loki. They're sweet girls, but if they lose their shit, they're vicious. Miriam, especially."

"Aw, come on, Att. What could they possibly lose their shit over?”

"Foolish boy. You want to tell him or should I?" Atticus asked Jasper.

"You started it, you finish it. Just don't damage his ego; we'll never hear the end of it." Jasper kept his gaze on the baffled Master, but his attention wasn't on the conversation. The sub wrapped in a blanket in his arms was no longer relaxed.

"They're bisexual, but Miri leans a lot closer to the loving dick line than Cait. They get involved with a guy, share him for a while, and all is hunky dory in ménageland. But then Miri will start getting a little possessive of the dick, and the perfect balance shifts. Little arguments crop up, the girls kiss and make up—until it happens again. And again. And again." Atticus rubbed his palm over his jaw. "Eventually, they get into a big fight, usually while Cait is riding the cock. The hapless man tries to intervene, put a stop to the fight, but gets punched in the eye by the woman riding him."

Jasper's lips twitched. It sounded like a horror story, but the two women were known for repeating history. What Atticus was explaining had happened to no less than three Doms that he knew of, and Loki was cruising naively toward being the fourth.

"He tries to push the wildcat off him, but she's mad as hell at her girlfriend and hits him again. A tussle breaks out between them, he gets loose from the insanity, but Miri's now incensed because she feels he's manhandledher woman. Cue world war seven, where Miriam wipes the floor with the guy, then proceeds to fuck Caitlin as he's sprawled on the floor with black eyes, a broken nose, bruised everything, and a wilted dick."

Loki's appalled expression was camera-worthy. His eyes were horrified brown pools, his mouth open but speechless.

"You've noticed the purse she carries with her?" Atticus continued, apparently delighted to bring the younger Dom down a peg or two. "Ask her about it. She calls it her Wanker Whacker."

Now Loki turned slightly green. "Wanker Whacker?"

"Mmm-hmm. See, that purse has all her usual girly shit in there—lipstick and Chapstick and what-the-fuckstick—but right down in the bottom, there's three bricks lining the bottom. The first thing she does—and this comes from information relayed directly to me—is swing that fucker straight up between the guy's legs and club his balls into his throat."

"Oh hell, no." Loki downed half his beer in a long swallow. "You're kidding me, right?"

"Afraid not. Miriam has a reputation, Loki. Ask anyone."

One hand slid over his leather pants to cup his prized possession. "But I like my balls exactly where they are."

Jasper and Atticus snickered, but Anarchy was wide awake now and looking around as though she'd stepped into an alternate reality she didn't like. Jasper set his beer aside and ran his fingers soothingly over her cheek. "All right, you two. Tone it down—you're unsettling the sub. My sub," he murmured softly, adding a smile to ease her distress. "Would you like some water, kitten?"

"Christ, it's sickening when a sadist goes soft and mushy," Loki said in jest.

"Like your balls when Miri introduces them to the Wanker Whacker?" Jasper fired back, reaching for the bottle behind Archie. When she winced, he didn't know if it was the mental imagery of his statement or physical aches that caused it. "And that signals the end of that discussion. The gist is, they're bad news and associating with them is going to cost you, Loki."

Keeping Anarchy in the circle of his arms, Jasper removed the bottle cap and lifted the water to her lips. He'd already taken the time to clean her up to the best of his ability while they were next door, and slathered her welted butt with arnica. Once she showered at home, he'd apply another layer for his peace of mind, but this was his tending time, making sure he soothed the pains that didn't affect her physical form.

"You can have some ibuprofen when you've had something to eat. How are you feeling?" Jasper asked, trying to ignore the conversation picking up speed between his friends. They'd wisely changed topics and were now...arguing NFL salaries?

Archie mumbled around the bottle, water leaking from her lips. She watched him warily, continuing to drink slowly until it was empty, and she had nothing left to hide behind. When he tugged the bottle away, she pouted. "My butt feels like it's been slow roasted on a barbeque for a week."

"Told you you'd think of me every time you sat down. How about the rest of you? Any pains, discomfort I should worry about?"

“No, Sir. I’m just so tired.”

“Okay, kitten. You want to go home?”

“I don’t want to cut the night short if you want to stay and socialize, Master.”

“Anarchy, you tried your heart out to please me tonight and succeeded. Socializing will wait for another night; getting you home and tucked up in bed is more important. I’ll ask one of the girls to fetch your stuff from the locker room, and then we’ll go.” His heart rolled over in his chest when she rested her cheek in his palm, and all the tension in her face seeped away. He gestured for Atticus’s attention. “I’m going to get Archie dressed and head home. She’s exhausted and I’m not far behind her. Can you let the…relevant parties know?”

"You sure you're good to drive?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm not taking any chances."

"Okay. I'll go give the team the update." Atticus set his glass aside and rose, pulling his phone from his back pocket. He jabbed it in Loki's direction. "We'll continue this conversation when I get back."

"Yeah, yeah. You're still gonna lose," Loki muttered.