Page 59 of Cry For Me

"I said, you'll have to leave."

"Je ne parle pas anglais," Anarchy shot back, lifting her shoulder in a careless shrug. "Parlez-vous français?"

Okay, so it was rude to laugh. The nurse's face was comically confused, a mask of incredulity and what the fuck is happening here?While Archie swallowed her laugh, Bodie wasn't quite as successful, giggling sweetly. The ruse was funny, but Archie's personal dictionary of French was limited.

She sighed, refusing to relinquish her grip on Bodie's hand. "I'm Boadicea's friend. I know there are rules, but I'm not leaving. She should have someone with her when you're poking and prodding her. Look at her monitors," she said, jerking her chin toward the stands. "They were going crazy when I came in here ten minutes ago. She was stressed, the baby was stressed. You can't expect Bodie to go through this alone."

Bodie's fingers tightened reflexively in her grasp as the nurse rolled brown eyes toward the ceiling.

"Lord give me strength," she muttered, and Archie noted the name on her tag read Melissa. "Listen, I understand you feel that way, but some of the tests and examinations are quite invasive. Boadicea's partner was asked to leave the room so the doctors can concentrate on giving her the best care." Melissa's tone was friendly, sympathetic, but firm. "We're almost finished. If you're Anarchy, there are a couple of people outside looking for you. Why don't you go settle them down while we do our jobs, and then Boadicea can rest."

Archie almost winced at the thought Connie might be looking for her, but she'd forged her path and now she had to walk it. Digging in her heels, she shook her head thoughtfully. "I'm afraid I can't do that. See, Bodie thinks you're going to keep her here, and she's scared. You might be very good at your job, but she doesn't know you—you're part of the problem." She offered her friend a smile, hesitating when she saw tears in blue eyes. This wasn't her place to be, but perhaps she could be the conduit for someone who belonged here. "I'll leave on one condition."

Melissa huffed in exasperation, folding her slim arms over breasts covered by lemon-yellow scrubs. She wasn't an older woman, but her face held a few lines. "I'm not in a position to negotiate with visitors who shouldn't be in the room."

"Then find someone who is," Anarchy suggested, curling her free hand around the chair arm, and hooking her feet through the legs. "Violating her rights isn't fair. Bodie came for help, not to be frightened into complying with your rules."

The door opened and two of the trio Archie had seen earlier came in, the doctor in the lead. Tall, lean, with a shock of silver hair, he exuded warmth. "Okay, Boadicea, we're almost done, I promise. I..." He trailed off and lifted an eyebrow at Anarchy. "Well hello, there. Who might you be?"

She edged back into the seat and mentally glued herself into position. Her sub radar had locked onto him and was ninety-nine percent certain he was a Dominant. Despite the easy-going tone, his open body language, there was a glint of dominance lurking in his eyes. She swallowed hard and tilted her chin up in defiance, needing the boost of confidence to keep from folding. "Anarchy."

"Ah, the young woman we've been asked to keep an eye out for. Melissa, please would you let Dr. Monroe know we've located her charge?"

"Don't need to ask me twice," the nurse muttered and quickly turned on her heel to leave.

"Visiting hours begin at two p.m. so you're welcome to come back then, Anarchy. We have a few more tests to run on Boadicea before family and friends can come in. Nurse Anne will see you out and get you back to the waiting room."

Annoyed, she jerked her chin higher. "Stop talking to me like I'm a child or a shrink patient," she snapped, glaring at him. One thing she disliked was being spoken down to, as though she had no place in the adult world. Just because she looked young, didn't mean she wasn't mature enough to pick and choose her battles. "I am not a child, and Connie is my friend, not my keeper."

"My apologies," he replied smoothly. "No offense was meant."

"Archie, you're going to be in so much trouble. I can't let you—"

Sometimes a woman had to draw her line in the sand and stick to it. This was Anarchy's line. "I know you, Bodie. This isn't you—you're strong, you're resilient, and you kick ass wherever you go. It takes a lot to make you cry like someone's ripped your heart out." She glared at the doctor again. "If they want me out, they'll have to bring Braun in to take over from me. If that gets me in trouble, so be it."

"Is she always this stubborn?" the doctor asked Bodie.

Actually, she was worse when she got her teeth into something, Anarchy thought. Everyone in the club had only seen her submissive side, so she wasn't surprised when Bodie said, "She's usually quiet and reserved. I'm not complaining, though. You won't listen to me, and Braun won't argue with you because you've told him this is what's best for me. If Anarchy is what it takes for you to hear us, I'm letting her talk."

Now that was more like the Bodie she knew and loved. A small spark of sass rekindling through her anxiety. Anarchy nodded and squared her shoulders, more determined than ever to keep her butt parked exactly where it was. "This can be as quick as you make it, sir." Damn, she shouldn't have said that, should she? Well, too late now. "Go ahead and do what you need to so Bodie can find out what's wrong, how to treat it, and come home. Or get Braun in here, and do what you have to do. Wasting time isn't helping anybody."

A glimmer of interest shone in his murky-green gaze. His lips twisted into a thoughtful curl, fingers tapping against his thigh. Silence fell over the room, broken only by the beeps of the monitors. Even Nurse Anne seemed enraptured by the standoff taking place in the room. Finally, he shrugged his shoulders lightly. "Anne, would you please escort Anarchy to the waiting room, and bring Mr. Fitzpatrick back with you."

"Of course," the nurse said.

"No." Anarchy spoke at the same time. She didn't trust strangers, professional or not. If they got her out of the room, there was no guarantee they'd allow Braun in, was there? Perhaps there was a touch of paranoia in that thinking, but her brain was wired to think outside the box. "I'll leave when Braun comes. Not before."

"Very well. Anne, if you would." The doctor moved forward to take Bodie's chart from the foot of the bed.

One nurse went out while another came in, her eyes dancing with humor. Melissa grinned at Anarchy. "Dr. Monroe is relieved you're not lost downstairs. She's waiting for you outside."

Oh, that did not sound good. Her fingers clenched around the chair arm. At least Jasper hadn't burst into the room yet to drag her outside and spank her for disobeying Connie. That would just be icing on the badly burned cake. "Thanks for the update. She didn't need to worry about me."

"Tell her it's my fault," Bodie whispered.

"It's mine and we all know it," Archie muttered back. "I'll take my lumps. It was totally worth it."

Bodie squeezed her hand. "Thank you, Archie. I'll never forget this."