“There’s my good girl, so clever.” Pride radiated in his voice. “Trusting me to do this. Good girls deserve a reward, and you, my little pretty, deserve the world.” He lowered his head again as his hand twisted carefully from side to side, his fingers flexing inside her, and attacked her neglected clit with his tongue.
She didn’t think she had more lubrication left to produce, but her body stepped up to the challenge and slickened her channel further. Muscles clamped down hard on the intruding digits. Biting off a frantic cry of release, she shattered around him in a tangle of spasming limbs.
“Again, gorgeous.” Braun didn’t lift his head this time, just relentlessly marched her toward another orgasm before her system had time to recover from the first. His tongue toyed with her poor, pulsing clit until she thought she might die.
With soft thumps, her hands slid bonelessly off his head and landed by her sides. Shuddering, she was helpless to fend off the second orgasm roaring toward her like a tsunami. It struck her swiftly, stealing breath and voice and sight for several long seconds, reducing her universe to the slow plunge of his fingers inside her and the beat of her own heart using her ribcage like a squash court.
For the love of everything holy, he’d killed her.
Bodie winced as his fingers eased out of her, and her stunned brain couldn’t quite comprehend the sight of her lover sucking his digits clean with an appreciative hum. Okay, that was kinda hot, she supposed. Just a little.
She was too limp to react negatively when Braun prowled over her again, this time slipping his arms underneath her shoulders as his weight rested once more on top of her shuddering form. The set of his body, his unruffled calm, put her at ease.
“Doing okay there, little one?” He resumed kissing her as though he’d never stopped, only this time he tasted a bit sweeter, muskier, than before.
“Dandy,” she said after she caught her breath. “I think I’m dead.”
“Definitely alive and kicking,” he promised, sweeping his tongue over the pulse point in her throat. His body rocked subtly, running his cock over the sensitive area between her thighs. “Ready to take the final hurdle with me, Bodie?”
His eyes told her everything she needed to know, answered the last questions. She nodded slowly, and his lips curved as his hands cupped her head from beneath.
She offered no resistance when he rolled his hips and nudged her entrance with the head of his cock. A whimper escaped her, followed by an unhappy grunt. His fingers kneaded her nape, his eyes intent and focused only on hers. Midnight blue, almost black now, but her Master was in residence.
The muscles in his back and butt tensed, and he forged inside her in one long, gentle thrust. She arched; he cradled her close. Soft mewls echoed in her chest, plaintive and unsure, but Braun reassured her even as his cock sank deep, hitting spots inside her not even his questing fingers had reached.
“Take all of me, Boadicea,” he rasped. “Just let me in a little bit more.”
Nuh-uh. No more will fit!
She bit her lip, shaking her head.
“None of that. The only person who gets to mark this body is me.” Braun’s mouth captured hers, stealing her lip from between her teeth and sucking it gently into his own. His tongue ran over the indents left from her punishing bite and, growling territorially, replaced the wound left by anxiety with one of possession. “Fuck, I love you, you stubborn woman.”
Blindsided by his declaration, Bodie gaped at him. She saw the room blur as they rolled, then found herself sprawled over her lover. She clutched at his shoulders when he scooted himself up into a sitting position with her still clinging to him. His hands reached down and hooked around the backs of her knees, pulling them up so she straddled him, then smoothed up her thighs to grasp her hips.
“Sit up slowly for me, darlin'.”
Jesus, he felt bigger this way. Bigger, thicker, harder. She didn’t want to move, not when her pussy fluttered around his shaft, inexperienced muscles twitching and clenching as though asking what the hell is this doing in here?
He said he loved her.
People didn’t say that during sex, did they? Or if they did, it was just raging hormones and sexual attraction speaking.
“Come on, little one. Trust me. Sit up and ease back a fraction.” He guided her gently, smiling knowingly when her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. She sat on him, taking the last inches of his cock as she sank down to the hilt. “That’s a perfect fucking fit, Bodie. Clever girl.”
Even as she preened under his praise, turning her cheek into the palm he raised, she struggled to adjust to being so damn full. As long as she didn’t move, she’d be okay. The burn of discomfort began to fade, leaving in its wake that familiar ache. The ache whispering in her ear, encouraging her to rock, to shift her hips and ride the gift she’d been given.
“I need more of this mouth,” Braun decided, feathering fingertips over her lips. Inside her, he throbbed. “Take your time, Bodie. I’ll just keep myself occupied for a few minutes.” His hand cupped the back of her head—it soothed her when it dawned he hadn’t stopped touching her her—and tugged her forward for a kiss that made her blush down to the roots of her hair.
The movement raised her an inch, and she gasped as the thick shaft piercing her moved too. Sparks ignited somewhere in the vicinity of her womb. Her moan was long and rapturous, so completely unlike any sound she’d made before.
Arms hugging Braun close, her head dropped onto his shoulder. Getting braver, she eased up, lowered herself again, and felt her body respond with confetti cannons. Her nails dug into Braun’s back, anchoring her to him as she delegated control to her body and nature.
“That’s my good girl. Dig those claws into me, kitten. Find the rhythm.”
One hand ran up and down her back while the other rested on her butt, urging her to rock back and forth. Her rhythm was jerky, uncoordinated, but Braun didn’t appear displeased by her ineptitude. On the contrary, his groans were as lustful as her own.
“Up and down, darlin'. Nice and slow. “