Page 114 of Cry For Me

Archie sipped at her water and then set the glass aside. "I'll bet you were a bigger one in hers."

"Me? I am the epitome of the perfect patient." His hand stroked down her back. "So, did you convince her to let me go home? There's a treat for you if you did. You'll like it, I promise."

She twisted to look at him. "Is that treat in your pants?"

Boyish delight shone in pale blue eyes. "It would be, if I was wearing any."

"Oh my God. There's only you who could be laid up in hospital, cracking sex jokes. Badsex jokes."

"Unfortunately, despite my sub being in my hospital bed, it appears neither of us are getting laid in any direction. Which is a real shame, in my opinion. I would love to watch you ride my cock, kitten," he murmured, biting his bottom lip suggestively. "I'm intrigued to see how fast we can make the heart monitor beep."

Damn him. Never would she have imagined being able to laugh again after last night, but his pseudo-innocent expression and humor was enough to wrench a husky laugh from her. Shaking her head, she rolled herself back into his arms on the thin strip of bed she was allowed. "God, I love you, Sir. Even when the sky is black, you chase the storm clouds away."

"That's because you belong with me, Anarchy. It doesn't matter how we play or if we fight, we belong to each other. When those clouds roll in, we'll just fuck like crazy mink while the thunder bellows and the lightning raises hell around us." His lips pressed to the top of her head. "If we're still alive when the storm passes, then we'll worry about the rest."

"Doctor Jasper's cure-all?"

His chuckle was sinfully dark, extraordinarily filthy. "One cock cures all, kitten."

The sharp snap of the door closing cut Archie's laugh off as though she'd been punched. Her neck cracked sickly as she whipped her head around, a shocked breath hissing between her teeth. Ouch, that wasn't a smart move. As she lifted her hand to rub her nape, she frowned at the mountain now blocking the one exit from the room.

"What the hell, brother?" Jasper snapped.

"Sorry to interrupt. It's like dodging the armed guard out there—nurses doing their last checks before handover, and I've already had one visiting time is overlecture. I've been sneaking down the hallway like a fucking teenager breaking curfew." Atticus pretended to dab imaginary sweat from his brow. "I see you two made yourselves comfortable while I was gone."

"Where did you go?"

Atticus evaded the question. "Loki sends his apologies, he had to go to work. He came up to see you before he left, but apparently you were both sawing wood, so he didn't bother you. I haven't seen Connie or Liam, though."

"Connie had some errands to run; I sent Liam with her. Att, where have you been?"

The bearded giant growled under his breath and strode over, yanking the chair around so he could see both of them. He sat heavily, running his thumb over his lip. "I got a phone call from one of the tech boys. Someone using one of Dominic's hidden bank accounts and aliases booked a flight for two people, leaving from Virginia and destined for Germany. Private charter."

"Fuck." Jasper bolted upright, then grunted with pain. "Fuck. Tell me it's a decoy."

"I can't. It’s not. There are already reports coming from Clintwood about a massive house fire. The internal structure is gone. Early reports are indicating that the mansion is gutted, but the external walls are standing for now. My guess is, the authorities are gonna find bodies in the aftermath, including those of two adults."

"Including?" Archie whispered, horrified.

His expression was fierce. "The plane was chartered for two people, little bit. Evidence points to there being at least three children still living under that roof. Either those children escaped, were set free, or—"

"No," Jasper growled. "Dominic doesn't release his charges. If he hasn't taken them with him to Germany, then they were of no use to him. He's set this up, just like he's set up everything in his life. Any bodies discovered in the wreckage are there for a reason, I guarantee it. He and Rita will be safe; the others were expendable."

"Christ," she muttered, thinking of what those children must have gone through in their last moments. "But you can catch him, right? That's what you're good at, chasing people down and capturing them?"

"That's the thing. Two other flights were booked at the same time, from the same account, with the same aliases. One male, one female. All three bookings were fulfilled. Three couples comprising of one male, one female, boarded their respective flights."

"Fucking shell game."

"Yeah. Germany, Ireland, and Australia. Take your pick."

"So we track all three couples, eliminate the possibilities until we find the real Fairfaxes. Hell, hack into the airport CCTV cameras and cull the suspects out from that," Anarchy said heatedly.

Atticus grinned. "That job offer still stands, little bit. My team has already tried that. Short-range jammers have wiped out security camera footage. We can follow their path by using the cameras which cut out as they passed, but we have no facial images to go on."

Experiencingwhat a terrier must feel like on a rat hunt, Archie ran simulations through her head. What roads led away from Jasper's childhood home? Did any of the main routes have accessible cameras, and could Atticus's tech team track any suspects using that system? What about external cameras at the airport, in the parking garage? The latter might not work, especially if Jasper's parental figures had switched on the jammer before they exited the vehicle.

When she gave Atticus her thoughts, he nodded in a way that told her he'd already thought along those lines.