Page 36 of Cry For Me

He didn't take his eyes off Anarchy as he made his way toward her. His strides were easy, unhurried, even as anticipation made him want to pounce on her like a rabbit and ravage her. He just hoped she could take what he needed to give; he had to trust she would find peace in the pain, pleasure in her submission.

In him.

"Come with me," he murmured as he paused in front of her. She waited so patiently, with her eyes cast down and the faintest smile on her lips. He bent and retrieved his bag from where she'd set it between her feet, then took her by the hand and led her into the walkway, pleased she kept pace with him as they passed Braun's office and walked into the second of Braun's three-barn paradise.

When she stopped, his fingers tightened on hers. If she was going to run, he wouldn't let her. While she'd been in here dozens upon dozens of times since her arrival at Avalon, he knew it would impact her differently this time. This time, she wasn't here to lurk in the shadows as a voyeur. No, this time she would be front and center, feeling everything he did to her instead of wishing she knew what it felt like.

"It's okay, Anarchy. Take a look around, take your time." He throttled back his impatience to get his hands on her and watched her face as her eyes darted around the barn, landing on pieces of equipment and scenes as though she'd never stepped foot in here before. She was incredibly expressive; there was wonder and fear and intrigue splashed over her face. "I'm planning on doing a short scene to start, kitten. Is there anything you want to try, anything you don't want to do?"

Anarchy jerked when a whip cracked, followed by a plaintive female cry on its heels. Some of the color leeched from her face, but she didn't back down. Didn't take a step away. Instead of running, she gripped his hand and swallowed. "I think I should leave that decision to you, Master Jasper." Another cry from the far end of the room made her jumpier than a box of frogs. "Don't come on my face, okay? I mean," she seemed to remember who and where she was, hurriedly correcting herself, "please don't come on my face, Sir. It's a hard limit."

Sympathy swamped him. Anarchy had taken some hits and kept right on going. It might be she was reaching the end of her bravery for the night. Putting his bag down, Jasper turned and made her attention focus on him rather than the debauchery going on around them. "We can wait. We can go back and sit down with our friends for a few hours before I take you over to Braun's. We can start fresh tomorrow rather than piggybacking onto your scene with Atticus. As long as you're mine, I can wait until you're ready, kitten."

Of course, his dick might be blue by then, but he wasn't going to mention it. The state of his cock was his problem, and he wasn't going to wield it as emotional blackmail.

Those big brown eyes of hers were wide and innocent. He prayed she retained that sense of innocence no matter how many times he corrupted her. "No. No. I'm not waiting any longer, Sir. This is what I want, I promise." She inhaled quietly, then beamed at him with such enthusiasm he nearly came in his pants. "If you're ready, so am I."

Her forehead was warm beneath his lips. "Good girl. I'm going to take care of you, Anarchy."

Rescuing his bag again, Jasper surveyed the vicinity. Braun had made some improvements to the furniture available to members, upgrading several pieces and introducing a few more. Most stations were already in use, leaving him little choice, but he wasn't willing to take Anarchy through to barn three just yet. He needed to know he had her trust in its entirety before he tried to test it to that degree.

He spotted the padded fucking bench and grinned. Absolutely perfect for what he required. Humming to himself, he gave his sub's hand a quick squeeze and headed over to inspect it. Giving her orders to stand exactly where he put her, he circled the solidly built contraption with not a little admiration.

It resembled a leather box on a short stand, just the right height to tease and torment a defenseless little submissive. From the rear, two adjustable leg rests jutted out and featureda vertical thigh section which would serve to push a bare ass further back for fucking or impact play. He approved of the sloped stomach plate and extra padding on the chest plate to make it comfortable for lengthy sessions.

Jasper bent and studied the holes cut into the sides of the box near the thigh supports. Straps for the thighs were looped through the hole and so, he noted with interest, was the strap for the dual-purpose padded back protector. That would keep her from lifting her hips, but also protect her kidneys from any wayward strikes of a flogger or whip.

Someone liked restraining people, he thought with amusement as he continued to walk around the piece of equipment he was quickly coming to love. A talk with Braun was in order, he decided, running his hand over the cool, smooth leather.

If Anarchy was to become a permanent fixture in his life, he was buying a fucking bench just like this for his home.

"This will do nicely, kitten." He pulled over a small metal trolley on wheels and dumped his bag on it. Stripping out of his jacket and shirt, he tossed them aside out of his way and turned back to face her, studying her reaction to the bench. "You've been tied down before. This will be a lot different to what you've experienced in the past. It's going to be hard for you to move."

Her eyes flicked toward him. "There's a lot of straps on that thing, Sir."

"There is, and I intend to use all of them. No wriggling, no writhing, no leeway." Part of the thrill that came from being a sadist was the art of the mindfuck. Reading his prey and using everything at his disposal to suck her down into his den where he could take his time tormenting body and mind at the same time. "Come to me, Anarchy."

Her feet made no sound on the floor as she moved toward him. Her shoulders and back were rigid, the muscles tense all over her lean body. He liked a bit more meat on his subs, more flesh to absorb the strikes of his toys, but he'd work with what she had and make damn fucking sure no harm came to her under his care.

When she stopped in front of him, he ran his palms down either side of her neck onto her shoulders and kneaded them firmly. She was trembling, so lightly he could only tell because he was touching her. "Don't be scared, Anarchy. Relax, trust me, and obey. Tell me your safeword before we begin."

"R-Red," she whispered.

"Tell me again with more conviction, kitten. Like you believe if you use it, this stops immediately. You know I'm a sadist, you've seen how hard I play. I'm trusting you to tell me when you hit your limit, just like you're trusting me not to go past it." He trailed his fingers down her upper arms, feeling the gooseflesh raise beneath his touch. "Again, Anarchy."

"Red!" she snapped, loudly enough that several members around them paused in their own activities to look around and find the source of the safeword.

Jasper nodded with satisfaction and lifted a hand to the dungeon monitor making his way over to check out the situation. Pleased with her and with the quick responses of those nearest to them, Jasper dismissed the monitor after a minute's explanation and resumed the scene. "Just that like, Anarchy. Shout it, scream it. Whisper it. I'll hear you."

When he brushed his fingers over her cheek, she turned her face into his hand. Her eyes were no longer wide and there was no blatant fear in them, which eased some of his own concerns. "I won't need it, Master Jasper. I'm stronger than I thought; I can give you what you need."

God, he hoped so. "All right then, brave kitten. Let's see what you look like strapped down to a fucking bench."

She showed a little reluctance when he guided her closer to it with his hand against her lower back. He gave her time to touch it, then nudged her down onto the leather. Her breath hissed out as warm skin met cool padding, but she settled herself into position. The slope of the top urged her ass into the air, offering him the perfect view of everything that was his to play with. Puffy pink labia blossoming open to reveal a darker center, and that pretty asshole waiting for his cock to plunder it.

Jasper bent and licked a line from her clit to her anus, relishing the taste of her juices. Sweet, tart, and addictive. He already knew he was going to spending a lot of time with her thighs clenched around his head, eating out that delicious hole every chance he got. Especially if she was inclined to keep making those sexy whimpers that shot straight to his cock.

He ran his hands down her legs, lifting them one at a time onto the wide shin supports. One by one, he looped the sheepskin-lined straps around her limbs, tightened them, checked them. Ankles, calves, thighs. Yeah, his little kitten wouldn't be running around for a while. Trailing his fingers up the back of her thigh, he draped the back strap over her slender hips and positioned it carefully before locking it down. "Before I restrain your arms, I need you to try and move your legs, kitten. If you panic, I can get you free in a heartbeat."