“Blood pressure seems to be holding steady. I think you can unhook the blood once that bag has finished. I want her BP testing every twenty minutes for the next couple of hours, then every hour after that if she continues to improve. Push fluids, keep them ticking through.”
Braun blinked slowly, processing the familiar voice before his eyes found the doctor conferring with the kind nurse on the opposite side of Bodie. His head rolled before he could stop it, on the verge of turning his head back into the pillow and going back to sleep before he shook himself awake.
“Mr. Fitzpatrick, welcome back. You sleep like the dead.” Faraday peered at him, obviously wondering if he needed her services.
Truth be told, he felt that way. His goddamn body was too big to be scrunched up in a small space, and it told him so in no uncertain terms as he pushed himself back into a sitting position. Apparently, he’d slid down the damn chair as he slept. “Bodie?”
“Sleeping. She’s showing signs of improvement every hour, but we’ll continue to monitor her for some time. While she’s not out of the woods yet, I’m pleased with her progress. Depending on how she manages over the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours, I’ll consider moving her to a normal ward.”
He scrubbed his face. “That’s good, right?”
“Yes, Mr. Fitzpatrick, that’s very good. She hasn’t given up, and that’s always a good sign.”
Braun sucked in a breath, nodded. “Thank you. I needed to hear something good today.” The blood on Bodie’s fingers caught his attention. “Could I possibly ask a favor?”
“You can ask,” she agreed.
Something switched inside him, sending the Dominant roaring to the forefront. Reminding him he wasn’t just a man bogged down in guilt and worry. He was a goddamn Dom, the Master of Avalon, and the broken woman on the bed wasn’t just his woman, she was his submissive.
His to take care of. His to tend.
Motherfucking his.
They may be on Faraday’s territory with Bodie’s physical health in the doctor’s clever hands, but by God, that didn’t mean he had to stand back and act like a pansy. “She’s a bit of a mess. Would it be too much of an imposition to ask for a cloth and hot water?”
Faraday pursed her lips. “The nurses are in charge of bed baths, Mr. Fitzpatrick. Lisa?”
Lisa lifted her eyebrow at him. “Ever done this before?”
“In one capacity or another, yes.”
“Well, it would save me a job this afternoon, if Mr. Fitzpatrick is sure he’s happy with doing it. I’ll get you what you need.” She walked off quickly.
Faraday narrowed her eyes. “We don’t usually allow kin to bathe ICU patients, Mr. Fitzpatrick. Lisa is very good at her job, and I don’t want you to make her feel as though she isn’t.”
“That’s not my intention. I appreciate how busy hospital staff are and I’m not criticizing Lisa or any other nurse here.” He infused an edge into his voice. “I’m happy to help take care of Bodie however I can if it eases some pressure off the staff. I need something to do, you see. I’m not good at waiting.”
“Hmmm.” She regarded him suspiciously, then relaxed. “Lisa will explain what areas you can and can’t touch.” She checked her watch, then picked up Bodie’s chart and made a note among what seemed like a sheaf of information. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got another patient to see before I head back into surgery.”
“Of course. Doctor Faraday?” he said as she started out of the room.
She paused. “Yes?”
“Thank you. Sincerely.”
She inclined her head in a nod, then strode away to see whichever poor soul needed her now. Her shadow had barely cleared the doorway before Lisa was back, a steel bowl hand in one hand and a sponge and cloth in the other.
“Okay, then!” she said cheerfully, setting the bowl down on the table and handing him the sponge. “I know Bodie looks awful compared to how you usually see her, but there’s not much we can do right now. You’ll be okay to wash her face if you’re careful of this tube here.” Her finger touched the tube leading from Bodie’s nose. It followed the curve of her swollen cheek and looped over her ear. “This is her feeding tube so try not to disturb it.”
“Okay, I can do that.”
“Her hair...I’m afraid we won’t be able to get that clean for a while yet, but I can see if I can find a brush. You’ll be fine with her throat and her uninjured arm—just be mindful of her cannulas and the tubes.” She frowned lightly, studying Bodie carefully. “I think that might be all you’re able to do today. As we start removing different machines and pipes, you’ll find it a lot easier, but that’s going to be over the course of several days.”
He blew out a slow breath. “I should be able to manage that.”
Lisa beamed at him. “She’s a very lucky girl. Not all our patients have people willing to spend the time to make them feel better. Now, if you need more water or another dry cloth, you just press that buzzer.”
“Thank you.” Sponge in hand, he recalled Faraday’s words. “Lisa, your patients are fortunate to have you taking care of them when their families can’t.”