Page 41 of Cry For Me

Atticus clapped him on the shoulder hard enough to knock him forward a step. "Go keep Connie company. Braun took Bodie home to tuck her into bed. She doesn't look well, doesn't seem herself. Connie tried to talk to her, but she just clammed up and refused to speak to anyone after that. I think our resident Mistress is lonely now her boys are gone."

Lonely or grieving, he wondered as they traveled through the walkway into the social area. He noted several couples and a large poly group heading for the exit, having had enough excitement for one night. He knew all too well what it felt like to dismiss a sub, one who'd done no wrong, and carry the weight of it. "How's she coping with Alicia?"

"Fine is the word Connie uses in conjuncture with Alicia. Everything's fine, she's fine, Alicia's fine. Personally, I think our esteemed Mistress has taken on more than she can cope with—she works long hours, she plays here when she can, and she's caring for Alicia every spare minute she has. I know Alicia is self-sufficient in a lot of respects—she had no choice with parents like hers—but caring for her physically and mentally is draining our friend."

Alicia McGee, Boadicea's younger sister by four years, had been paralyzed in a freak accident when she was ten. For a long time, Bodie believed her sister had followed on the path of hate forged by their parents, when in reality, Alicia was trapped and at the mercy of people who only kept her alive for her disability check and to sell her to like-minded perverts. She'd suffered unimaginable abuse and cruelty at their hands and had bravely ended their rule of torment the same night Bodie had been almost killed.

Braun hadn't been able to take in Alicia after the death of her parents. Jasper knew the guilt of not being able to take care of his sub's sister had eaten at him, but what with Boadicea's psychological issues and the physical therapy needed to get her back on her feet, it just hadn't been possible to take another young woman with problems under his wing.

Connie had stepped in. While Alicia knew about the club, about her sister's alternative lifestyle with Braun, she rarely accompanied the Mistress to Avalon. Jasper could count the number of times she'd been here on one hand and still have three fingers spare.

"Perhaps we need to come up with an alternative support system," Jasper murmured, frowning as his gaze found the woman in question in the pit. Yeah, Connie wasn't her usual happy self. "We need to sit down with Braun and Bodie, find a different way. Even if it's just taking shifts to give Connie a few days' break at a time."

Atticus nodded once and headed off to the bar, keeping his thoughts to himself. It was a habit of his, and Jasper had no doubt he'd have an idea or two in a couple of days after his intricate brain assessed the options.

"Okay then, kitten. We can fret over Connie and Alicia later. Right now, you are of the utmost importance." Shifting her weight in his arms, Jasper strode through the social area, dodging the trio of littles playing a game of tag. He rolled his eyes and wondered if they ever tired. He wasn't a Daddy Dom by any stretch of the imagination, but if he was, any little of his would be too damn exhausted to do anything but curl up and suck on her thumb after a night at Avalon.

Connie lifted her head when he carried Anarchy down the steps into the seating pit. Her gray eyes were unfocused, lost in memories or thought, but cleared after a few seconds. Her mouth curved in a pleased smile that didn't quite touch those eyes, didn't light them up the way they usually did. "Good. About time you got your head out of your ass and made this happen, Jasper."

"Didn't have any doubts, did you?" He sat carefully, settling into his usual seat and arranging Anarchy like a child on his lap. He wanted her to feel secure when she woke, and by the way she was beginning to stir, it wouldn't be long before she came back from her extended nap.

"The sun shines out of your ass for her. She would have walked over hot coals for you if you'd asked. I'm thrilled you've opened your eyes and given her a chance to prove herself." Connie sighed and her gaze landed on the sleeping sub. "Judging by your face and hers, you were both satisfied? From the sound of those screams, she was certainly happy with whatever you were doing."

Jasper rubbed his chin. "I don't know if she'll be lodging any complaints, but I have none."

There was a hard snort from behind them as Atticus walked over with three glasses in his big hands. He circled the pit and stomped down the steps, pausing beside Connie to offer her a drink. When she took it, he passed a glass to Jasper, then sat down and sipped his own drink with a wicked grin. "I should hope not. I haven't seen you fuck a sub in Avalon in...ever. I was starting to think you either had no cock, or you were a goddamn eunuch."

"Thanks for that."

The grin widened. "Should have seen him, Con. Goddamn fucking machine in action. He had the poor lass pumped full of an inflatable anal plug and her clit trapped in a tweezer clamp. Flogged her into subspace, spanked her pussy, and fucked her through an orgasm hard enough to shift the bench forward six inches." Atticus sighed happily. "Right when he's taking his own pleasure, he twists that clamp right off her clit and...fuck, it was beautiful."

Jasper lifted an eyebrow. Had he really moved the bench? He hadn't noticed, but then, the only thing he'd had on his mind was the tight cunt fisting around him and Anarchy's screams. Suddenly, inexplicably embarrassed, he cleared his throat and glanced down at Anarchy. He jolted when big brown eyes peeked up at him, a little dazed but blissfully sated. "Well, look who's decided to join us again. How are you feeling, kitten?"

Anarchy flushed. When she spoke, her voice was barely more than a whisper and raw. "I feel like I went a round with a sadist, Sir."

He chuckled, pleased with her. "Yeah, I can see why. Att, can you pass me that bottle of water? Don't try and talk too much if your throat is sore, Anarchy. Just let your body rest." He nodded a thank you to his friend as he handed over an open bottle, then held it to her dry lips. "Drink slowly. You can have it all, but don't gulp it."

Her tongue darted out and touched the rim of the bottle. He tilted it, let a trickle of water dribble out. She hummed in appreciation, her hands lifting to grasp the bottle and his wrist. The way her little fingers curled around him and held on did something to his heart he couldn't describe.

When she'd finished the bottle, she let her head tip back against his shoulder. "Any regrets, Sir?"

He couldn't afford to hesitate; he hadno reason to hesitate. "No. This isn't something I'd regret even if I could. I'd quite happily drag you back in there and do it all again, kitten." He bent his head and brushed his lips over hers. Softly, sweetly, in direct contrast to the image he'd carefully crafted in Avalon as the big, scary sadist. "Did I live up to your expectations, Anarchy?"

She laughed nervously, her fingers kneading his wrist. "Um, I think you may have surpassed them, tenfold, Sir. The last five minutes are still a blur of pain, orgasms, and bliss." She shifted restlessly, her eyes sliding over to Atticus and widening before she clenched her thighs together.

His little sub was curious about the big master, Jasper thought. Oddly, he felt no jealousy at the idea, not anymore. Atticus had had his hands all over her already, but he hadn't made her sing the way Jasper had. Testing her, he leaned forward and sucked her earlobe into his mouth, nipping firmly. "He watched us, you know. Watched this tight pussy spread around my cock as I fucked you. Do you think he was imagining fucking your ass, kitten? Oh, she likes that," he laughed, rewarding her with another nip. "You wiggle when you're aroused."

She moaned. "Master Atticus said you don't share."

Well, at least his friend got one thing right. "That's very true, Anarchy. But then, I've never claimed a submissive permanently, never collared one, never fucked one in Avalon. Considering I plan to not only claim you as mine without any fucking doubt and slide a collar around this slender neck, I might be willing to entertain the idea of sharing you for one night only. If that was a fantasy of yours."

Connie choked on her drink.


Chapter Nine

Apparently, Master Jasper was perfectly serious.