Page 60 of Cry For Me

It was highly likely she wouldn't forget it either. Jasper was her Dom, but Archie wondered if he would give the Mistress permission to punish her, seeing as it was Connie whom she'd blatantly disregarded. She rarely got a chance to watch the Domme play—Archie had always been either trailing Jasper around the club or nursing her wounds in the shadows—so she didn't know how strict Connie could be.

Worth every lash, she assured herself as her ass tingled in anticipation. Totally fucking worth it.

That thought was proven true when the door opened yet again, and Braun filled the gap. Concern etched into his brow, then surprise made his eyebrow arch when he saw Archie planted in the chair. He cleared his throat and addressed the doctor. "I'm sorry, have I interrupted something? The nurse came for me, told me you wanted to see me."

Anarchy forced her limbs to release their grip, then stood on shaky legs. She sat again immediately when Braun jabbed a finger at the chair. Her insides quivered, waiting for a command. This was all out of her hands now, and safely in Braun's. Thank God.

"The young lady there has been quite outspoken about my examining Boadicea without any familial support. Her refusal to leave the room unless your presence replaces her is absolute." The doctor looked over the top of the chart balefully. "This is the position we find ourselves in. I'm not condoning her behavior, but she's fought her corner. You're permitted to stay for the remaining tests."

Braun's face went blank for a moment. When he moved a moment later, he was like a force of nature, striding over to the bed to bend down and kiss Bodie, stroking his fingers around her swollen eyes and murmuring to her. Peace washed over his sub's features, and the stats on the monitors began to lower yet again.

Their interaction was intimate enough that Anarchy averted her gaze. Her hand was still linked with Bodie's—she managed to wiggle her fingers free without disrupting the sweetness of the moment. But her heart rocketed into her mouth when the big Master straightened and whirled on her, instinctually flattening herself back into the chair as far as she could.

She yelped quietly, stunned by the grip of his large hands on her shoulders as he lifted her straight out of the seat and into his arms for a hug. A bruising hug, conveying every ounce of his emotional state. It hurt to feel him trembling, as though he was shaken by this turn of events. Or maybe it was just the pressure of being away from his sub when she needed him most.

He pressed his cheek against hers. "Thank you, Anarchy. I can't repay you for this."

"You don't need to. She would do the same for me," Anarchy whispered, patting his back gently. "But if you can put in a good word for me with Connie, I'd really appreciate it. I like sitting down comfortably."

He chuckled and set her down on her feet, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Consider it done, sweetheart."

Relieved, she blew out a breath. Giving Bodie a little finger-wiggle in farewell, she made her escape from the room...straight into the disapproving stare of Mistress Connie. Shutting the door at her back, Anarchy adopted an innocent expression and fluttered her eyelashes. "Hi, Mistress Connie."

The use of the honorific did nothing to appease the severity of the woman's glare. If anything, it only encouraged the dominant side to flourish. Connie ran her tongue around her teeth, a dangerous sound emanating from somewhere in her throat. She might be dressed casually, but that didn't lessen the impact of the pissed-off Domme. "Do not Mistress Connie me, Anarchy. Do you have any idea how worried I've been about you?"

Oh God, it was the mom voice. The perfect tone for lecturing.

She was doomed.

"I was just in there," she protested, jabbing her thumb over her shoulder toward Bodie's room. "It wasn't like I got myself lost. Besides, I can't have been gone more than thirty minutes!"

"The fact is you were gone. What if Jasper arrived and I couldn't tell him where you were? Do you think thatwould've gone over well with him? He'd have ripped the damn hospital apart to find you. Not to mention, Ididn't know where you went. You just bolted away from the waiting room, looking as though someone told you there was a goddamn lion in there waiting to eat you!"

Oh. Yeah. They were some good points. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to worry you, not on top of everything else that's going on. But I heard Bodie crying and I just...I couldn't leave her alone. It wasn't right for her to go through all this shit by herself when everyone she loves, and who loves her, were twenty feet away."

"So you just decided to break hospital protocol and go against the doctor's wishes? There are rules in place for a reason, Anarchy. Braun knows that—that's why he was abiding by what he was told."

"Oh, come on, Connie. We all fucking know those rules are bullshit. So what if the tests are invasive? That's all the more reason for Bodie to have a familiar hand to hold, to have someone she loves and trusts to be by her side and tell her she's going to get through it!" Her voice was rising, her temper engaged, but Anarchy didn't care. "Braun deserves to be in there, to go through it with her. How is he supposed to help her with the next stages of whatever's coming, if he doesn't understand what she's suffering through now?"

Connie blinked. Her eyebrow shot up—a patented talent of the Avalon Masters, Archie thought bitterly—and then she smiled slowly. "Christ, you sound like me. I'm not disagreeing with you, Archie. I'm just displeased with the manner you chose to deal with it. Braun could have forced his way into that room at any point and faced off with the doctor. Like any of them in there could stop him if he put his mind to it," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "He put his trust in the medical staff to do the right thing for Boadicea."

"Then he was wrong. He should have trusted Bodie to know what was right for her, and stood up for her."

"We won't tell him that. He's drowning in guilt as it is." Connie exhaled sharply, then relaxed her combative stance. "Part of me wants to spank the brat out of you; the other part is diabolically proud of what you've done. Let's just call it a draw, and go get some provisions for the boys. Jasper and Atticus just got here."

Anarchy sagged in relief. It didn't take a genius to understand she'd dodged a large caliber bullet.

Unless, of course, Connie ratted her out to Jasper.

She shivered in anticipation.


Chapter Twelve

Atticus had already made three phone calls by the time he and Jasper made it to the maternity ward. From what Jasper could gather from the one-sided conversations, his cryptic friend had arranged for someone to come collect Jasper's phone from the hospital, sent a surveillance team to Virginia, and set his tech team on Dominic like a pack of well-trained dogs.

Jasper was seriously impressed.